What's the coolest easter egg you've discovered entirely on your own?

What's the coolest easter egg you've discovered entirely on your own?

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That gold one that had 20 bucks in it

That was great

Found all Tommy Vermiccelli's in Driver 3

no one actually finds real eastereggs. Some codingmonkeys with nothing better to do look for them in the files and then print them on trivia sites.

A unnamed cluster of city off the map in True Crime LA that you can reach using the slingshot bridge glitch and jumping out of your vehicle at the same time to cause your character flying extremely far.

The part of the city I'm mentioning is mostly a large residential area. It's right on 'the edge of the world', where after a while the map will just cut off and you can walk 'under' the world.
The streets and other areas 'on the map' have a bunch of weird glitches as well, like random terrain dips in the middle of streets and shit.

Was fun to explore and fuck around in. I've never been able to find anything related to it online.

Also, not a glitch, but something I've realized on my own:
In Illusion of Gaia, a game for the SNES, you explore a lot of areas that are either myths, or just old as fuck, like the great wall of china.
Something I haven't seen anyone else notice is that the end boss is also a real-myth based thing.
The end boss is a 'star', or a entity from space that's changing creature evolution by getting closer. It's extremely similar to a variation of the 'Planet X theory'.


Various stuff outside of the maps in Halo games.
The secret rupee room in LttP.
Lots of stuff in the PS2 GTA games. That ''You shouldn't be here'' sign from 3 or VC freaked me and my cousin out when we came across it years ago.

Shame having the internet and no self-control has ruined Easter eggs for me.

there's a small scrolling sign in Arkham Asylum medical center that reads "Calling Dr Clooney"
referencing both Batclooney and E.R
I never heard anyone talking about it before or after

Not exactly easter eggs in the sense OP probably means them, but I've also taken apart Brainlord, a SNES game, myself.
In tcrf, I'm the one that added most of the crap to Brainlords page. I've found unused rooms, a unused monster, some unused items, a unused sprite, and some unused code (Like shop lists and such).


In Taito's platformer "The New Zealand Story", it's sometimes possible for Tiki the kiwi to fly, because repeatedly pushing jump resets the jump animation counter.

I've never seen this mentioned anywhere or in any FAQ and discovered it on my own - which is strange, because there are parts of several levels which are explicitly designed for it.

In Paul Woakes' "Damocles: Mercenary 2", it's possible to finish the game in 15 minutes by (I am missing a few bits here, I'm sure, because I lost my notes decades ago) going to a teleporter, heading to Dion, then flying to the Author's house at 14:13. You can pick up the Author's Chair and Author's Computer through the window, not needing Key A, because the collision detection is shit. Then put down the chair, board it like a craft (it can fly and is extremely fast). You can now use the Author's Computer by pressing Enter when it is selected. Go to setting 4, select 029, and hit * to blow up Damocles and finish the game.

I was dicking around in Sleeping Dogs and found a way to bounce almost any motorcycle off the map by hitting oncoming traffic at a certain angle
also you can almost infinitely increase speed sideways with the cars if you time it right

A similar jump-animation-reset exists in Turrican II: The Final Fight if, while in the jump arc, you press FIRE at the same time as SPACE to use a smart bomb (whether you actually have a smart bomb to use or not). It takes a bit more practice, but again, there are things in the first level in particular that are specifically designed for you to find this way.

Again - never mentioned in FAQs.

I played the Atari ST version, but it shares a lot of code with the Amiga version, so it might work there. I don't know if it works in the original Turrican or not, but again I'd be surprised if it didn't given the shared codebase.

I found these by disassembling the game while cracking it, but forgot to mention it in the cracktro's scrolltext.

Man that's actually what I thought the Man in Black looked like.

Illusions of Gaia is the game that made me fall in love with gaming. It's a classic that gets nowhere near enough respect.

Yeah I've discovered that too in tnzs. Amiga version, though.

I shot the moon with a sniper rifle in Vice City.

I found Grunt Birthday Party in Halo 2 while fucking about.

That's about it.

i wish i hadnt lost my amiga emulator and T2 rom

wizkid in 1992. flying to the secret room by inserting a coin into the bathroom bubblegum vending machine chewing it and blowing a bubble

If you loved it, I highly suggest you also try playing Terranigma if you haven't already.
Made by the same group who did Illusion of Gaia, and it's a extremely good game.

In fact, I'd suggest almost any game Quintet made.
ActRaiser is split between town-building sections, and 2D sidescrolling fighting sections.
Soul Blazer is a neat little top-down RPG. Supposed to be the prequel to IoG, I think. One of the bosses from the game is also the secret boss in Illusion of Gaia.
Robotrek is a cute little RPG where you build robots, upgrade them, and save the world. Very basic game, but it's cute and fun if you don't have much else to play.
And Terranigma, and I mentioned, it extremely good. It's one of those games I make a point to play at least once every year.


no one is going to believe me but hey i found it.


>I found these by disassembling the game while cracking it

Nearly 40 year old copy protection cracker detected?

Getting into K.Rool's cockpit in DK64.

Used Chunky Kong to get big then attempt to climb up DK island but instead clipped through the ledge, jumped around in the water and clipped into the hidden cockpit. Blew my mind as a kid.

Red in pokemon crystal. I was the first of my friends to find him.

Back in '93 when I was a wee lad and discovered the star roads and then the special zone in smw. Not really an Easter egg but I was on the verge of tears the first time I saw a baby blue yoshi pop out of a block.

Well, there was this one time in Spiderman 2...

When i unlocked Akuma in RE2.


With hindsight, the Amiga was better in almost every way. The rivalry was real, albeit good-natured. Of course those silly PCs with their 8086, their EGA graphics and their beepers would never amount to anything.

It's a pity both Commodore and Atari had legendarily awful business sense, really.

And then going into the bathrooms to pick which easter egg you wanted to unlock, yes! That was one of the stranger games, really. I think there were a few hints to that: the magazine ST Format actually printed a solution.

As far as i know, i was the first person to discover this: halo.wikia.com/wiki/Hidden_Blood_on_The_Ark

>8yo faggot me playing a japanese version of Pokémon Gold
>Walking on bushes to grind my 'mons
>Suddenly, blue Ditto

Didn't get it, though.

Don't know if shinies count as easter eggs, but I was certainly unaware of them by that point.

I found out that you can jump into the lion's mouth in Gex 2 without actually it fully opening. I was probably 6 or 7 years old

So you are the reason so many amiga games have furious dev rants in the code.

If you are for real you should go to vr and talk some shit about having once been a cracker.

>.And then going into the bathrooms to pick which easter egg you wanted to unlock, yes!

yah. I was 100% commodore back in the day starting Vic-20 and finishing Amiga 500+, so I never really caught the ST magazin es or walkthroughs but holy shit did I bug out when navigating the secret rooms.

More bizarre was, I assumed the vending machine was a condom machine not bubblegum so wizkid chewing and blowing a bubble was even more abstract.

Only when I visited an old cheat write up many years later was it referred to as a bubblegum machine.

Best easter egg moment.