How do we fix Overwatch?

How do we fix Overwatch?
>Fix retarded hook pulls
>Limit scatter arrow damage per hero. SA should damage crowds in tight spaces not destroy a single target out in the open because some garbage decided to shoot the ground.
>Nerf Mei's ult charge rate (similar to upcoming Ana nerf)
>Remove Junkrat from the game
>Pharah rockets travel slightly faster
>Fix D.Va's armor so Zarya doesn't melt her and make her worthless garbage
All is good now.

Other urls found in this thread:

We do nothing, we wait for Blizzard to kill their own games as people are starting to watch on Twitch less and less due to the current metagame, and all that Jeff can come up with is "The game was designed that way"

>posts image proving Mei, Hanzo and Hog are on the middle
>nerf them


>He actually wants Hog's hook to remain broken
>He actually wants to keep getting one shot by a """sniper""" shooting the ground
Mei is the only one I'm not sure about. She can be annoying but your reaper should be chasing her and killing her.

>Remove Junkrat
Did someone step on a trap too many times?


The only character that would actually, 100% improve the game if they were removed is the ching chong ice cream cunt. You know this is true.

K then remove arrow drop. Scatter is the only effective shot against fast moving targets. take that away and hanzo goes from being a skill player to being trash.

Believe it or not if you dont stand in one place and move like you should as a squishy scatter arrow cant hurt you.

git gud

>Change Mercy's ult, it's far too gamechanging
>give another tank who can actually protect the team apart from Reinhardt
>Nerf Ana's ult

delete Tracer and Genji

Lowest skill ceiling and he only spams and blindly kills people even though he didn't know they existed. Every other hero requires people to at least place their crosshairs on or very close to a target. He doesn't belong in a shooter. Even symmetra and winston require more aim/risk.

Git gud.

Junkrat is useless at high level because he does useless damage and just charges enemy support ults

The term you're looking for is skill floor.

Hitting direct bombs, especially on aerial targets, raises his skill ceiling significantly for those who are adept at hitting directs. The TF2 Merc he's a blatant rip-off of, Demoman, has rollers that do little damage, encouraging direct pipes.

Unfortunately Junkrat's can ricochet and bounce with no penalty to damage, which lowers his required skill significantly.

What he needs is tweaks to make him more powerful/viable while also increasing the amount of skill necessary to make him useful. I'd start by not letting him kill people with bouncing grenades so easily.

>Lucio still nearly 100%

Totally nothing to pay attention to.

Lucio being in every team isn't really a problem. When somebody like McCree is then he changes the way the entire game is played, which is a problem

I play alot of mei myself and the only thing OP about her is her ult charge

You can get an ult in 30 seconds if youre good

Game is impossible to balance.
Cant be fixed.

>Dota somehow still more balanced despite having over 5x as many heroes

I know quickplay isn't really relevant but A LOT of people play D.VA in quickplay and she's fucking annoying to fight against, she basically has two lifebars since the robot suit has one. And her ult is fucking strong, sometimes I feel like I'm out of range to avoid the explosion and I still die.

Dota has the same problem.

The game isn't that bad at the moment, the only times it's impossible to balance is

>Balancing around pro players
>Balancing for 1v1 situations

Too many retards whine because they can't beat Mei 1v1 in a room

Just go Zarya and hard-counter her, also hide behind Rein shield for her ult

user, just pick Zarya. Even Tracer quickly burns her down. Don't try to run away from D.Va's ult, just line of sight it. You can even use the payload to block her ult unless the payload is on a slope. If it's on a slope it glitches and goes through the payload and fucks your ass.

>junkrat 4th least used
>delete junkrat

It is a PvP game. No wins are legitimate if the game is unbalanced.

Reminds me of League of Legends where meta only ever includes the same few champs

It's an easy way to spot mid range players

>Utter shitters want Bastion deleted
>Mid-range guys want Junkrat/Mei deleted
>Top end players want tracer or Mercy deleted

It's impossible to balance it to the degree you want

Nobody is gamebreaking unbalanced right now

remove McCree from the game
Give bastion his shield back, toggle it to right click, and give him a 270 turning radius
make Dva's shield recharge slower
Give tracer slightly more HP but increase cool downs between blinks
convert half of pharahs hp to armor
finally increase charge on mei's ult

The idea that you could have 100% evenly distributed usage between characters doesn't really work in practice.

With highly skilled players movement ability, dps, and keeping those fast damage dealers alive becomes the whole game.

There's no room for slow characters unless they have very good tanking ability like rein or in some cases zarya.

Damage outputs are so ridiculously high that it's better to just be a glass cannon in most cases since the difference in survivability from a genji and a roadhog is about a second of concentrated fire.

>Remove Mcree

Fuck you I love playing him

I actually agree with removing Junkrat. He is th worst cancer to hit this game, even moreso than the Hanzo spam we used to see.

To problem with Junkrat is something I can't even put into words, he is obviously garbage with an abysmal pick rate at high ELO, but everyone between 2.5k and 4k has one in every team refusing to change, every single time,


Seriously, he is a shit pick, with a shit ult, and overall shit damage as it doesn't kill much, and instead just charges the enemy supps.

Even if a single Junkrat FAGGOT changes their mind because of this thread i'll be happy.


Have a nice day. Unless you play Junk, then fuck you.

Only the last two suggestions aren't retarded.

Until a patch buffs him. Then hes in the meta. Until the patch after nerfs him and buffs someone else that useless. Its the Blizzard balancing process. There is absolutely no reason to care about balance in a Blizzard game because it won't happen.


Because it can't happen in a game with such a diverse cast of heroes

I really don't know how shit you have to be to want Junkrat removed, the only thing I could consider even remotely actually annoying about him if point blank concussion mine

Like his grenades are hilariously fucking slow and he's utterly invalidated by Zarya and D.Va

And he has the actual worst fucking ultimate in the game, at least utterly unusable shit like Dragonstrike can still POTENTIALLY work when comboed with a Zarya ult or something. Riptire can't even do that

Yes. By design it is a failure. An extremely lucrative failure.

Mercy's ult is the one thing she still has going for her. Her situation has improved a little bit, but she's still a bit outclassed by all the other supports, I say this as a mostly Mercy main.

It's not a failure, not every character needs to be used at every level to an even amount at all times


I'd say making someone switch to the absolute worst offensive hero in the game means a lot

>oh no he switched to pharah-oh wait he's dead because he's within 150 meters of our McCree

Her ult is far too much of a gamechanger though. It can change an entire match out of nowhere

>Worst ultimate in the game
>Not McCree's
Junkrat can at least get one kill if he doesn't go down the main road with his tire. McCree lights up like a christmas tree each time and everyone hides or quickly kills him.

Is there a similar chart for Dota 2 heroes?

>fix hog's retarded hook
>fix earthshatter hitting people mid air
>fix junkrat's alt freekill on 200hp heroes
>give genji his double jump after climb back
>increase mei ult charge
>mercy rez now requires two seconds to activate
>zenyatta with 50 more hp

t. angry genji main in master skill rank

Funny playing on console, Pharah is still OP as fuck

I agree, there is no reason to pick him.

Not that I care about balance, and I don't even want this shitter of a pick in the game.

he just spams shitty grenades, that every so often kill an enemy at random

I honestly hope mongoloids start understanding that doing lots of damage means fuck all if you aren't actually contributing to kills. And if you need to ask, if you're playing junkrat, 99% chance that you aren't contributing to kills that matter, such as on the supps.

>fix junkrat's alt freekill on 200hp heroes

Junkrat's ult fucking sucks, any competent team can kill it before it gets close. I seriously doubt you're at master if you're still struggling with that

If it's so gamechanging why is she so low played in the chart list in the OP? Her ult is powerful sometimes, but not all the times. Rezzing a lot of people doesn't always lead to a success, people being rezzed are still big targets and usually out of position. She's still one of the weakest supports overall because Ana can arguably be a better single target healer and Mercy is limited to either healing or damage, not both.


It's even funnier because the other most popular support is a hitscan sniper who absolutely shits on her too. I have no clue why people would ever cite Pharah as someone beating junkrat like it's a disadvantage. She's totally fucking worthless and if you get someone to pick Pharah into you instead of Zarya you basically win the game for your team as long as someone with half of a brainstem is playing a hitscan hero

I think he means his mine, not his ult.

>If it's so gamechanging why is she so low played in the chart list in the OP?

Because the game is totally different on a pro level

Nah, he is absolutely useless even without an enemy pharah, he has almost zero mobility, and is only good for retard spamming grenades around corners, anyone with at least half of a brain can just run away from 90% of his damage, making him just garbage. Anyone picking Junk in this meta is literally awful, and should just play quick play until they inderstand how the game works.

Worse than having an afk. just someone who charges up Zarya and the enemy supps. fuck.


every game i play man kill me now

>Junkrat on our team
>Enemy's Zarya has 80+ charge all the time

Fine, even at normal level play I wouldn't call her ult that broken. Playing with randoms it's not very often you get big rezzes, let alone big rezzes that make a huge impact. I think her ult is fine the way it is, they've already made it charge slower and she's already in an awkward place with the other supports.

Still mad about torb. That 30% damage nerf on consoles turned him into a potato. Complete and utter garbage, fuck you blizz i had so much fun with him.

Only played the beta. Why is Soldier 76 not used in comp?

Remove genji and hanzo

McCree can do everything he can but better except a small self heal

they "fixed" him if you catch my drift

Increase resonance timer for defense on 2CP. It's just dumb how easy it is for defense om these maps

Because he's BadMcCree

I'd legitimately rather have Junkrat on my team every game instead of Hanzo (and trust me, I get a hanzo EVERY GAME). I don't know, your milage may vary.

Sustained dmg instead of burst.

Basically he hurts chars and doesn't kill them before they get to cover, allowing the supports in this tank/supp heavy meta to charge their ults.

Although not perfect mccree is better in almost every way

Retards ruined him by abusing a macro to burst fire and bypass his spread. McCree does more damage anyways. That cowboy can snipe people while soldier has to land multiple shots.

gut Lucio
Nerf Zarya but not nearly as much as Lucio
think of something can do that isn't just cheesing the last point on defense
Give Bastion a right click ability in recon mode
increase Mccree's rate of fire on his left click but decrease damage so you have to be more consistently accurate, he's not overpowered but fuck if he doesn't make pharah and s76 completely irrelevant

fuck I dunno what to do with Ana

I used to get a Hanzo every game, but now it's always fucking Junkrat. Trust me, you would beg for the retard hanzo, at least he can't charge the enemy zarya/ults for the supps.

What HR? I got Hanzos up until around 3k, Junk took over at about 2.5k.

People only pick Solider 76 because they enjoy his aimbot ult, other then that there is no reason to pick him.

Mei's gonna get her ult nerfed and then she's going right back into F tier.

Ana's nerf might drop her to F too.

Overwatch comp is the most boring thing in existence. Blizz just needs to embrace the casual audience.

The way armor works favors characters that can do fewer shots with higher damage (McCree) instead of more shots with lower damage (S76). If McCree is shooting someone with armor he only loses 6.67% of his damage. S76 loses almost 30% of his damage. The only reason why Reaper can get away with it is because he still does 140 DPS without headshots even on armored targets.

So tl;dr he's a worst McCree.

name one proper Zarya counter
I'll wait

He was good but then they made his spread really bad and practically RNG even at close range because they were "afraid" of macros since if you just burst fired you could potentially have some really good accuracy.

Even his ult is kind of shit now that everyone knows how to deal with it

how to fix torb?

How to make Soldier not trash :

>5 round burst fire mode with a 0.5(or lower) delay between each burst, can press 2 to switch to burst fire or 1 for automatic fire
>Increase ammo capacity from 25 to 30


To be 100% honest with you I consider competitive overwatch about as embarrassing and stupid as competitive TF2 so I don't bother with ranked

I don't know, maybe I'm crazy but I play a lot of Junkrat. But I rarely spam at chokepoints, I generally try to actually aim for people. I change when I see Zarya.

I also usually only play him in KOTH because it's a really small area and even if you don't direct hit people having the bombs on the ground still greatly limits the places they can dodge around if anyone else is bothering to shoot at them

>Ana's nerf might drop her to F too.
Unlikely because pro strat doesn't need Ana to have a superquick ult charge because she's often waiting for Reaper to get his ult so they can Beyblade. In fact this may well be a buff for her because her grenade is getting buffed alongside the ult charge nerf.

Reaper, Roadhog, anyone else with an optimal range farther than her M1. If any of those die to a Zarya then the player is shit.

And I'm pretty sure the pipes explode if you step near them. They need to make them only explode on timer after they bounce.

He's fine though?

Overwatch has a shit ton of healing and shielding going on right now so unless you land every rocket most people will have time to get away, especially characters that have invulnerability options.

I honestly think blizz are committed to the 2-2-2 meta, with the occasional random OP character to make a minuscule adjustment to this. I can see the next game changer being the Symmetra buff

>Helix rocket cool down set to 2 seconds during Tactical Visor
>spread in automatic is reduced by 30%

Iv'e had success using tracer against zarya.


Why aren't you working for Blizzard/Riot?

Just play competitive it's just as casual if you mute everyone

If you think Pharah is currently viable, you are shit.

Torb needs a more thorough overhaul because you don't want a Torb player to just sit behind their turret all game. Let him set up two turrets (but he can only upgrade one) and give them both self-heal, severely nerf their base range, but also let them aim at anything in Torb's own line of sight, then give Torb 50 armor on top of his current health. That encourages Torb to stay aggressive instead of sitting back.

If I wanted to play 'tard wrangler I got about 12 other games that I could play on my computer that I actually consider to be something actually competitive instead of a party FPS.

Like, seriously, competitive overwatch? This is a shooter with fucking crowd control effects in it. I don't know what these people are thinking.

>had fun putting OP turrets that are impossible to track on shitty controller.
>i had fun being a shitter wahhhh

>hit zarya for some damage
>she turns on barrier so you cant do shit and have to back
>her 200 shield hp just brings her back to full

His sprint is far better than his heal anyway. I don't know why people act like sprint isn't fucking amazing.

obviously not, half the cast counters him. He's completely unusable after gold. His turret doesn't do shit, his shotty is useless when his LMB does practically the same amount of damage even at close range. I repeat his turret is pitiful unless you ult. The only thing it's good for is shutting down tracers, god help you if she has a fucking bomb. But if i'm doing something wrong i'm all ears.

Honestly dude, I think that's one of the worst game types to play him on

You are never actually isolating and damaging who you should be, such as killing the supps, and instead are just constantly doing small damage to everyone charging the enemy supp ults.

It would almost be worthwhile if the meta wasn't 2-2-2. As it stands, picking junk makes 50% of the dedicated DPS just spam nades like a mongo, with no coherent target. I'd take reaper or McCree over a Junk any time.

Also don't let not having gold DMG let you down. A lot of the time that damage does nothing but charge ENEMY ults.

>Hook her
>Shoot her, her shield bar's gone
>She pops her shield
>Is still (ideally) massively out of position because you just hooked her and hopefully shot her before she can actually react with her barrier
>Shoot her barrier off so she can't use it to cover her escape
>Shoot her again so she fucking dies.

400 health ain't shit.

use him for defense though, and not on KotH maps.

Pick him early to see if it works against the enemy team and if they're not stupid switch
sometimes you can get a bit of freelo that way

Soldier is already really fucking good. He's just not as good as McCree in top competitive levels of play, where healers are competent enough to make his ward less useful, and people can shoot well enough to punish him for running away. But you aren't in the top competitive levels of play.

Read that second post you MONGOLOID

If even one of the shittest DPS picks makes you absolutely useless, they are still playing 6v5, if not 5.1v5.


Give us a preference when entering games. I want the option to never play on 2CP maps.

No kidding, Zarya totally needs a nerf. Instead of her shield being completely invincible, it should only be 200 health. Additionally, instead of instantly giving her 100% charge when it's hit, it should be something more reasonable like maybe 3% every 5 damage blocked with a max cap of 50% per shield. And her shield definitely needs a cooldown so she can't just spam it at-will like she can now; make it something like 10 seconds. You're totally right, Zarya needs all those fixes in order to be not OP.

It has a cooldown you dingus. It's enough time to unload 4 tracer clips into her. Or if you're reaper it's really easy, just shoot her until she dies good god is it that fucking hard?

>they are clearly holding out releasing the update nerfing Ana and buffing Widow until the Sombra/Halloween update later this month
>3 more weeks of nothing but triple tank and beyblade comps

Overwatch competitive is a joke

Nah, just pick someone not shit maybe?

I Don't know why gold shitters need so much personal validation

he is literally shit, so is bastion, you are not a special snowflake STOP PLAYING HIM

having your main source of damage in the form of a stationary turret in a game like overwatch is just absolute shit.

And the rest of her team is just going to stand by while this happens? Ana is the third highest pick in that chart for a reason, she would have Zarya back to full health long before you had a chance to get 3 shots off.

The entire point of Roadhog is to grab a character you can instantly kill and get the fuck out of there before the other team lights you up.

>But you aren't in the top competitive levels of play
what did he mean by this? Unless you mean pros tier

Zarya fix that won't make her useless at low skill levels:

Raise her damage floor, lower her damage ceiling. High skill people never struggle to get her to max charge, so the lower ceiling mostly effects them, while low skill people stay more towards the middle of charge, so they aren't effected very much.

To be fair I was equivalent of plat last season, I haven't touched this season because I'm only good as and all her hard counters are good right now

Overwatch is baby's first FPS

>taking this children's game seriously

Yes because Ana totally heals 240 damage per shot.

Good god you are functionally retarded.

I dunno man, mix up strats I guess or coordinate better.

Sometimes just using bastion to hose down the attackers as they step out can be benficial then when you die switch to someone else. The same goes for and against torb. Most people just coordinate to take him out but if they arent then torb can be viable.

OW isnt about maining characters though, gotta remember that

It's a nice idea but low skill will never determine hero balance. It is done around pro level, which allows some dumb low ELO meta's, but the game will only ever be balanced against high level play.

Don't get me wrong, I accept that Junkrat is definitely a suboptimal pick. Picking anybody in the defense class is generally not the right answer. Though Mei is starting to get there for me because a lot of people love stacking 2+ tanks and Mei utterly shits on tanks.

It's partially why I don't play ranked, because I can pick McCree and get shit done and all but picking McCree non-stop ain't my kind of fun. I'd rather just be happy shitpicking, maybe losing and enjoying myself and being happy with the performance I did.

That said I almost always get gold damage, so nothing to get discouraged about there. :^)

Ana's a fucking retarded character in all fairness. Absolute joke, and they're buffing her fucking stupid grenade

>10 second CD on an ability that actually does 6~ things all at once

Are you playing in the tournaments where soldier has a horrible pick rate? If not, then you are still playing in a venue where soldier is completely viable and balanced. Which you obviously agree with given your pick rates.

I don't understand how people level up and prestige so quickly, like I know the game has been out for four months but is it that easy to level up? Also someone told me stars and levels don't really mean jack shit in the game, except for bragging rights I suppose.

You're completely right user, a character picked less than 25 percent of the time completely hard counters the second highest in the game.

Her damage output isnt the fucking problem, its the fact that she has the best kit in the game besides Lucio. The shields are almost required at this point, as they remove all debuffs like freeze and discord, and pretty much make people invincible for 2 seconds. Her Ult is also one of the best in the game, as it can guarantee several kills without any effort if combined with another ult

I always see a lot of complaining about Junkrat in these threads and I honestly don't really see the big deal.
If you have a shit rat on the team, you'll have a miserable time, but the same is true with any hero.

Overall, a good Junkrat should be raking up the damage for his team.
A lot of people complain about how 'spamy' he is, but that's sort of his job. He's an area denial character who excels at holding chokes as much as he does at breaking through them.
The purpose of the rat is to deny pushing options to your opponent and to shatter Reinhardt's shield.

The biggest fucking issue with rat is that his ultimate is pretty fucking terrible. It's loud as fuck and can be killed at the drop of a hat. It's really only decent at picking off one or two people (usually supports) who are separated from their team. You need the fucking stars to align and have God himself come downand make a fucking 5+ tire kill on a decent team happen.
Junkrat fucking terrible ult is one of the main reasons I think he's not picked as much in comp.

It's almost like Overwatch is a team game where 1v1 hard counters aren't all that relevant.

But that fix would accomplish that. Zarya is arguably OP at comp levels but sees a super low pick rate at lower skill levels. The fix would balance high level play without fucking over her casual play.

>Main source of damage
>The turret

That thing's a piece of shit distraction you drop, upgrade, and forget about until you get a free moment to fix it if it miraculously survives or until people commit to destroying it and you have molten core up

Fucking shoot people with your gun. It does an asinine amount of fucking damage. Literally McCree tier if you get headshots

He is pretty shit though but if you think Torb relies on the turret to do damage you know dickall about Torb

Bastion has his place as a one off pick after dying to try to sneak in huge damage to the enemy team, he should be played for one life MAX.

I completely know that OW isn't about maining characters, but there is currently ZERO reason to be using torb for one life other than building an ult on someone not totally shit

Please remember that the current meta contains only TWO dps spots

wasting 50% of dedicated DPS on a fucking torb is just dumb.

Maybe if the meta was 1/1/4DPS he would have a use. but with 2... WASTE. same as bastion, same as Widow, same as Junk.

The overwatch metagame is shit because the players are retarded.

"Lets do the exact same thing against each other instead of counterpick in a game designed around hero swapping to counter each other."

Increase the idle kicking timer for the love of fuck. As it is you don't even have time to poopsock.

Which is why I responded like that to the original post, saying you can just pick Roadhog to counter Zarya is beyond retarded because the game doesn't work like that at all. The maps themselves funnel everybody into a single choke point so these imaginary 1v1 situations people describe for balance almost never happen.

I don't want people reading this thread to actually think its a good idea to hook Zarya first as Roadhog when its going to play right into her game of getting everybody to shoot at her for free charge.

Lucio Ana is just the meta support pick right now. It's the nano-boost that's the problem, Lucio just happens to be the only healer that meshes with her.

There's no way to nerf Lucio as a character either, and it's not like he doesn't improve the gameplay. All the other healers can heal better given good positioning, he just happens to be the safest way to do it.

No hard counters

It ruins any kind of meta development

Widow on attack is getting really popular for some reason and Im not sure why.

That is how you make an interesting game. You LET heroes be strong, but leave them with weaknesses as well. Zarya's damage isn't the reason people pick her, for sure, but her shields and ult aren't enough to carry her alone.

I don't know, there are some pretty fucking debilitating hard counters where you should probably just switch if you run into one. Zarya against D.Va is the first immediate example off the top of my head. Zarya is one of the things actively keeping D.Va from ever being competitively viable because of how utterly one sided that fight is

All I want is Mei nerfed to the fucking ground until no one plays her because literally anti fun.

And nerf Ana's ult charge rate and how long it last. Seriously it melts teams.

you realise hook isn't broken right? whether you get hooked or not depends on the PERSON PLAYING HOG. if it caught on his screen, it caught you.

Thats not because the players are retarded, thats because Blizzard is garbage at balancing.

Scatter arrow is literally the exact opposite of a skill based ability.

Hanzo can shoot that thing into a stairwell, completely miss his target and still get a one hit kill on someone downstairs at a 90 degree angle.

Hanzo already kills in one hit, having an ability allowing him to one hit completely missed targets is fucking demented.

Yea that is why he has a huge pickrate at high elo.


The turret is useless and dies instantly to any competent team, and although one shot headshotting may do similar damage to McCree, you are ignoring McCree has the stun, as well as fan the hammer, and A MUCH MORE RELIABLE LONG RANGE HEADSHOT

all of that is worth 100000% more than a useless instakilled turret, what don't you people understand??

using torb is a team handicap, use him for lolz in quick play but stop shitting up ranked with literall fucking USELESS PICKS

Because you know where they're going to be I agree.

But it is a good idea to hook Zarya first because a Roadhog can shoot through her shields and kill her quickly. You're asking where the rest of Zarya's team is, they're dealing with the rest of Roadhog's team, because you're retarded and think Roadhog is somehow playing 1v6 for some reason.

Or if we're going with the current pro-strat meta, Reaper also hard counters Zarya, and a nanoboosted Reinhardt counters pretty much everyone o the other team.

No, it's because people are retarded.

I literally agreed with you that Torb is shit. I just corrected you when you said the main source of damage is the turret, when it's easily the worst part of his kit.

Go get some Ritalin, you fucking spaz.

At the very least add a delay to his sticky bomb like in TF2 so he can't wantonly instakill half the characters. Even the Roadhog hook takes more skill.

We need to nerf Reinhardt
>Charge is OP, 1HKOs anyone that isn't a tank and if you survive he just needs to left click you afterwards
>Shield is too big and has too much HP, makes games take forever because of it and also leads to bullshit like babysitting Bastion
>Fire Strike is way too strong for a single projectile and Reinhardt should be a melee only character anyway
>His ult is even more cancerous than Mei since it stuns you faster and longer than her freezes

The game would be vastly improved by nerfing Reinhardt, here's what we do

>Reduce shield size and HP by 50%, will help games move quicker rather than just be picking away at his shield
>Charge does 100 damage, good for chasing low HP champions
>Reduce Fire Strike damage and increase cool down, or remove ability altogether. Give Reinhardt a normal melee punch like everyone else and make his hammer swing his E?
>Ult no longer stuns

I am merely pretending to be retarded.

>her shields and ult aren't enough to carry her alone.

Yes, they are. Her shields remove so much risk of engagement, allow teammates to escape situations such as hooks and freezes they would have died from, and just gives you a complete advantage over any team not using them.

Except not at all, hero picking and competitive in general aren't asymmetrical in the slightest, each team gets the exact same chances to do the same thing.

>yfw Blizzard will NEVER EVER buff Pharah

I will quit overwatch if they buff junkrat ever

Make one for Soldier: 76

Something I was thinking of, For Symmetra's charged orb, allow her to blow it up at any point and have a decent sized aoe. Kind of like the shock rifle from unreal tournament.

The problem with saying there are no hard counters is that the game plays as a 6v6 from the start with the ability to change chars.

Games with hard counters eg Dota and LoL, the typical eSports games people are used to and compare other games to, focus on 1v1 or 2v2 for a long time, before teamfighting comes in to play.

Hard counters are useless to be honest in a game like OW.

You had me until the end there

The reason why the current OP characters are OP is because their respective counters are themselves easily countered. A Pharah+Mercy combo can wipe the floor with the current main 5, but then the spare just needs to switch to McCree and he shuts that down completely, which is a scenario that actually happened in the most recent tourney.

The sad part is someone out there actually thinks this is right.

How did that one tournament they showed on TV go?
Did people watch it?

No, its because blizzard is garbage at balancing.

Lucio is objectively better than every other support, so he is required on every fucking team, so thats 1 slot

Rein is a required pick on everything thats not Koth

Zarya is pretty much required now too, but not as much as those 2

Thats 3 fucking slots that are pretty much required to be taken by every team in order to give them a chance of not losing. And then the other 3 slots need to be filled by 2 dps and one more healer. It severely restricts the meta and forces teams to go with specific team comps.

Am I fucking stupid or does Winston just fucking blow dick against Ana?

What do you even do against this old cunt

Then why compare the damage to McCree, like torb is a viable alternative?

Reread your post, and it obviously implies that torb is a legitimate pick.

Also Although not critical damage, most of the time (>90%) the majority of a torbs total damage is done by the turret

give me some more ritalin because I just hate being correct.

>People are still pushing the competitive Overwatch meme

>post pic related to professional Comp. meta
>makes points that are only related to pub meta

You're killing me over here OP.

>jump in
>bait out dark
>ana dead
>jump out

Its not that hard

>How do we fix Overwatch?

Someone post this on Reddit but take out the part that admits this is a joke. See if they agree.

Winston absolutely has to shield weave like a grandmaster, and even then he'll need to reload at least once if Ana uses her grenade.

because switching characters every death, besides wasting ult, isn't fun. Only if you're running a truly shit tier comp, or getting countered more than half the time, should you really be forced to switch. More likely than not it'll only even be one person who is truly useless.

>Mei above a lot of the cast
>Ana is the third most used
>McCree and Zenyatta downfall
What the fuck happened

>Reread my post
>"The turret is garbage"
>"He actually does a shitload of damage if you just use your gun"
>"He's total shit by the way but you're wrong in saying the turret is his main source of damage"
>Because I say he happens to hit about as hard as McCree if you he's a good shot that means he can obviously substitute for McCree

Easy with the fucking reaching there, stretch armstrong. I thought we were under the mutual assumption that just "Doing damage" doesn't automatically make a character good.

>We need to nerf Reinhardt
Although I would instead recommend
>Charge doesn't teleport players on the outermost pixel into the attack Dark Souls 2-style and instead has to hit a realistically centered area of the hitbox in order to work
>Shield has the same size and HP but only partially absorbs certain attacks like D.Va's ultimate
>Earthshatter no longer has an RNG spread pattern that wraps around enemies whenever (You) are using it
>Moves slower when using M1 so 98% of characters can escape rather than facing 100% certain death whenever a specific distance from Reinhardt

>tfw the next issue of the comic won't be out before 2020
>tfw the comic will be complete only after you die

It's legit some of the funniest stuff

>increase mei ult charge

excuse me

>hating Junkrat

Apparently she's very good against triple tank

But I don't see how Zen isn't too

Beyblade happened

Rein+Lucio+Zarya are the required 3

Ana fills that second healer slot now that Zen got nerfed a bit, Nanoboost is OP as fuck

Reaper for Nanoboosted Deathblossom

Last slot fought between the rest of the good heroes

Mei ult got buffed, people realized how to use her on defense

you switch to the superior game

nerfs will come and go in this game

It can't be 1v1 balanced like all of you fucking LOL/DOTA eFags expect

because you can class change mid game there will most likely be two or three ideal comps for competitive at all times

To be honest multiple classes is a simple gimmick and it works in attracting the retarded masses.

There will always be a strong meta, CS:GO is the only game that really admits this and gets rid of classes. That and SC:2.

Maybe you find mobas and OW more interesting. that's cool. You probably just aren't mentally capable of understanding that the game at any competent level will be basically the same comp/v the same comp over and over.

CS:GO would be better to watch/care about because you don't have the same dumb class luch as OW.

don't worry it's just butthurt leafs

Ana is mandatory outside of KOTH because of her nanoboost and speedy ult charge. Ana+Lucio pushes Zen out of the meta, though Zen is more useful in KOTH than she is. With Ana so prominent, Mei is also useful because ice wall and freezing can disrupt Ana's attacks and nanoboosts, plus her ult buff was good. McCree simply isn't as needed as he used to be so now he's a situational pick like Mei and Roadhog.

>Double Zarya's clip size
>Halve Mei's clip size
There you go, game fixed.

Triple Tank is falling out due to Mei and Reaper shenanigans

Zen fell out because Triple Tank wasnt being run BECAUSE of him before the discord nerf. Now that Ana and Lucio are the main healers he just cant fit in until one of them leaves

I really dont know how you balance the game so that every character is relevant, without simply deleting redundant characters.

Remove Hanzo and Genji, and the game would improve drastically.

>>Double Zarya's clip size

You are a dum dum.

Then what are you actually trying to say?

He is a worse McCree and the turret is not as useful as a stun?

Please enlighten me and the pros.

You are caught up in a torb who can consistently headshot with his jokegun compared to McCree.

Greentext all you want, "Main source" of damage is already clear, so what are you trying to prove?

It not only seems, but is factual, that several other chars can do the same if not much better damage than torb, whilst being useful in other ways



if your point does not solidify torb as a legitimate pick then don't bother, get yourself some doritos and have a nap. YOUR OPINION MEANS NOTHING IF IT DOESN'T MEET THIS CRITERIA, THIS IS A COMPETITIVE OW THREAD.

The game basically has three game states: attack, defense and KOTH. Ideally they'd introduce one more support and tank and then try to balance so that 2 from each category are specialists in one game state without being great at any others.

>post nerfs for heroes
>posts chart that shows that those heroes are barely playable as-is

this was bait all along

>Soldier can heal other people AND himself
>He isn't even a support class

How is that balanced? Offense characters are the damage dealers and Soldier can do more damage than any of them but can heal better than most of them. The only people who heal better is maybe Mercy but she can only heal one person at a time. Meanwhile, the entire team can just keep camping one area as long as Soldier keeps putting biotic fields down. Plus his sprint has no cool down when everyone else's movement abilities do.

Soldier is literally OP, he's better than most of the cast and completely invalidates most of them. Why bother having a support when Soldier can heal? Why play any other offense other than Soldier since he can sprint, shoot, have rockets and heal?

Soldier 76 needs a nerf to make him balanced and fair. I've played a lot of competitive (just got to level 25 today, so I've been playing it for about an hour now) and I've got some good ideas.

>Remove his ult. It's even more "press left click to win" than Bastion. Maybe it can "tag" enemies like Venom Snake's binoculars in MGSVPP instead.
>Sprint should last for 5 seconds and be on a 10 second cool down
>Helix rockets do less damage, have a longer cool down. There's no reason why Soldier should be able to shoot fast like Tracer while also shooting rockets like Pharah
>Biotic field only heals 25 HP, longer cool down, only affects himself. No more camping, lets real healers like Zenyatta do something, stops invalidating the rest of the champions


You must be playing with shitters/are one yourself. Soldier is FAR from unbalanced, kid.


These are terrible except Phara's.

DVa was good for a time, but her defense matrix was designed to deal with a lot of burst projectile damage. Only about 4 heroes can go through it IIRC: Mei, Symmetra, Zarya, and Winston.

> Pharah gains an air-dash tied to booster fuel. Fuel recharges a little slower to compensate.
> S:76 ammo raised to 30 from 25 (otherwise no change? Not sure what he could use.)
> McCree M1 spread increases over mid to long distances. He should not be better equipped for long range sniping than actual snipers.
> Tracer. Pulse bomb radius increased, throw speed increased.

> Hanzo and Widowmaker: headshot damage deals %health bonus damage. Let's say 25% based on BASE enemy health totals (so lucio ults and the like don't get shredded immediately).
> Widowmaker venom mine throw distance increased.
> Mei's Ice block and wall have a 2 second increase to their cooldowns.
> Bastion: faster configuration switching.
> Torbjorn: M1 now paints targets, but fire slower (think mei icicles). Painted targets are automatically tracked by his turret. Even through walls.
> Torbjorn Molten Core damage increased, M1 and M2 deal ticking bonus damage (like Ana's sniper). Burning people.

> D.Va has more defense matrix charge.
> D.Va can move faster while shooting.
> D.Va can shoot while flying, albeit at a slower rate.
> Winston tesla gun damage increased slightly, shield bubble cooldown reduced by 1 second.

>Symmetra... we'll see what Blizzard has in mind. She's pretty shit regardless.
>Mercy: Ultimate has a wind-up time that consumes charge. Meaning no more suicide onto your dead teammates and press Q to win.
> Zenyatta: Orb of harmony applied to low health allies will grant them a temporary shield equal to Zenyatta's shields.
> Lucio: Aura radius reduced.

This is what i would do
>Give phara better splash damage
>Buff torb turret so it actually shuts down an area like it's suppose to
>Make zayra shield 100hp so it's actually viable to break it
>Reduce meis ammo
>give 76 reduced spread
>Make ana heal over time just like her DoT
>Delete lucio because he's a nigger
Thos are my ideas i hope you leik them :^)

tfw still waiting for this mongoloids response

Stop sifting through 2 month old OW videos in order to find an excuse. just say sorry and stop making shit picks in random. Just pick rein every game and say nothing

>just got to level 25 today
Too obvious, you might want to cut this part out next time.

I'm concern you guys haven't realised that this is bait. I'm the same guy who wrote the "Reinhardt needs a nerf" bait earlier and someone asked me to do one for Soldier.

Am I being baited right now?

True. It's funny, but it's too obvious in a way. Maybe I could change it to "last week" instead.

Git gud m8

>all turret characters are completely irrelevant

nice one blizzard, game really needed 3 of these niggers

>remove all heroes except Soldier

This would fix the game.

is quite clear in calling out the bait. I was hoping after that we could stop acknowledging it

>These are terrible except Phara's.

This list isn't opinion based, you silly goose, it's the pickrates for all heroes in the recent OW Open

fuk u aussie kunt.



>limit Bastaions turning radius whilenin turret mode

I like that

I realised what he meant after I already posted, I misread it.

that's because you are silver

bastion is shit enough at >3k without that

>just add new weapons to tf2

>"main source of damage is already clear"
>"having your main source of damage in the form of a stationary turret"

Is it clear? You said this. In this thread. I corrected you. You're still trying to continue an argument that never should have started in the first place.

I'm serious, dude, I've said nearly three times that I've agreed with you that he is garbage. It was IN THE POST you TOLD ME TO REREAD, which implies you read it at least once or twice.

When have I said a single time in this discussion with you that:
A) Torbjorn is good
B) Torbjorn could ever eke out a place on a competitive team compared to the most popular picks right now.

I actually can't wrap my head around the impotent autistic rage you're constantly flinging towards words I've never said or even remotely implied.

You know what I did say? The first thing, which we've established is clear now. And that he actually does a high amount of damage. Which is theoretically true, given that his gun does the exact same amount of damage as McCree's six-shooter at the minimum damage falloff.

So we've established that both of these things are, in a vacuum, facts.

Which begs the question, what is the point of your argument beyond stuffing words I've never said down my throat? Because not once, and I have reiterated this several times at this point, I've never said that it's even a remotely good idea to pick him in any actual serious play. The fact that he has very high DPS (fact!) in a vacuum is irrelevant because it's implying that he'll land absolutely every shot with an non-hitscan gun, which, while possible, is highly unlikely.

You really should go try and have an actual human interaction with someone, you need the practice, dude.

Remember when faggots said Ana was bad

No homo, but...




why can't I get you faggots in online matchmaking?

supports are too good.
tanks are too good.
nerf all burst damage away from McCree and Reaper
Give it to Junkrat and Pharah

Blizzard needs to stop trying to chase the casuals and esport at the same time.

>Fucking shoot people with your gun. It does an asinine amount of fucking damage. Literally McCree tier if you get headshots
>He is pretty shit though but if you think Torb relies on the turret to do damage you know dickall about Torb

I'm glad you bothered to reply actually

What was the point in wording your argument to favor torb if you think he is shit? haha

He does worse damage than a good damage pick, whilst a good DPS pick can actually dictate where 100% of the damage goes, unlike torb can.


So basically, we are in agreement that torb is shit, should not be picked, and you randomly worded a point to make it seem that torb is a decent pick, or at least comparable to a good dps pick.

so basically,



I guess you don't have one, and are now rubbing shit against a cubicle wall.

the main problem is your original wording which favours torb, and if you didn't mean to say he was a legitimate choice you should have made yourself clear, looks more like you struggle with communication and human contact, but that's none of my business. I'm just here to prove you are dogshit at overwatch and not let you backtrack on what you tried to say

Blizzard sucks at balancing because they want the game to be both casualshit and competitive at the same time.

You do. On your team.

My team is:




Because the "wording" of my argument shouldn't really be that relevant and you should probably just focus on the actual message of what I'm saying as opposed to looking at how it's said, or what isn't said, to find ammo to rage about. I can word things in a positive light and still think that it's bad. Not everybody has to be aggressively shitty about everything like Cred Forums would probably lead you to believe.

Honestly, I'm not even sure why I humored you up to this point. This should have been a three-posts max affair where you said your wrong thing, I told you that's wrong, and maybe we could get into stupid semantics about comparing how the DPS would average out when comparing potential misses with a higher amount of damage to something that will always hit but is totally stationary / requires LoS / is totally worthless--but that honestly seems like a can of worms even more pointless instead of this discussion spawned from nothing where you end up being more focused on what I implied instead of what I actually said.

Anyway, I'm going to go do something moderately more productive than talk to an actual autistic person. Feel free to reply whatever you want so you can have the last word and feel like you "won the argument" to show off to the rest of the thread, full of people who likely don't give a shit.

OW would instantly be a 10x better game if movement speeds for every hero were buffed across the board.

Prove me wrong.

>Love playing Lucio
>Heal and follow and say Hello to every player possible
>People always thank me at the end of the match and I never vote for myself

Fuck you, why do people hate Lucio?

Just buff everything else.


The argument never even begun, and you failed to even have a purpose for it.

You just started meming for no reason, about how in a completely unpractical situation torb could have comparable dps to a decent dps, in particular mccree.

I said nothing wrong BTW.

just be quiet online in the future if you don't want to be called out on it, especially on a board like 4 chan

>junkrat is demoman: ezmodu edition
>demoman the most powerful class in tf2
>near 0 usage in overwatch
so what, can these "comp" fags just not aim pills?

>Fun game that is best suited for casual play
>Why is X overpowered, everything is retarded, blizzard sucks!

If you take this game seriosly, you need help.

I can't, that actually sounds like a good idea my man. Imagine trying to shoot a buffed movement speed tracer tho.

he has an insane pickrate in non pro and shit tier ranks.

because he is shit.

no one good plays him, which is not an opinion and is a fact when looking at that graph of pro player picks

i think it might be because zarya charges for free off of junkrat bombs, and she is near 100% pick rate

Hanzo is good for defend on payload maps and his ult combine with Zarya's or Mei's ult is god tier to slow down cart

Problem is about who playing him

You can't fix mobas you retard.


>remove junkrat
yet you say nothing about bastion?! wow you're fucking retarded OP

Did Valve fixed TF2?

That doesn't answer the question of what's wrong with him

well that sucks
>hurkadurk da "pros" say he bad so must be bad

Pro players were still picking him for Anubis before the Ana meta

Just outclassed.

In a way you could say "She isn't a bad char just outclassed"

Which to any sane person just means pick the supps which outclass her. If she is a 9/10 but two suppps are 10/10, then in 2-2-2 Mercy would be the same as a 0/10.

That's how it works, just accept it, no troll.

>how do we fix Overwatch

Well, for one; reduce hitbox size on PC so that kills are legit instead of bs.

>be torb
>hide behind a fucking wall
>my turret is 2 feet in front of me
>Hanzo on other side of map
>I can't see him

That's fucking retarded Blizzard, and you should know better

Point number two:

>fix Roadhog's hook pulls that go right through the god damn wall

That's really about it. The rest of the characters are fine.

And then, there's this faggot: >change mercy's ult, because it's game changing

That's literally the point you idiot. She's a hard counter for team kill moments and DIE DIE DIE. If you time her res correctly, you can turn the tide of the battle and make a relentless advance by the opposition into a full backpedal to prevent the team getting wrecked.

t. shitter

The new meta is amassing fuckton of tanks and junkrat is terrible against tanks and even charges one up to have devastating power.

The only downside I can think of his not being able to shoot and heal. Her individual heal rate is great and if you aren't stupid you can keep people topped up easy. Plus her ult is awesome

I mean regardless of the rest
>Charge doesn't teleport players on the outermost pixel into the attack Dark Souls 2-style
is an ok idea

It is kind of a problem. Having one character be so much better than everyone else that he's 100% autolocked every single game is a testament to how fucked the balance of the game is.

no damage

heal is easily replaced

res doesnt charge as fast as before

zen is a better source for amplified damage


He cannot dictate where his damage goes, and a large chunk of his damage relies on luck and the idiocity of the enemy team

He cannot reliably focus individual targets, and is useless against airborne targets

He cannot quickly deal damage to a char, eg a reinhardt shield drop followed by a mccree headshot to a supp. he mostly hurts noone unlesss they will die anywway

he charges zaryas shield with ease so she always has charge, and zarya is one of the most picked chars just now.

the non burst dps chargest the enemy supps ulti



youre retarded

>He cannot dictate where his damage goes, and a large chunk of his damage relies on luck and the idiocity of the enemy team
>He cannot reliably focus individual targets, and is useless against airborne targets
so yes, "pros" are retards who can't aim pills, the only valid issue is zarya over saturation and maybe finishing off tanks

>Shit damage vs. Tank+healer
>Abilities are mostly for 1v1 and are trash when facing a group
>Low health
>Shit ultimate
This is of course for competitive play.
I rest my case. If you aren't retarded the only legit issues are airborne targets and zarya


Zen is basically a better Mercy and the only thing Mercy has going on is her crutch res.

then explain his nonexistant pickrate

that is not the only valid issue, it is a huge one though, as is charging the supps ults in the current tank/supp heavy meta








>then explain his nonexistant pickrate
pros are fucking shitters and zarya is a pain in the dick

This is why I'm pissed Blizzard went back on their word and added competitive, it's turned into this shit

give every player hitscan weapons

If you like playing junk then cool.

Don't pick him in comp though and if you don't like comp, just play quick play, it's still in the game.

The comp layer is for players who want to win. Being a junkrat forcing faggot just makes everyone miserable


>implying comp shit doesn't bleed into quick play
Once the cancer starts you can't stop the spread. It happened to Splatoon and will happen here too

But no one gives a shit in qucikplay so it's cool

when people genuinely want to play with like minded players to win and rank up special snowflakes wanting to play shit chars is just annoying and makes everyone have a shit time

>those people with like 300 hours in the game but have never touched competitive ever yet start complaining when the team comp doesn't fit exactly what these usage charts are showing

Oh you're the type of faggot that tempts me to just throw games
>losing = miserable I literally HAVE to win to have fun
And no, I didn't watch some video, I've played demoman for years and can actually fucking aim unlike most of the inbreds that usually play this shit

It already happened, QP was at its worst when Season 1 ended where you'd have tryhards questioning your picks before the game even begins, and bitch about not being gud when you're trying to gitgud with a character you rarely play.

>wah I want to be a shitter but I don't want to be called a shitter

What if we just make everyone useless?

Competitive is anti-fun, and not rewarding enough to make the challenge worth the effort. Maybe 1 out of 10 matches is good, but the rest? I want to throw myself out of a window, and die in the process.

Everyone's suggestions are fucking terrible
OP is the worst of them all



Zen isn't a better mercy. Mercy job is healing and reading which she bests Zen in. She's low because she doesn't offer any utility like all the other healers.

>you will never be this mad at people picking suboptimal picks in a shoehorned comp mode in a blatantly casual game
And anyone can aim hitscan, pills are a different story
And honestly if you started blowing a gasket like this I'd switch to bastion and start spamming HOO HEE HOO

So you are saying that it's more difficult to properly target with junk than McCree?


and even if you could with both to a pro level, McCree would be the better choice 100/100 times

If your are not a fucking mongoloid you can see where this is going


harder to aim (apparently), no proper stun, nothing comparable to fan the hammer and no instant high damage long range attacks, other than an enemy zarya charge and supp ult charges

fuck you

She has utility, just not all of it is put into one package. Zen is the weaker focus healer, but great at keeping high mobile characters and flankers alive, which is why he's still dominant in KotH. You just constantly pop orbs left and right at a safe distance, while Mercy is still at risk running into an enemy Winston and being killed by hot monkey dick.

oh yea and if you reply with any other dumb memeshit which is objectively wrong i'll shag ur dad

He's not unbalanced, he simply provides something unique and valuable. The only way to change his pickrate is to nerf him into absolute obscurity or add a new hero that can provide similar benefits. Neither of these are done lightly. In pro tournaments, Lucio is here to stay. In regular ranked gameplay all the supports are currently viable with symmetra being situational

If by situational you mean USELESS

>He hasn't experienced a first point Symmetra lockout
I pity the sad existence you lead

Mercy can't defend herself and is a liability to her team whenever she isn't hiding in spawn

Nah because at any elo even over mindless mental institute lobotomy level 1k the teleporter is killed before anyone.




you fucking autist

>Any non-retarded flanker can take down the TP
>Turrets have 1 hp
She's garbage. Take her TP down and her little turrets and it's a 6v5. Her main gun is worthless when defending a push unless she catches some retarded squishy in a 1v1,

>So you are saying that it's more difficult to properly target with junk than McCree
ye, but I can, so what's the problem? Just cause memecowboy outclasses everyone doesn't mean I need to pick the fag, there's a one hero limit isn't there? and just conviniently forget to mention his complete lack of mobility, escapes, crowd control, and no anti flank utility like junkrat



who has fun losing seriously

making 5/6 players miserable != fun, you fucking autist

clearly your behaviour displays more signs of autism

he has more anti flank utility than faggot junkrat

also, if mccree is picked you can then pick reaper, who is better than junk in every way, other than less of a faggot. THERE IS NO REASON AT ALL TO PICK HIM

unless you play casual quick play, then cool dude, do what you will!

once you start ruining the game for 5 others in comp, you are just a fucking greasy cunt

Symmetra is in a really bad spot right now to the point Blizzard isn't even going to give her a few tweaks but a complete overhaul which won't be seen until November.

Yeah I'm not the one getting mad at video games because of a shitty meta you follow religiously, deviating from
>пyзыpь cyки
>mlg healscope
etc. isn't a loss
And yeah, if they're spergs like you making 5 people miserable is pretty fun
>he has more anti flank utility than faggot junkrat
name it, having a trap that, even in failing, warns you of flankers from anywhere on the map outclasses parking your ass in a hallway

>turning around and using your stun which can't be seen sitting obviously on the floor

man you know fucking nothing, just stick to quick play and do everyone a favour

why are you posting in this thread? It's about comp OW, you clearly do not know enough to contribute anything useful.

Also Tracer is hardly a staple of non KotH maps.

So I named it, you are wrong, and will continue to spam junk even though he is confirmed as shit.

I give up/

>Playing match
>Healing winston
>duels with another Winston
>Give him amp etc for so.e reason this retard still has killed him
>For some reason this retard says fuck it and runs away from him and leaves me with the fucker
>Die and tell him what the fuck are you doing going full sperg telling him to stop being shit already
>End of match
>Pls report our Mercy so toxic
>Tfw hope I really do get banned so I can forcibly stop playing this piece of shit on my free time
I only play like 3 matches a day and the amount of retards in every single on astounds me.

>using stun
yes, that will warn you of the tracer half the map away while allowing you to deal with the threat up front
>Also Tracer is hardly a staple of non KotH maps.
so she's a staple of koth maps, gee, almost like she's part of the meta?
>It's about comp OW
read the op again you sperg
>How do we fix Overwatch?
not comp overwatch, overwatch, and the "comp" infographic is from a tourney, not your shit mode
get your fucking head out of your ass, christ, if you're THIS mad over a game, one of the most casually balanced on the market no less, step fucking back and re-evaluate your life