Why haven't you joined the PC Master Race yet?

Why haven't you joined the PC Master Race yet?

Do you hate 60fps+ , Ultra High resolutions, mods etc...?

Because I don't want to play games with you

I actually don't. I wouldn't still play mt ps2 if I did

Because it's being spearheaded by reddit obviously.

Because I'm too busy playing video games to draw lines in the sand.

That List is so cringeworthy Holy shit

Because I prefer playing games worth my time instead of the bazillion indieshit on it.

everybody uses 60 fps as a selling point but what kind of dumbass can actually stand sub 144 fps? if youre using a PC you better be running at at least 144 fps on a 144 hz monitor or else you're as bad as a console player


wow, what a legitimate post by someone reflecting their actual opinion. all the way from reddit, no less!

I must say your attitude is disheartening! Youre being elitist and making quite a fool of yourself! its as if you didnt think of the reaction you would get by posting content such as this! unless for some reason you know exactly what is wrong with what you posted and wish to see the reaction.....but thats simply absurd!

Enjoy your game infested by Denuvo or UWP DRM then.

I rather have my games at 30fps 900p rather than those abomination DRM.

It is until you get to commandment 10.

>master race
>christmas money

uhh, i believe you mean bar mitzvah money.

Because my wife´s son won´t let me use his rig without permission.

Because I like to play on consoles because, besides CS:GO that's where all my friends play.

Console games have it too

Because i actually want to play games and not memes. PC has none.

i have a toaster which means i can run all the good pc exclusives at 60fps
literally no reason to get a PC

Well let´s see:

1. PC has not a single exclusive game worth shit.

2. You don´t actually own your games on PC you just rent them from GabeN. You can´t sell them, you can´t lend them to afriend.

3. Always online

4. Dead online communities (try playing anything except CS:GO, DOTA or LOL online)

5. Pay $1000 to get hardware on the level of a $ 400 console.

6. Constant troubleshooting

But i can mod games on teh xbox

It takes a special kind of stupid to take a title and image used to mock your group and make it represent them without understanding a hint of the irony during the entire process

This pc masterrace shit is so fucking cringy now

I don't like having to constantly upgrade muh rig and fuck with files and settings.

Games go on dedicated gaming machines. Pc's for work and everything else

Only time I use my PC for games is emulators

>guy joins game with PC master race avatar

Makes me want to quit right away

Cause that shit is reddit

I know pc master race was adbopted as a legit meme by reddit pc gamers but read the fucking image and tell me thats not some faggot going.....

"tee-hee I cant wait to post this and get some EPIC replies by buttmad 4channers who hate pc gamers! hopefully itll start a console war thread when the actual pc gamers get butthurt!!! LOLOLOLOL"

False-flagging is the absolute worst thing about Cred Forums. guaranteed replies and precious (You)s can be yours if you stir the pot.