When is this piece of shit going to get nerfed?

When is this piece of shit going to get nerfed?

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he needs a nerf?

He's a easy kill and his ult doesn't do much besides being annoying

Just have one of your offensive heroes to switch to Reaper.

>people complain about mei being OP
>people complain about winston being OP
>people complain about fucking BASTION being OP

So sick of you faggots coming into every one of these threads and trying to justify bad game design with "le just switch to Reaper xD"

>It's okay that Roadhog 1 shots half the cast, le just switch to Reaper xD
>It's okay that Mei is literally unkillable 1v1, le just switch to Reaper xD
>It's okay that Winston has 1000 health and completely shits on healers, Genjis, and zero suit D. Vas, le just switch to Reaper xD

>he unironically "mains" heroes instead of switching to the appropriate hero at the time

LOL relax fag just switch to reaper ;)

t. genji main

Why? He is pretty weak, even good genji or tracer can wreck him. If opponent team has Zen/Reaper/roadhog, it's pretty much death sentence to him.

jesus christ, all of these characters you are listing are mediocre at BEST. just fucking kill yourself

Switch to Zarya. She gets 100% boost if you stick close to your healer or sniper because the electric arc has no way of being aimed. Kaplan also stated recently that they're just fine with Zarya's heavy usage in just about every gamemode so she will likely not get balanced or nerfed anytime soon.

>you will never use Winston without people making shitty Harambe jokes in match and voice chat

You're pretty bad if you think Winston needs a nerf

t. Silver "ELO HELL IS REAL" shitter

>Genji mains

>Doesn't switch heroes in order to counter the enemy plays and get the best chance of winning

t. Bronzie

Winston is the only character in game who can reliably shutdown a good tracer/genji.
Without him we'd be right back to the genji meta where genjis ult just wipes entire teams and nobody can do a thing about it.
Outside of countering flankers Winston isn't all that great and people generally switch off him to streepig or Zarya if he has nobody on the enemy team to counter.
Im convinced the only people who bitch about Winston are genji/tracer mains.

Literally silver.

He needs a buff. He can't even kill Soldier standing in his healing circle.

does playing as mercy make me gay?

Genji counters reaper easily. Most players don't even stop shooting when I have the deflect up

>He can't even kill Soldier standing in his healing circle.
And you're not supposed to.

His ult is hilarious at times


Only Zarya needs a nerf. That bitch is just too strong and has NO counter.

Winston gets stomped on by good Tracers who know to stay just outside of range, or good Genjis who play the long range game and use his dash to get away when Winston jumps. I'll never understand people who say Winston is good, he's mediocre because all the heroes he's supposed to counter have ways to get out of his VERY SHORT range.

goddamn look at all those (You)s

i'd say nerf her E distance, i shield friends that are fucking miles away sometimes

She just dances around his range, shooting a million damage straight into his dick
He can't leap because she's got a dozen time the mobility

Tracer counters winston, more like. A better tank pick against her would be roadhog or zarya

He does do well against gengu though.

Ever heard about crowd control and harrassing? Or even teamplay?
Why the fuck do you morons always pick a case where you're 1v1ing winston, as if it ever happens?

Widow, hanzo, and pharah all counter zarya

As someone who plays a lot of Symmetra, Winston is a nightmare for how one sided the fight is. This is a big reason who she is never used in the Meta because unless your team is watching out for you, Winston will always break you.

I think it wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the shield. It's not even so much that you're unable to hit him, it's that the beam autolocks to the shield (the same fucking thing happens with the Ice Wall even if you run around it and look Mei in the eyes).

No she doesn't. Her projectiles are way too slow in order to not give her 50% free charge, or simply to dodge them.

>x counters y
>but he doesn't, if anything y counters x
>omg you guise this is a team game
Good job user

>As someone who plays a lot of Symmetra

This is disgustingly autistic but somehow hot.

Doesn't really matter; she'll only ever block one rocket. She can't do shit against you when you're in the air, so you can just float around and spam her until she's dead.

I do agree that widow/hanzo are better picks though.

you know what really needs a nerf?
Rein ult. The animation is too fast and combined with delay it's impossible to react. As zarya i have to predict when to use my 2 sec. shield to negate his ult.
Because if i don't rein just charges me and then i'm dead no matter what happens.

I haven't played since the McCree no damage falloff update because I was annoyed at the constant massive balance changes. Has the game become more stable yet?

Looks to me like your reaction time is the problem here.

I'm still willing to see you hop with your tracer in the middle of a team and get raped, same with genji. Their roles isn't to counter winston, and they get countered by winston while trying to accomplish their roles.
You moron have to understand that counters are situational.

>As someone who plays a lot of Symmetra

Its not bad game design its you not understanding it at all. Hero switching is a core mechanic.

>Low damage
>Only way to kill is to wait for his ult or killsteal
yeah, he really needs a nerf.

Because Winston is worse than any of his counterparts? You'd only ever pick him to try to hard counter something, his only strength is playing him as a pseudo flanker to catch a grouped up team or outflank a flanker.

If you need a situational shield, D.va is better with her ability to quickly deploy to a location with her boost and then put up a super shield on demand. If you need a steady shield, Rein is WAY better. The only benefit of Winston's shield is that he can deploy it and leave. In other words, he's an inferior tank. Compared to D.va or Rein, his mobility option is also sub-par. It doesn't actually disrupt an enemy team, D.va can push a team apart, Rein can kill one person outright while pushing people away. What can Winston do? A minor amount of damage followed by a quick death because even if he drops his shield, it has such low health that he dies near instantly. That limits the usage of his mobility to either using it to flee after flanking, or using it to catch a flanker out of position. Next on the agenda is his shitty damage. His range is comparable to Rein and D.va and yet he can't even kill someone who has Lucio heal aura. He can do a total of 300 damage with his 100 ammo, it takes 5 seconds to do this followed by 1.5 seconds of reloading. Lucio's boosted heal does 40 hp a second. You will NEVER kill anybody that has a Lucio support, or any support for that matter. Zen completely RUINS Winston's day. Both of the other main tank heroes have superior close range damage, with NO RELOAD.

Winston is one of my favorite heroes to play, but I'm frequently forced to either pick D.va or Rein when it comes down to an actual challenging match. He's just inferior in almost every way, not counting certain king of the hill maps. Winston is really good on the shrine map because there are so many points where you can juke people but keep electrocuting them, or jump around like a madman to trick them.

Good thing tracer has all the mobility in the world to avoid that team, then
The tracer also has a team to assist her
What you're doing is called moving the goalposts. You state that x counters y, and when it's brought up that y actually counters x you elaborate the situation to fit your point. Two can play that game, and it usually evolves into pointless theorycrafting
>b-but the winston has a mccree wihth him that will stun the tracer!
>b-but the Tracer as a widow on her team that will kill the mccree!
>b-but I suck dick on a daily basis!

Delay is the problem. I can't even count how many times i used my shield just before his stupid hammer hit the ground and i get stunned anyway.
Same deal with roadhog chain.

>winston jumps on me while I'm melting their zenyatta
>blink 3 feet away and continue what I was doing
>turn around and melt winston
gee he sure countered me hard

Has this been fixed yet?

Winston is only a "counter" to those because you faggots can't aim for shit. You're free ulti charge for them if they're somewhat competent. Pick mccree and learn to fucking aim you autistic nigger

The most recent patch had very minor changes to 3 characters and nothing else. It's been the only one for about 3 weeks now I think. Also no dev posts on forums about balance other than a symetra buff in November.

Seems like it won't change much any time soon. Team comps are still pretty stale though. Defense characters still not great and mccree + reaper/genji is about all you see in competitive.

>Shits on healers, Genjis, zero Dvas
>Literally countered by a healer+dps, or more than 1 hero for that matter
>Implying anything shitting on Genji is a bad thing you disgusting spineless Genji picker
>mechless Dvas mattering in anything except having a more reliable weapon than their own mech

This "game" takes no skill. I honestly don't understand how anybody enjoys it. Every time I pick Tracer I get shit on, how the hell am I supposed to go in an fight the enemy team without shields and armor. She has such little range as well. Bad balance right there.

>that image
heavy duty military grade autism

you pick him on Koth because he can stick to the enemy supports and if the enemy don't react they will die (albeit slowly). If he gets focused, then he is doing his job, if not then supports die. If he gets a zarya shield that's a free 50 charge for her and he gets 200 extra hp, usually enough to get his jump back and get out.

You never ever pick winston outside koth (maybe some point maps, or if you do 3 tank shit). Shit.va is free ulti for the enemy while doing the same damage as donkey kong on a single target (lel) and reinhardt is worse than winston/zarya on koth so he rarely see play.

If you ever watched a tournament or you're 3.5k+, which i doubt you are since you think d.va somehow isn't garbage, you should know this.

>This "game" takes no skill.
>Every time I pick Tracer I get shit on

>This "game" takes no skill
>Every time I pick Tracer I get shit on
Is this some kinda shitty sarcasm

>D.Va is a better pick
This is factually wrong, since Zarya TOTALLY shits on her with her beam, same for roadhog and his hook.
And yes, Rein is a better pick when the game mode ISN'T king of the hill. And you'll also notice that only Zarya and Rein are good picks for those maps. Zarya being an all-time pick is also what makes D.Va irrelevant.
So when it comes to KOTH, you'll notice that your choice of tanks accompagning Zarya is either Roadie or Winston. And those two clearly doesn't have the same role

>you're moving the goalpost
Yes, I am. Since it's worthless to speak about counters in 1v1 situation, or we could agree that Mei is basically the best hero in the game, right?

Ha ha ha ha gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.

Are you just pretending to be retarded

>Yes, I am. Since it's worthless to speak about counters in 1v1 situation, or we could agree that Mei is basically the best hero in the game, right?

Widowmaker with aimbot -> everyone

>As someone who plays a lot of Symmetra, Winston is a nightmare for how one sided the fight is
>even if you run around it and look Mei in the eyes
Jesus how bad are you bro

I mean it's quite obvious that he is baiting, why do you respond?

But he doesn't even do the things you claim he does against a good Tracer. You're not going to keep her away, because she's got a dozen times your mobility. I'd rather have any other tank against Tracer than winston. Rein is just natively useful at blocking her damage with shields, and is actually better space control due to his hammer hitting like a truck. Roadhog is an instagib waiting to happen, with way more range than Winston. Dva has more mobility and can annoy her more, and Zarya is Zarya

>I w-was just b-baiting.

Symmetra is trash because she puts her team at 5v6 disadvantage from the start. Even if you get a teleporter there are many ways to simply flank and destroy it with genji or tracer. You can't place it in the open or babysit it, it's garbage.

Spotted the people who can't play for shit. Symmetra is great if you know how to play her properly (turtling with all of your turrets in one room is now how you play her properly)

>falling for low quality bait

yare yare

*not how

Yeah man she's so good, no one knows how to play her yet, that's why she was picked seven times (7) out of 7000+ picks during last tournament, out of courtesy since she is soooooo good

I call him furious george. Am I funny and original senpai?

Here's your you.

Good luck in the bronze league, friend.

That's pretty funny, gonna steal it.

She's not good in high level play, but neither is any defensive character.

Solo queuing comp is not high level play. Quick play is DEFINITELY not high level play. She performs quite well in both.

I don't know how to fight the enemy team head on, is there some trick. seems to me Tracer doesn't have enough health. How am I supposed to kill a Roadhog or Reinhardt? Jeeze some people just are so simple in the brain.

It's easy enough to greentext and say "I'll just do X" It's harder for most chucklefucks playing the game to DO X. Basically pics or it didn't happen.

I never bait. I just feel like having counters built into the game is bad design why should I switch from my main? I have played Tracer for 30 hours and my next highest is Pharah at 12. This game just sucks.

>it's another 2200 mmr player telling everyone that they're not playing "x" right

But what if a winston flanks your aimbotting widow? :^)

Tracer is the exact reason you don't pick Rein in KOTH maps, mate.
And you would also realize that Tracer does SHIT damage in a range where Winston can't hit her, don't you? The point of winston IS NOT to kill, it's just to be an annoyance. And he WILL give bith Genji and Tracer a hard time, since you cannot just freely jump in, do some honnest damage then fuck off.
>Use the hook
>Miss because Tracer baited it and blinked
>useless for 10 seconds
What an efficient and consistent counter to Tracer m8.
And D.Va is shit man, you have to keep that in mind.

Please, just to prove some people on Cred Forums still have some level of intelligence. Nobody else respond to this.

>People using "not picked in tournaments" to explain a character being bad
So literally every single defense character is total trash?

>She's not good in high level play, but neither is any defensive character.

mei says otherwise, rest is garbage tho.

>Solo queuing comp is not high level play.

it's not tournament level, but if you try pulling out a symmetra in 3.6+/top 500 you're getting fucked.

She's good against shitters who don't know what they're doing, just like junkrat.

Mei is literally shit tier. In some tournaments her pick rate is lower than Symmetra.

Yes, you retard.


Lmao so dumb. Can't refute my points so you attack me.

Tournaments are a horrible metric to judge game balance by if you don't play at that level. Just look at this shit.

Not since her ult buff shes moved up a lot pick rate wise.

How is that hilarious? It's hardly even noteworthy. Pharah, Junkrat, D.Va, and Lucio all get more environmental keys and don't have to wait for their ult.

>In some tournaments her pick rate is lower than Symmetra.

yes the tournaments where she wasn't buffed you massive retard. She was the 8th most played hero in the recent tournament, being over both mccree and genji in play time/picks.

the 5v6 conundrum becomes worse when you realise that her ult requires her team to be dying but still holding the point to be useful, so in reality to get the best use out of her skillset you're basically asking your team to be able to perform at a 4v6, 3v6 or even 2v6 scenario, which is completely ridiculous given how much weaker a team is when they lose even one player

at least post the superior version from the recent tournament

The timing on torb when he says "Molten C...aaaahhhhhhhhh!" is perfect.

>It's a "Low platinum players on Cred Forums attempt to suggest balance changes" episode

I'm really tired of these reruns.

Just get gud faggit.

And this is why rock paper scissors: the FPS is a shit game

but user i was diamond at the start of the season, just because i'm 2200 now doesn't mean anything!

>D.va does the same amount of damage as Winston
You must suck at aiming

The game was at its best when it was first released. Barring McCree and Zenyatta, the game was fairly diverse and didn't have any bullshit basically uncounterable strategies like this tank stacking shit or "beyblade" comps.

Prove me wrong.

Superior as in the actual list format and design, not content. The other one tells how much they were played but not what mode.

>it was better barring McCree
>ya know the guy who basically decided every single match
The charaters who dominate change, but its always been this bullshitty

Wasn't that just because the skill level was so much lower at the time? No one had a billion hours on genji yet.

Enjoy your >1500 SR.

>Implying balance should be decided by the highest tier pro players
>when they make up a tiny proportion of the userbase
Dumb as fuck.

You're right user, people who barely know how to play the game should be the basis for balance changes.

>Barring McCree and Zenyatta, the game was fairly diverse and didn't have any bullshit basically uncounterable strategies like this tank stacking shit or "beyblade" comps

if they didn't nerf genji it would be the exact same shit as the tank meta. Ana is the problem because she charges so fast.

>people who play this shit for a living somehow is less credible than a retard who thinks he knows what he is talking about because of his experience in quick play

quality > quantity

>2 Tracer, 2 Lucio and 2 Winston meta was da bes

Kill yourself my man

>mccree was dead for 1 patch
>casuals crying they can't flash and insta kill every character in the game anymore
>blizzard can't have that
>buff him up to ez mode 2 free headshots every flashbang unless you're retarded
>soldier had his glory one patch
>nerfed and forgotten because someone made a shitty macro to avoid bullet spread

Thanks blizzard

I'd much rather have Mcspam then "lol practically invincible ulting tank or Reaper runs in and kills everything: the game". Even moreso if a hero limit was implemented to stop him from occupying all the DPS slots.

No. Especially considering Genji has literally never been a balance problem except in closed beta.

>le time cowboy having 70% ulti uptime and one shotting people left and right because blizzard doesn't understand that 50% dmg increase is bad after nerfing it 2 times on another character.

very fun

Ana is the core of the problem here. If genji wasn't hit with his nerf it would be him running around getting nano boosted 24/7

Competitive has a 1 hero limit though?

Probably plays quick play or the weekly brawl.

The game needs to be balanced to appeal to quick play users primarily, they're where the money and continued sales are. Pro level play is a secondary concern.

That only ever happened in KOTH, and hero limit could've still been implemented while keeping balance the same anyways.

Zenyatta was trash tier on release and Mcmemes left clicks had shit range so he couldn't take advantage of the instagibs.

We're talking on release.

when you stop trying to be a naruto wannabe faggot

Why the fuck are you people bringing up Genji and Ana if he's saying release balance was the best?


FUCKING LOL, winston gets shut down by a fucking Zenyatta. Genji and tracer play muhc better footsies with winston because of their high mobiolity.

>see genji or tracer on their own
>put shield
>they score a headshot on you and dash out of your safe bubble
>you can purse at a disadvantage
>or you can stay there and let them get away and heal up
>if you pursue they are likely to be with their teammates as well

Basically Winston just lets competent genjis and tracers charge their ult for free

Genji needs to be damage by melee while reflect is up. Its fucking retarded otherwise/ The ult getting cut to 6 seconds is fine, the triple jump was unecessary, but being able to prevent melee damage is beyond retarded.

>put shield
>they run away i'm useless
nigga your role is
A, force them somewhere they don't want to be
B, kill them if A didn't happen

also, winton's jump cooldown is like half of genji's

Reaper is the tank killer you dumb shit. He literally hard counters all but reinhardt.

>equip Banana skin
>equip How embarrasing
>find a Widow/Genji/Healer
>jump on their ass and poke them with some tesla
>How embarrasing
>don't forget to use Hello! at least once
>watch as they run around trying to get away from a space monkey with a jetpack
>How embarrasing
>make sure to spray a "Sorry" spray on their corpse as they die
>How embarrasing
>quickly make your way to the enemy spawn, and eat a jar of peanut in the corner
>as soon as the bullied enemy comes back, jump behind them, but don't poke
>follow them until they turn
>poke them some more
>How embarrasing

Because his tickle gun gets outdamagrd by them. Genji can stil just RMB+shift nailing you for at least 1/4th of your life.

> release balance was the best?

mccree pressing flashbang and fan the hammer was not the best no.

>Because his tickle gun gets outdamagrd by them

>Winston has 500 hp
>Genji has 200

>somehow Genji can kill Winston faster

lol so much reaper salt in this game

ill just continue enjoying my 80 percent reaper winrate and 7 average elims per life in diamond :^)

>HUGE head
>no damage
>no armour or shields, just plain health
>shit ultimate

Winston is the only character in this game who kinda sucks, his only purpose is being fantastic at killing Genji.

>absolutely carry the game with tracer
>enemy soldier 76 "lol u suck"

>>It's okay that Roadhog 1 shots half the cast, le just switch to Reaper xD
>>It's okay that Mei is literally unkillable 1v1, le just switch to Reaper xD
>>It's okay that Winston has 1000 health and completely shits on healers, Genjis, and zero suit D. Vas, le just switch to Reaper xD

>Winston is the only character in this game who kinda sucks

that's not d.va, toblerone or symmetra

>one of the best koth tank
The tank with 250 hp, D.va is the one that suck.

How? Giving him a coconut gun?

D.Va is great. Nor have I ever seen anyone mention otherwise until your shitpost.

Toblerone is fantastic in the right hands, really fucking fantastic. Like top tier character fantastic.

Symmetra is such a potent support she's actually pretty damn handy.

How is Bronze/Silver treating you my friend?

Genji has range you dumb shitter. Fan shuriken up close on a Winston that just punched on you leaves a mark

>Nor have I ever seen anyone mention otherwise until your shitpost

i guess you didn't read the thread then. She's garbage and literally any other tank does what she do better. Thanks for the free ulti tho silver friend.

Winston has a bubble

Winston has armor

Winston has a gap closer on half cd compared to Genji's dash

>Mei is literally unkillable 1v1
Bad player detected.

>Winston has armor
This is a real stretch.

>The game was at its best when it was first released.
Because people were busy figuring out the metagame.

I remember playing an arcade game when the game was released that was all McRee vs all Mei. It was great, because whenever mei did her stasis thing, everybody crowed around it waiting for her to get out to stun. It was like a weird, flashbang and bullet filled gangbang.


You can fucking 2 shot winston and you get free ult charge, come on thats not that hard your genji/hanzo/widowmaker/bastion or whatever you main so badly that you can't change to reaper can wait.

okay, want to be a smartass? let's do math

>28 per projectile, 3 projectiles
>1 shot per second
>28*3=84 dmg per sec
>let's assume that this is the best Genji in the world and he lands all headshots
>84*2=168 damage per sec
>Winston has 500 health, 100 of which is armor, so the first 3 projectiles do -5 damage
>1s=138 dmg(3*23*2), 2s=138+168=306dmg, 3s=306+168dmg=474 damage
>add in a swift strike at the end to finish him off, 474+50=524 damage

>it total, Winston dies in a little bit less than 4 seconds, ASSUMING EVERY SINGLE FUCKING HIT IS A HEADSHOT
>let's not even calculate in the Jetpack damage because we are trying to make Genji win
>60 damage per second from Tesla gun
>Genji has 200 HP
>1s=60 dmg 2s=120dmg 3s=180 damage

>Genji dies in 3,3 seconds, without having to aim for headshots

Winston has a longer range mobility on a smaller CD, so it's physically impossible for a Genji to run away from a Winston

Fuck you, you made me do math

>gorilla wearing a stereotypical safari gear
really makes you think

He needs to be buffed, are you kidding with nerf?

>easier to hit than Mei's ass
>tesla range is a complete joke
>tesla is way too weak, 76 can literally heal through it and kill you 1v1
>dome is too weak

His only real use is genji/sniper hunting, I wouldn't even call him a tank.

The fate of every competitive game is butthurt faggots complaining about balance when they know nothing. Every fucking day you idiots make a thread, every character in the game has to have gotten at least one, and it's almost always mediocre characters that excel at bodying shitters.
>hurr bastion op
>hurr winston op
>hurr mei op
>o fugg i refuse to play anyone but hanzo/tracer/genji and these bad characters keep beating me
>should I switch characters? no way these guys are just op

"How embarrassing" is the best line. I love spamming it while shitting on widows

Can the opposite team even her your voice lines outside of ultimate announcements?

>I should be able to kill everything as my weeb bait faggot ninja :(
Literally uninstall the game, you're too bad to be allowed to play.


Considering Winston has 1 game mode he is viable on, and that is situational, he doesn't need a nerf. If anything a slight buff to shield cool down time and ultimate damage. Increasing his tesla damage isn't needed. That shit goes every which way anyways.

did you know hanzo can HARD counter winston?
like holy fuck blizz way to go.

The only thing Hanzo hard counters is Torbjorn's turrent.

Winston's offense is fine you just have to pick your targets. Stay the fuck away from Reaper, Mei and Zentyatta. Don't bother with other tanks. Constantly harass Genjis, Tracers, Mercy, Lucio, Ana.

Jump away when you get in trouble. If anything needs to get buffed it's his barrier.

>Don't bother with other tanks.
His weapon is the only one that goes through Rein's fat shield. It's too good to pass on.

It's alright for charging your ult but if he is getting healed he can pretty much ignore it. Better off just going for the healer.

Healers rarely pay attention to Rein with a shield up, since usually he doesn't take any damage.

Hello my Nubian brothers and sistas. My name is Luke Cage and I have a giant 13 inch glistening mandingo penis ready for the taking. We waz kangs and shit, (puts dollar in swear jar) and we must work together to fight the man and reclaim whats ours. I put my hoodie on As-salamu alaykum.

He also mauls the fuck out if Pharoh.

more peeps hating on the monkey

People say this but I don't see how. If she has full health he likely won't kill her with one leap + M1 + punch.

I forgot to mention Widowmaker too but who plays her anyway.

Whoever made this should kill themselves

>being this cucked and mad about a fictional character

there is nothing wrong with black characters you mong, that meme only really applies when they replace a white guy with a nigger. Try again but use the new Human Torch.

>Try again but use the new Human Torch.
He's still white, he just got burnt is all.

>Stay away from Zenyatta

Winston can take care of him if he's alone, he's quite easy to single out and get the jump on him.

How do people think he's OP?

As a near top 100 pharah on overbuff, I respectfully disagree. You can fly away and if that's down you can concussive blast away.