Just replayed homm 4, and it was actually surprisingly good

Just replayed homm 4, and it was actually surprisingly good

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Never played it, heard it was pretty bad compared to 3

Yes, and?

HoMM4 always was good. It just wasn't as good as 3, and different from previous games.

It had some good points like making heroes more active in combat and important for buffing your armies, but the mashup of factions and blowing up the world pissed a lot of people off.

Any idea on when that high resolution mod will be finished for it? I can't stand to play in the stretch mode.

That UI is fucking disgusting. I will never understand how they managed to churn that shit out after the clean and functional UI of HoMM III that was actually nice to look at.

It was not as good as 3 or 5, but a million times better than 6 or 7

also god-tier OST


anybody can tell me weather heroes 6 shades of darkness is anywhere good? 20usd is kinda steep. Aslo... ffs why don't steam ever discounted HOMM games

I kinda wanted to get this during the GoG sale but it's just so fucking cheap looking.
Can any mods fix it?

the ost is literally remixes of stock music, pleb

you're basically calling that photo of tali's face in mass effect 3 god tier art

show me the source then

not the exact one but
sound familiar?

>celtish music sounding the same


the first link is literally in homm4, with no changes.

I played the shit out of IV back in the day. I really like the OST, especially the Nature themes.

However, I don't particularly like that the gameplay is basically "gather as many creatures as possible in the shortest amount of time to win".

user, are you fucking retarded? That's not similar, or just "celtic music all sound the same, bruh", it's stock music they used in the game. Because HoMM IV was a rushed, half-assed, cheap as shit game.


everybody was accostumed to HoMM 3 . It was a gud game , but too many changes make it hated by most fans

So did ubisoft finally laid this series to rest? Why don't the russians pick up where ubisoft left behind? What happened to Kings Bounty??? HOMM3 is getting real old and is starting to show its age

>So did ubisoft finally laid this series to rest?

Word is the whole Might & Magic IP got buried after Vivendi started their slow buyout of Ubisoft stocks.

>Why don't the russians pick up where ubisoft left behind?

Which ones? The ones who made 5? They got nearly bankrupted by Ubisoft shenanigans. They literally had to borrow money from their mafia to stay afloat and now they're in perpetual hell of developing mobile games and such.

The devs behind 6 did get bankrupted by Ubisoft.

>tfw the next HoMM game is Chinese mobile shit

Things done right in homm IV

>Minimap next to town icon so you know which town it is
>All creature's abilities are now in icons form
>Town has differeng ground depend on terrain of the map

That's all

that is just grim to hear. I can never understand how funds are being shared between developer and publisher.

I fucking loved it when I first got it, mostly because it was my first HOMM game.

Reinstalled it recently, and it was bretty fun. Any top tier custom maps/campaigns you guys might recommend?

Basically, it goes like this:

>publisher gives some dev team the IP they own to work on
>dev team starts working on meeting milestones so they can get more funding to make the game
>publisher fucks around with them, says they're not meeting their exact vision or they change their 'vision' halfway through, which means money and time have been wasted that they won't be recuperated for

Or you can just read this:


One of the people who worked for the devs on 6 explains what went down.

Some examples of what BH added to the game at their own cost, just to make the game better:
- Town screen (we hate the current version, but it is still better then the "let's make a screen shot from the adventure map 3D town and use it as a town screen" that UBI wanted - we could have made a much better one, but didn't have money and time).
- Additional ingame cutscenes (I know cutscenes are not great, but again, we received the story after 27 months... we only had a couple months to make the cutscenes from scratch, and a very limited budget - and I think that the overall visual quality of the game proves to anyone that we could have made really great cutscenes if we had had the time and budget).
- 300 unique Combat Maps (there were 20 in the contract)
- 3D animated Main Menu (UBI wanted a simple still image)
- Additional NPCs
- Campaign Overview Map (Campaign Window)
- and many more........

And what were the UBI decisions:
- Less resources
- No fullscreen town screens
- Only five factions (as a consequence of the continuous delays of UBI deliverables)
- Creature pool
- and many more such "great" changes.........

I head this theme in at least two more different games.

that fucking track:

so basically they wasted resources on shit they weren't supposed to do and complained

fucking entitled cunts

Heroes III was a beast.
Nowaday, Ages of Wonders 3 >>> Heroes 6 and 7, even if it AoW1 or 2 wasn't your cup of tea back then.

oh wow, thanks for the heads up. Ubisoft are such dicks as such practices are common in every commercial sector. Gonna read the whole thread now..

>BH used up all its 6 months reserves just to be able to finish the project... this was more than 1 million Euros!!! And they (we) did this knowing it would never be payed back, as royalty would only be paid after 2M Heroes sold at full price. We all knew 2M copies would never be sold (neither at full price nor at reduced price), still we wanted to finish the project. During the last 10 months, our full team worked 24/7, without any chance for compensation...

typical slavshit lies. fuck those losers.

It's in Pirates of the Caribbean (Sea Dogs 2).

Also there's one track in HoMM4 that's also in one of the Skellige songs in TW3.

t. Jean Claude Baguette (Ubisoft Montreal)

Here is an idea:

I dont know how but someone has to port HoMM 3 to be web based.
Then you can have a hot seat multiplayer match with friends.

>log on to some website with the online version
>game is a 1:1 port with the classic game
>start a game, send invitations to friends so they can join.
>you choose game setting and faction.
>go about your business
>meanwhile your friends have accepted the invitation, chosen faction etc.
>when all are ready game starts
>notification is sent to the person who goes first
>log in play your turn
>when turn ends you can resume your daily routines
>notification is sent to the next player
>and on it goes

Good idea?

>implying the stories weren't excellent
It was a big step up from HoMM3 in that department. Some of the campaigns had really enjoyable writing.

I just played Victoria 2 and it was surprisingly good.

>Carrying about stories in vidya


>lol reading is for nerds that's why I can't spell "caring" xD
Writing is probably the least important thing in a strategy game, but as with anything, if it's good, it's a nice addition, especially considering you can easily skip it if you don't care for it.

Not him, but what exactly is good about the stories in HoMM 4?

This adonis of a half human.

>not as cool as Sandro
>not as handsome as Sheltem
>a fucking elf

Eh, I'm not impressed.