Scientific Discussion

So how does this guy actually spin. Is It centrifugal or centripetal force ?

Demacian force/might

it's DEMACIAN force you idiot

that's a small head

Centripetal since that sword is bitch ass small.

He stands still and waits for Runeterra to complete it's 0.33 second rotation cycle.

if he can lift up the earth he can spin with his power

Why does he look like Stephen King

Also Ingame model and his CGI model for the animations and movies are very different.

maybe he's just a poorly designed character

Spin2win baby yes!

>LoL threads are acceptable now

He looks okay to me.
Maybe it's just magic in a fantasy world.

Weight of the sword

>Stop having fun!

>I'll come to a thread about something I don't like for the only purpose to say I hate it and that everyone who likes it is a faggot

The joke's on you.

The sword has hextech properllers and his boots hide small wheels. it's all interconected, he only needs to press a button. The CD on the skill is based on how long it takes the propellers to be full again.

So this bitch is trying to sexually bully you and you slap her in desperation.
She gets angry and tells her brother, how fucked are you?

Centipedal force


>having to deal with angry Good Guy Garen instead of angry Looney Lazer Lux
I think I'm doing quite well, honestly.


pre /vg/ and Cred Forums split newfags detected

>Implying Garen is a good guy.
>Sends his best friend to die a horrible death for something he's not responsible for just because muh demacia.

for you


Final spark you ignorant. As a Lux main since 2010 I feel heavily offended.


>new lore
I'll be honest, user, I completely ignored that shit, so I had no idea.

League lore is so good sometimes. I wish the characters were part of better games instead of League.

>All the Shurima lore could make a perfect action RPG trilogy

>All the Black Rose lore could make a fantastic Drama and action telltale game.

>All the mount targon lore could be adapted into a new Hack&Slash GoW type of game

Not to mention some the character designs, are god tier.

Too bad that lore is only part of the game. Riot Games are fucking chinese cocksuckers and bunch of SJWs, I fucking hate that company and I would burn it down without a thought.


Well, the league of legends and the institute of wark has been retconned and now every character exists in their own time and space.

Meaning not all champions in the league (even though the league doesn't exists anymore) are not from the current era. Some come from the future and others come from the past.

What I mean is that the whole Shurima or Mount Targon lore is independent from the main game and they could easily be adapted to a standalone series.

I know how you feel, user. It's somewhat wasted on a game like this, I'd love to play some single-player games with the characters

Yes, it's such a fucking travesty.
Fuck. Imagine a Pirate RPG with the Bilgewater lore where you can play as Miss Fortune, Gangplank, Graves or Twisted Fate and you have to fight Tahm Kench, Nami, Nautilus, Fizz, Illaoi and each other.

Or A Secret of Mana/Dark Souls action RPG/Dungeon crawler in Shurima where you play as Sivir,Taliyah and Nasus as they make their way through the desert while battling void monsters and eventually Xerath, Renekton and Azir himself.

Or Just a Mindless GoW/Bayonetta clone with Pantheon and Leona as they travel the Rakkor and climb Mount Targon again to Defeat Aurelion Sol and other Greek/Runaterra mythological monsters in a bloody battle.

Riot Games could fucking dominate the PC market but they refuse.

STOP IT user you're making me want to play these kind of games!!
I'd also love a game with some good ol' classic Demacia vs Noxus action. It's cliché, but even that has its charm and I have no idea why they won't do anything else with what they have

Or imagine a fighting game with the characters YOU WOULDN'T EVEN NEED LORE FOR THAT HOW LAZY ARE THEY

Why do you have to play as already existing characters? Make your own character just like in most of RPGs, make good guys supporting NPCs and bad guys boss fights or obstacles.

Nasus as the wise guy who can bring you back from death. Sivir as some shady merchant.

Renekton and Xerath bossfights would be GOAT in Souls-like game.

I imagine Renekton being 2 phase fight, first it all starts softly, then he gets ultra mad and the whole fight elevates to the whole level.

Or Xerath, where your dodging skills are tested to the max. Too bad Riot won't ever make anything close to this.


talking of being your own character, how about dating sims/otome games?

Not my cup of tea, I think that character without past would work best, just like the chosen undead.

Thinking of this, Azir bossfight would probably make me mad, imagine just endless waves of sand soldiers coming at you while he is recharging his powers.

Shurima has so much potential, but I would love Icathia. You can team up with Kassadin who works as primary NPC and you try to stop Malzahar. You fight against creatures from void with ton of bossfights.

Vel'Koz bossfight is just him sniping you with lazers, Rek'Sai bossfight taking place in sandstorm where you are not sure how she will ambush you next time (similar to Najka from DaS2)... possibilities are unlimited.

>Spec OPs the line: Demacia
>Garen was after Darius but Darius was dead the whole game and Garen was being manipulated by LeBlanc.

Well, I'd like to play as the existing characters since they have a reason in the lore to do what they do.
Sivir refusing to become a princess. Nasus seeking redemption, Taliyah being tricked by Xerath/Jhin.
But yeah if you could make your own character and somehow make them the missing piece for the heroes or the villains to succeed that would be great.

The problem is however that the champions of the league are not normal humans, that's why they are in the league to begin with.

>I imagine Renekton being 2 phase fight, first it all starts softly, then he gets ultra mad and the whole fight elevates to the whole level.

How about He starts hard and then he ults and gets CUHRAYZAY

>Otome games
That's so stupid it could work
>You are an old sap who finds a broken bronze golem in one of your travels through the forest.
After 2 days you manage to bring him back to your house and despite the complex machinery you were able to fix him.
>As a thank you he tells you he's has an amazing bio organism compatibility matrix and that he could help you find the love of your life.
>Then he uses steam and shock therapy to turn your fugly body into that of a Demacian model and gives you the chance to get teleported to any city in Runaterra where your romantic adventure will begin.

I'd just go to bandle City and bang Tristana desu senpai.