If your videogame doesn't let you fly a spaceshipship over 10km long then it's shit

If your videogame doesn't let you fly a spaceshipship over 10km long then it's shit

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too bad eve is fucking shit

rollback to 2012 when

why would that space ship even enter the atmosphere?

EVE is lit as fuck right now. Good time to jump in. Dreddit is recruiting too.

wait for star citizen lmao

If your spaceship has arbitrary ship sizes that mean nothing because there's no on-foot scale to compare to it's shit.
So, Space Engineers and Star Citizen are the only exceptions coming to mind. Anything else with free movement in fuckhuge ships?

>spaceship over 10km long
>only 1 pilot needed
whats the fun in that?

Empyrion I guess. Building fuckhuge ships is pointless in it, though.

You know it's never coming out, right


I fully expect the singleplayer to, and that's why I gave them $30 years ago. That's a lot less ambitious and all the tech they need for that is nearly done.

>lit as fuck

If it's not coming out, it's the most hilariously mismanaged scam in history. You're meant to hide the money not spend it.

>eve is lit as fuck right now


>it's the most hilariously mismanaged scam in history
You say this like it's absurd. Roberts is hilariously incompetent and it's not really surprising that he's as bad at scamming his dumbass backers as he is at producing a working product.

The Wing Commanders and Freelancer were all pretty good, I wouldn't call him incompetent. He just needs someone reining him in or a hilarious amount of funding.

The game is as good as it has ever been, the problem is the playerbase and lack of new blood.

EVE Online objectively has the best trailers. These motherfuckers know how to choose music. Goddamn. Just take your pick.


>lit as fuck
I mean, yeah. The new stars are look fucking incredible.

The eve trailers are some of the best in the gaming business. Shame the actual gameplay doesn't match what is shown in them

All of their trailers are products of the engine, sometimes with added on effects and better controlled lighting. Sure, what happens in the trailers is always flashier, but all the ships in them look like they're being flown around like small fighter craft and not the hundreds of meters long vessels that they are.

Just about everything you see in these things can and will happen though. Maybe with the exception of this, which is still done in engine and still a 10/10 trailer.

Also a little fun fact. The song in that trailer is performed by their in-house band that they apparently have. The trailer uses the only good part of the song though. The rest isn't for me.

Same as Bannerlord and Cyberpunk 2077, damn

>Sure, what happens in the trailers is always flashier
Bit of an understatement. Actual fleets in eve look like this, like a bunch of ships got dumped into a basket. And you only get to see them for 5% of the time anyway, your view will be zoomed out so far all you'll be able to see are the little markers for each ship

They made it pay 2 win with skill injectors. Avoid at all costs.

>Being a poorfag
Sucks to be you.



Well of course mass combat is pure chaos. It has been since the dawn of man and always will be. And the ships are always there ready for you to zoom in on and observe. YOU choose your own zoom level, user.

>That "Allah!" at the end that just refuses to quit.
My sides hit W every single time.

>The guy at the end screaming ALLAAAAAH!


And yet another.

God damn CCP makes nice trailers

eve online has the best ship girls


>not posting the best one



weebs HAVE to destroy every nice thing on this earth. It's just their instinct to shamelessly fuck with everything.
Fucking inhuman breeds.

Imagine maintaining a ship like that.

God damn it EVE could have been so much better. And not in the bullshit ways that retards on Cred Forums always complain about either, the 3rd person and all that for flying was never the core problem. The real stuff CCP never did (at least before I quit, but that was a solid 8 years or something) was improve the core aspects of the sandbox. The market was never improved, they never embraced space construction (and in turn destruction) beyond the initial shitty attempts, the communications and corp experience stayed really primitive, etc etc. They kept pouring effort into stupid shit THAT WASN'T SPACESHIPS, like the planet crap and of course massive amounts of EVE money went into WoD which ended up getting cancelled anyway.

Such a fucking waste of potential. In the hands of even somewhat more competent, skilled and ambitious people (which includes a lot of the player base, there were/are some crazy smart and professional people playing that game) it could have gone way, way farther.

It's an extra shame because MMOs died except for EVE so there has been no one else to take up the torch. Normally a single MMO stagnating shouldn't matter, there should have been lots of other ones (set in different styles and gameplay of course) that could work instead. Instead everyone went for LE WOW KILLAH and then F2P grindan' shit.

Someday somebody will get ambitious again like original CCP and show the world what can be done. It'll be a long sad wait though.

True, they're good (what few that were ever made).

>been so long since I played I don't recognize all the ships on site anymore
>still get twinges now and then but then think of 7 years of lost sp and can't bring myself to resub
still kind of regret quitting

CCP wasting so much money on Dust and WoD was criminal. I can understand them wanting to branch out and not rely entirely on EVE but it was done so half assed that neither project ever had a chance.

>The market was never improved
How does thee market need to be improved? The player driven market is one of EVEs best features. The fact that almost all ships and modules are player created and hauled around to various markets is really cool.

>they never embraced space construction (and in turn destruction) beyond the initial shitty attempts
Isn't that what Citadels are?

>The player driven market is one of EVEs best features. The fact that almost all ships and modules are player created and hauled around to various markets is really cool.
Yes, and that's precisely why it was a core thing that could have really benefitted from improvement.
>How does thee market need to be improved?
Tons of ways, the list could go on ages. More complex transactions like packages and deals as part of the main market interface. Specific corporate/alliance markets. I mean, look at ACTUAL markets, look at what OEMs do for selling computers, go look at Amazon and Ebay, etc. This sort of sandbox is as you say a cool and critical core feature of EVE, everyone uses it. It wouldn't have taken much programming work/cost (and obviously it takes zero GPU/CPU resources, this is the sort of improvement that requires zero spec bumps) to greatly enhance the market system and allow entire new layers of interactions. That sort of sandbox stuff should have been CCP's bread and butter. In comparison LE WALKING IN STATIONS and such consumed tons of resources for endless delays and minimal effect. Yeah that can be cool long term, but after 7-10 years stuff that was groundbreaking when EVE was launched should have been first in line for more refinement.

>>they never embraced space construction (and in turn destruction) beyond the initial shitty attempts
>Isn't that what Citadels are?
No. It's what POS should have been, or allowing people to set up automated/semi-automated asteroid mining complexes (which could then be attacked of course), that sort of thing. Space construction should and could have been far more sandbox-y, not just another CCP made structure.

To be clear, that'd be more actual work and expense then core stuff like comms, organizations, and markets. But vs planet crap or stations or sinks like DUST/WoD that's the sort of effort that'd actually yield big dividends: fun new sandbox stuff all around, both for people to make and people to destroy.

It's never too late, user.
I quit the game for several months, and while at first all that lost SP potential really put a damper on me, getting back in and playing with people helped a lot. And you can always just push for some Injectors to make up some lost time.

>but then think of 7 years of lost sp and can't bring myself to resub
Silly reason I think. I only started last year and having fun. Instead of thinking what you missed out on why not think of what you can still get in on?


It's a classic psychological phenomena, even if it's not very logical. The barrier to reentry in something you got to the top of and quit feels different then starting as a newb. It's not even wholly unlogical, people will have different expectations of you and there will be more at risk if your character is ancient and you were high tier at one point but now are super rusty. There is also some nostalgia issues: if lots of old friends and things you remember are gone too it's hard. All the old kb's seem to be dead too and other online resources I remember.

I mean, you're right even so, maybe I'll give it a whirl in the summer if things seem exciting. Or I'll see if a group of people all want to resub or newsub at once so we can all be starting fresh or rusty together. I first played in like 2004 or 2005, quit in 2008, then I think I rejoined due to Cred Forums doing that one time 6 month flash in the pan EVE spurt which was pretty fun for a while, then I played another 3 years before quitting again IIRC. If I can find some mix of old vets and bros who might want to give it a shot for 3 months or something that'd be a way to go, we can all get into rifters or whatever is fun now and go die in glory together.

after spending a lot of time devving various types of space games, I've come to the conclusion that it's hard to actually make a compelling space game.

it's why there's so few, I guess.

filthy religious fanatic oppressors!

makes it all the worse when a rare good one comes out, then gets fucked up and squandered when original devs move on and new ones come in who are typical retards

Considering the Houses of Parliament is nowhere near 10km long, the ship in OP's pic is a FRAUD.

I mean EVE is pretty good for what it is. You can fly in massive fleets, conquer space, engage in one of the most fleshed out and realistic economies in any MMO, it's all player driven content. I guess some people just can't get over the fact you don't directly fly your ship and that for the most part you need to be proactive in setting some goals and going out to accomplish them instead of being fed content through quests and raids.

That pic makes it look smaller than it is. That ship is the same size as this one.

>that ending
My sides, whats the story behind that scream?


Dream Fleet is looking like they're having fun, can I join them?

Where is the Cred Forums alliance on this map?

No such thing.

>Where is the Cred Forums alliance on this map?
>Cred Forums having the attention span to stick with something long term and skill to manage it
Oh u. Cred Forums did have a fun time in EVE back in like, can't even remember now, 2009? 2010? Something like that. It was a fun corp but it joined a bigger alliance, and after like 4-6 months ended up imploding mostly (though some of the decent bros went into splinters that were also fun for a while). These days even 4-6 months seems like way longer then Cred Forums would be able to manage a single endeavor. The board is better oriented towards quick pickup fotm or classic stuff where people can just join a game for a single session and then be done. Even then we mostly just shitpost instead not play vidya.

anonymity particularly bad for long term in eve anyway, fine for low level no one cares but if something of value? would get spied/scammed fast probably.

also my shipfu back then. so much fun in this bitch in nullsec

Maybe I should make a Cred Forums alliance so we can take over the galaxy

You'll be happy to know that Assault Frigs just got a balance pass and they got a brand new exclusive module that gives them like 80% resists for 20 seconds (120s cycle time). They're the new hotness in PvP right now.

>tfw small gang of 7 to 10 AFs and a couple good logi pilots wandering around nullsec
Fuck that led to some great times. Strong enough to do some real damage, fast enough to catch people sometimes and gtfo from blobs, cheap enough to not be a big deal to lose it all once in a while. Not that we got action all the time but when it did it was great.

Too bad delayed local or some sort of sov+device req with timing delay never came to nullsec last I played. That would have made 0.0 so much better, no local one of the best parts of w-space. They didn't have to go all the way to no local at all, but even a 5 or 10 minute delay (or sov req+30/120/240 sec interval or something) would have spiced things up a lot.


Nice try but you're not tempting me to resub that easily!

Reddit has one one of the biggest alliances :')
They are shit though



Look at those juicy buffs.

They're not on it

Join All-Out

Are there actually any old players in this thread? Anyone who still plays or browses Cred Forums who played with borksi during that brief flash in the pan I might recognize?

I wonder how long it takes that ship to turn around

Granted that I'm not trained to fly it yet so my lack of skill might be affecting the math here, but the game is telling me 82.14 seconds.

>Are there actually any old players in this thread?
I'm almost 34

Some of the EVE tools should give you the numbers for whatever skill level you want to set. An actual supercap pilot would have everything maxed out, and back when I played some of them would use implants to enhance alignment time (my recollection is that armor, shield, and most weapon implants had zero effect on capitals so things were more wide open for those bodies, otherwise everyone would probably go for tank or damage). Made the price of what were they, HG Snakes?, way higher then they might have been otherwise.

Maybe the whole meta has changed now though or mechanics have been altered.

Me too god damn, but I meant "anons who played eve for a long time" in this case you goof.

Probably not. Try the general over in /vg/

>Try the general

Ah right, that's a thing isn't it that didn't exist back in the day? I always hated that split and the few times I went to /vg/ it was so full of tripgarbage and general faggotry I swore to never return but it makes sense that any EVE action would have migrated there given superior persistence.

>He hasn't kept track of the 790 Doki Doki Literature Club generals
Also eog is mostly just one autistic dog poster anyway


>Also eog is mostly just one autistic dog poster anyway



The problem is the gameplay is shit. It was shit in 2004 and when I played it in 2017 it was exactly the same. At least World of Warcraft changed the gameplay to be more action based. EVE is stuck in the 90s.

How is the gameplay shit?

No it’s not, at least not at the core. It is niche though.

Some people think all space games should be first person.

Null is literally on its deathbed right now dummy dino

why, people can’t be arsed to fight over it anymore? did they ever implement delayed local or some better mechanics there?

Null is about to start the biggest war in the games history


Nerfed them cause they were OP as fuck

Im Halaster, but im never resubbing to this garbage again

Null is now for mining and everyone dogpiling until one side steps down due to lack of numbers.


so no changes to local in the last 8 years? sad!

Only one alliance in the game is mining their region

>plex is 3 billion isk

lmao, this shit is dead

That is false, every entity in the game is rorq mining in their space or having renters do it for them. Do you even play?

>just one

>Can't tell the difference between millions and billions

>gets killed by space zombies

Did you even look at the graph I posted? Some groups might be doing some light mining but only one alliance is mining their region properly and utilizing the resources. Unless you're trying to argue that Delve has as much ore as the next 5 regions combined?

all i see here is DARKNESS, GSF, Russians, and everyone else being pushed into sansha space

Eh, seems in the range of typical inflation in a less developed/grounded economy. I think they were like 700 mil when I quit 8 years, so that's like 4-5x higher now. 20% yearly inflation is high IRL but definitely not hyper inflation territory or uncommon in developing markets. Developed world aiming for more like 2-3% is different and takes work. CCP could be managing it better from the sound of it and it'd be a sign that they aren't doing enough in terms of sinks but CCP mismanagement is hardly surprising, I wonder if they even still have a real economist on the team, and if anything I'm surprised it's not a lot worse.

>fragmented plex mentality
he means the total value of 500 plexcoins or 1 plex

Plex got split. 1 old plex is equal to 500 new plex. Each plex is around 3.2 million now so plexing your account costs 1.6 billion.

My mistake, 10 titans worth of minerals per month is literally nothing.

Then he's still wrong because 500 plex isn't anywhere close to 3 billion

Compared to mining 100 titans worth, yes it sure as fuck is.

I probably never will either but I hope you're doing well anyway.

i actually didnt know they made it 1/500 plex

Thousands of goons omega krabbing 24/7 in one region does not mean everyone else is sitting around doing nothing as the graph itself shows.

you cant just join imperium without 3 months of being active on SA

Russians are mostly bots doing RMT

>Plex got split. 1 old plex is equal to 500 new plex.
Huh, seems like an odd decision but ok. Wonder what that would mean if I ever logged in again to one of my accounts with a bunch of plex I looted. Would they be autosplit into whatever it is now or still be in their classic ancient plex form?

>Each plex is around 3.2 million now so plexing your account costs 1.6 billion.
In that case it's like single digit inflation, that's not bad at all.

There's only so much ore available in each region every 24 hours. Just because they have some mining ops every now and then doesn't mean they're coming anywhere close to fully utilizing the space they own. Clearly only the goons are coming anywhere close to that, every other group is getting outmined by an order of magnitude. That's a big deal.

So no, other groups aren't really mining properly. They're just shitting around afking in a Rorq every now and then.

everyone is botting in EVE now and CCP doesnt do anything about it because their player base is so small that they cant afford a crackdown
look at what happened with the rorq changes the threads of rage were being made faster than they could delete them

fuck those pinko faggots and fuck iceland

>newbs back in the day being titan bridged for their first time
>no idea what to do
>they mwd towards the titan to "try to go through"
>all that titan pilot rage
good times

Most people I know don't bothonestly, mainly because what we do, it's impossible to bot effectively

Your plex would be autosplit. Also any Aurum you had would be converted to plex as well, since the goal was to consolidate both into one currency that is used for everything, buying account time, ship skins, etc.


>how is telling a ship to auto pilot around the enemy ship while telling your turrets to auto fire not boring?

Damn, you guys have been playing eve for so long you forgot what it was like to play a real game

Here it is from 8 years ago for comparison. Funny what has changed and what hasn't.

You're either talking about PvE or are really shit at PvP, either way what you said isn't relevant to me. Maybe try playing the actual game instead of fighting NPCs?

And you clearly have never played EVE at all (or at least sucked at it). You're like all those MH newbies declaring how unbalanced and impossible monsters are.


Watch this to see all the changes that happened

I did large fleet ops in goonswarm, did tons of fleet ops, even took down a citadel sometime in March or April last year. I was alt tabbed most of several hours of the fight.

The only reason people play eve, and the excuse even trailers say is the reason to play eve, is because everything you do affects the rest of the game world. But the gameplay is garbage.

>I was an F1 monkey in a large alliance so I've clearly got enough experience to say the gameplay is shit despite willingly seeking out the most braindead possible role to play in the game

>y-you didn't play the game right!
See, it doesn't matter if you're alone killing npcs or part of a major alliance or somewhere in between. The core gameplay loop is still the same: target, turn on weapons, tell ship to fly somewhere, watch numbers pop up while you idle at the keyboard.

>I just did large fleet ops
Holy shit you fag why did you ruin the game for yourself? Oh right, it's probably because you're so retarded that you actually think that's representative of PvP.

In contrast, I literally only ever did large fleet ops twice, to help with a specific strategic objective, and yeah it was shit. I did it to help out our alliance but never again, went right back to nullsec/w-space solo and small gang pvp with occasional exploration mixed in. Tried different stuff, founded my own corp for a while with some other pirates, we had a lot of fun, particularly during the height of nanocrazy (though even after they nerfed that you could still do wild stuff if you got gud).

I'm actually kind of sorry you neutered yourself but EVE doesn't hold your hand there for better or worse. How you played though is not representative of most of the game.

say the to the guys who run fleets of 50 rorqs each

An entity a 10th the size could be omega krabbing as well and it would make hardly a fucking dent in the graph compared to the goons. The actual volume mined is irrelevant. Fact is, there are many times more people mining in null today compared to a few years ago. And has been an active goal of pretty much anyone who's anyone to get as many people mining as possible.

What do you expect? Twitch gameplay when you're piloting a ship a Km long? Eves gameplay is fine, it's more tactical in nature than reflex based and there's nothing wrong with that. There's a lot more to do when you're small gang though, overheating modules and keeping track of them so you don't burn out your weapons or run your cap down while keeping at the optimal range through webs, ABs and MWS gives you enough to do that even if you're not mashing buttons you're sure as hell not afk at the keyboard.

>See, it doesn't matter if you're alone killing npcs or part of a major alliance or somewhere in between.
Actually it does. That's the point.
>The core gameplay loop is still the same: target, turn on weapons, tell ship to fly somewhere, watch numbers pop up while you idle at the keyboard.
Wrong, if you do that in actual solo/small gang pvp you will lose against anyone who isn't equally garbage (or most likely you'll get spotted by happy pirates who will kill BOTH of you). In actual PvP distance and speed management is critical along with cap, situational awareness, etc, and that's only if you're playing yourself it goes more if you're leading a gang and trying to deal with intel and shit too.

You literally did only the most boring parts of the game (or at least the parts where interest comes from higher level objectives which clearly didn't matter to you) requiring zero initiative on your part, no surprise you don't understand what made the sandbox good or to what extent you could push it, play crazy grid games, etc.

See, I've come back to the game 4 times over the course of a decade. Every time I came back because someone said I wasn't playing the game right and to try something different. So I do, and it's still exactly the same. It's like saying doing heists are totally different from doing drug running missions in gta v. Doesn't change the gameplay loop of gta, still a shooter with driving mechanics.

Thanks user, kind of cool seeing what I knew mutate and shift around, as well as new names pop up and some major old ones die off. I actually logged out my main in a t3 and pirate BS in w-space somewhere, I'm sure everything of my old corp there is long gone and it'd take some effort to even make it back to k-space.

I think you're lying or are genuinely dumb because what you described is literally, objectively wrong. You just can't PVP solo or small gang with auto orbit and speed and such like you describe unless maybe you're "fighting" some miners you managed to catch or something. In actual real battle in EVE there is just way more going on then that, and if you don't know it and do it you lose. That's extra true in speed tank and ewar ships which I presume are still something of a thing, but anything has to think about that somewhat.

That's not to say that EVE gameplay couldn't be a lot better even within the whole tactical 3rd person view, it could be, but it's also not at all like you describe except as large fleet f1 monkey or shitty lazy PvE in high sec.

Post the real one

Alliance and coalition influence maps were never the same thing. The latter can split up a lot more easily.


He's right. Coalition members are far more likely to backstab and switch sides than alliance members. Coalitions are just alliances of convenience, they change as soon as the convenience outweighs the cost.

Or just drama or even simple boredom for that matter. Some of the great wars of eve history have been prompted by big coalition implosions, or some alliance forgetting to pay their bills or something and triggering a strategic collapse and then feeding frenzy.

5 blocks controlling the majority of space, most of which are NIP'd to each other, and are in reality actually make up more like 2 blocks in actual standings.

>can't play a grunt on a planet and get obliterated by an orbital strike
>can't board stations/keepstars and fight in tight corridors
>can't fly a fighter and kamikaze into an enemy capital ship

What if I wanted to throw the entire corporate world into complete chaos and just generally fuck everything and everyone up through scheming a backstabbing.

expecting a bit much from a 15 year old game there m8


i thought goonswarm died

>Wanting CCP to develop any of that shit when they've wasted millions on dust and valkyrie

They got ganged up on and forced out of Deklein, but saved enough of their caps that they could take Delve a few months later.

EVE looks cool etc and being in a large alliance is probably fun. I think i have several million skillpoints but i don't see myself properly playing

It takes years and years to gain enough trust to be put into a position where you can fuck over an alliance, so good luck.

If you're genuinely good at that, like for real IRL national security agency or ex-State Department (or current even like poor vile rat), and are willing to put in months or literal years of effort, you might be able to pull off a huge one. It's happened before. But you'll be going up against lots of other people that good who don't want you to so if you're asking the question here on Cred Forums the answer is probably no, because you aren't driven enough and suck.

That's always been the good/bad of EVE: it's "real", nothing in the game will make you into the hero and no one is going to give you free good kills. Anything you pull off has to be by your own efforts against other humans. It makes it super satisfying when you DO manage something amazing, but if you can't you can't.

they teased us with dust and valkyrie but they fucked it up

>being in a large alliance is probably fun
Depends if you enjoy being part of something bigger than yourself. Members of large alliances aren't much more than corporate drones. They get pinged to log in and join fleets, they F1 monkey for a few hours then log off.

I have purchased money on ISK selling site before. Never got banned for it. I wonder if you actually have a real chance of getting banned if you only do it now and then. Much more fun to pay for skill injectors too with cash than spending 3 years leveling skills

Yeah, i guess. I only have around 21 million skillpoints unfortunately so i'm just too low to get back into the game properly without spending years catching up. Hell never even played the game properly.

>and being in a large alliance is probably fun
Actually not necessarily, this is a big mistake a lot of players coming from other games make. Small scrappy corps can be a lot more fun once you get decent enough at the game, unless you're the kind of person who really does find the whole cog-in-a-machine thing good (granted, it can be a good way to make a fair amount of isk in a hurry or as a bit of a break from the game). Or are one of the rare few who actually can rise to leadership and enjoys that whole bag.

The tactics change, but the gameplay doesn't. Oh, you have to set your ship to auto pilot in a different direction, and the turrets and drones you have to give slightly more variable orders, but it's still just automated with what feels like almost no user input and extremely sterile in execution.

You don't need to "catch up" in eve for most stuff. Nice thing is that you can be perfect in small ships for a tiny tiny fraction of the cost of big ones and be every bit as effective in terms of numbers as someone who played 10 times longer.

So basically your complaint boils down you can't pilot your Titan like it's Freelancer. Thanks for your contribution, dumbass

Isn't EVE on like 25% of its former playerbase?

EVE is an objectively bad game, propped up by invested vets who cannot handle the fact they have plowed thousands of hours into something that is poorly designed.

The fact the game is hemorrhaging players says enough.

37,000 logged on right now. Granted about 30% of that is alts and bots.

I think i can fly some better stuff. At least my drones level are a little higher so maybe i could use some nice drones

>Oh, you have to set your ship to auto pilot in a different direction
No, you fly manually. You don't use auto pilot. Seriously user, I don't understand why you're speaking with such authority on something you clearly have just never done.
>and the turrets and drones you have to give slightly more variable orders,but it's still just automated with what feels like almost no user input and extremely sterile in execution.
But that's just wrong. I don't even know what else to say that hasn't been said, but you just can't take on 3 or 4:1 odds in a curse or vaga or whatever it is nowadays and win or even somewhat even odds in any old cruiser & smaller and win if that's all you do, again unless they suck as badly as you do or worse. You'll lose your point or get webbed or neuted or fuck up traversal and take a huge alpha or never even notice enemies (allies or 3rd party) coming down on your ass or lose cap or lots of other stuff.

And trajectory analysis is at lvl 5. Maybe i should get back into the game and look around at what ships and fittings i can do

Freelancer already was somewhat boring in its gameplay, so the fact that you're comparing EVE to that like it's the gold standard is pretty funny.

I think it's more like 55% off peak but yeah, it's shrunk heavily. And frankly for an MMO even "no longer growing at all" is a bad sign.

>EVE is an objectively bad game
No, it's an objectively good game that game that squandered many chances to be a great one. Unfortunately it's also the only MMO left in existence as far as I know, every other """"M""""MO is just a glorified MP meet up lounge, not massive. So there isn't really anywhere else better to still find a Massive experience, even though at 15 years old now (!) and with CCP's endless mismanagement it should have been crushed long since.

People who still play it are honest about its weaknesses but also recognize its strengths. They're also honest that it's a niche, always has been. It's too bad nobody else better has ever again tried to capitalize more successfully on that niche though. Ambition in vidya isn't what it once was.

Show me some of this fun gameplay then. Post some YouTube videos.

I think the fact you're bitching because EVEs combat isn't a carbon copy of Freelancers is even funnier

That looks plenty good enough to fuck around with honestly. I mean, if the game is dead to you anyway might as well just blow money on a bunch of tiny ships and go lose them or something. When did you last play?

>At least World of Warcraft changed the gameplay to be more action based.

no it didnt


>No, it's an objectively good game

Objectively good games don't have rampant bot problems which are allowed free reign over everything they operate within.

Nor do they have huge barriers of entry to prospective players whilst not catering to it's existing playerbase.

Or an internet-wide meme about being a glorified spreadsheet simulator.

EVE is shit and arguing that it isn't simply paints you as one of the long-invested vets which I initially mentioned.

Ops i pressed enter too early. These are the ships i have lvl 5 in. I played last two years ago maybe? Or at least a bit after skill injectors came, then i spent some time just training and training. I wouldn't even know where to begin if i got back in, since i have no one to play with

Why do you keep bringing up Freelancer? The game came out 15 years ago.

The last time I played retail was WoD and I played Vanilla around the same time. WoD had far more action to it than Vanilla. It was like night and day difference in gameplay.

This looks to be the correct thread to ask -

What are the suggested mods for X3: Reunion or X: Rebirth? Is Rebirth playable with mods, or should I just sttle for X3 and whatever mods exist? I've been wanting spaceshit for the past few weeks and I'm stuck between these two games.

Join All-Out

Yeah but i thought you guys were dead?

That's a goalpost shift and you know it. I can't say whether you'd find manually piloting and going up solo against tons of enemies fun or not, because it'll never be the same as Freespace 2 or something and I know that's what a lot of people have always wanted. But as far as solo (or small group) play against a lot in nullsec here's a classic example video:

But video is unusual in my experience because better players are paranoid about revealing any sort of intel on OPs. I always was, I didn't want people to know what wormhole I was living in or who my spies or corpmates' alts were or any of that. And like most vidya it's a lot more fun to play then to watch. Particularly if you play in an expensive ship. I did a lot of w-space PvP in T3 and pirate ships which back then was very pricey (dunno if it still is all this tim later), a lot of tension when you know you're up against superior power and if you mess up you'll be out billions but if you win you could make hundreds of millions/billions. Picture related, this was from back in the Broski days.

I wonder who could be behind this post

The thing that makes EVE awful is escalation mechanics like cynos and jump bridges.

A video game is must fun when both sides have a fair fight. These are the fights people remember in EVE, too--the fights where one side doesn't stomp the other with 10x the ships, but both sides fight evenly.

An ordinary game specifically sets the conditions so that fair fights are enforced. Ten players are spawned on each team, etc.--EVE already skews toward unfair fights because it's a sandbox and you can have arbitrary numbers of players anywhere. That's 'unconscious unfairness', but EVE goes a step further and actually has mechanics specifically designed to create unfair fights. Cynosural field generators allow the faction with more ships to teleport an infinite number of them into the fight, making the element of surprise or etc. almost completely worthless in EVE fleet fights. Every fight between corporations becomes "My blob of capitals vs your blob of capitals" and the one with the bigger blob wins with very few exceptions. Because of cynos and jump bridges, which were created specifically because the leaders of the biggest blobbing alliances (with the most voices) wanted them.

By the way, the fact that THIS thing is EVE Online's game designer since 2012 (it has a degree in "Sexual anarchy/open-relationship therapy" as its only prior qualification) doesn't help

>I played last two years ago maybe? Or at least a bit after skill injectors came, then i spent some time just training and training. I wouldn't even know where to begin if i got back in, since i have no one to play with
I was just curious if maybe I'd played with you way back when, but I quit the game long before that so probably not. This thread is kind of tempting me to resub but I just started rebuilding my system so I won't be in a position to do any real pc gaymin for at least a week anyway. All my old knowledge of where to go to find corps is now worthless.

You could just do some solo play for a while though or join a Faction Warfare thing maybe, that might let you eventually meet people who'd be fun to go make a small corp with.


>tons of stuff that isn't down to the game or is a meme
Nah you're the same sort of fag who just endlessly spammed ZZZZzzzZZZzzZZzzzzzz 10 years ago. People like you bitch about every game that isn't completely generic and doesn't pander to normies, you can only notice stuff you dislike never anything good even if it's covered in crap.

The only proper play of EVE i've done is several years ago with a corp that called themself pizza or love squad or something like that. We ganked miners, i got to experience trapping people in a reddit corp inside their base since we camped it, we did warp bubbles etc. It was very fun.

>doesn't even respond to the points.

Yup, got no argument. Your game is shit.

they must not care about inertia

Eve's combat is shit straight up

Not even a matter of freelancer anything, eve's combat is just total shit. I could design a more fun combat system from the ground up and I'm a neet shutin traditional gaming loser.

One of the biggest mistakes eve makes is all the ships at/past battleships turn into supertanks you have to sit there and wail on for 15 minutes to kill. It's the kind of thing that's designed for shitters to play.

Worse, there's no dynamic actions or maneuver. You have orbits and transversals, but that's virtually the only influence you can have - there's no directional combat, no flanking, basically everything and anything a human can do to influence fights is out of their hands.

If you replaced most fleets with 95% bots nobody would tell the fucking difference. You just get the fleet commander to give perfectly followed commands, alpha firing with perfectly applied reps on your own side, all done with microsecond of decision-making between bots. I'm honestly flabbergasted someone hasn't done it already considering how the game is literally half bots already.

Eve ONLY has the market system and player interactions/community going for it. EVERYTHING ELSE is such complete unmitigated trash. They can't figure out how to do cosmetics, they can't figure out how to do combat, it took them a fucking decade just to start getting decent ship models and CCP is more interested in blowing all their fucking money on everything BUT their cash cow. They've got what 4? 5? failed games under their belt now?

The incompetence is incredible, and even more incredible is that people still play it anyways.

Right now the best thing CCP could do is Eve 2.0 with an actual combat system and the server/network infrastructure designed from the ground up around the massive player battles that the current game engine simply cannot handle properly. Ideally they would just do this combat revamp to the current game, but there'd be idiot autists throwing hissyfits.

>minmatar isn't black
fake af

>all the ships at/past battleships turn into supertanks you have to sit there and wail on for 15 minutes to kill.

It's an escalation mechanic designed so he has time to sit there and tank ten people while his friends come to blob you

>it has a degree in "Sexual anarchy/open-relationship therapy" as its only prior qualification

That was a good post user. I quite agree with you there

>A video game is must fun when both sides have a fair fight.
Sort of, depending on what you mean by "fair". I think it's fair when I got the jump on PvE'rs in w-space and blew their shit out, though ratters would disagree. It was most fun of all when they brought in reenforcements and it turned into a real battle but it's "fair" in that they could have noticed and prevented it. There were always counters. But we obviously were trying to win, not "shall we duel like gentlemen", at least not while pirating. Dueling should have been more of a thing in EVE though, like with formal mechanics support in highsec.

But in EVE a lot of the fun is precisely trying to and succeeding in gaining advantage, and I don't think that's wrong at all. It's just different then what you find fun maybe, but then again what you find fun is how 99.99999% of games do it.

>nullsec alliance slap shit
You're only talking about a tiny facet of the game though there, and you didn't even really get into why it was actually unfair, because what you described takes effort and resources too. Could have talked about T2 BPOs or something maybe.

I dunno why so many non-players or barely-players gravitate towards alliance crap.

>By the way, the fact that THIS thing is EVE Online's game designer since 2012 (it has a degree in "Sexual anarchy/open-relationship therapy" as its only prior qualification) doesn't help
CCP went to the dogs way, WAY before 2012, but not for the reasons you wrote.

You made no points though, not even a single one.

Your video proved my point. Just toggling on and off ship systems while your ship flies on auto pilot. Very little interactivity.

You're the kind of shitter who rags on Civilization because you can't control your units like StarCraft


>To give an account of her whole resume is an almost impossible task, but some things does catch the eye: Her three years as a relation- and sexual counsel online, going by the name of dr Andie. She was then one of the people to coin the phrase relationship anarchist.

>Dr Andies counsel from the years of 2005 to 2008 can be found as a free book online for those who are curious.

>The main idea behind relationship anarchism is to not separate love relations to common ones, but just consider all grownup relations the same way. This is her explaining it in a Metro article back in 2007:

>You don’t make special rules just because you’re in love and demand that someone you are currently together with stays sexually faithful. I don’t think one should limit themselves in vain and don’t agree the outmost proof of love is only being with one person.

>Andie Nordgren describes it like her life consists of bubbles; the Eve online-bubble, the relationship anarchist-bubble, Geek girl-bubble and even the horse-bubble. One of the advantages of living on Iceland is the availability of Icelandic horses.

I thought EVE players were supposed to be smart? Apparently you can't fucking read.

You are as wrong as the other 25,000 sad souls clinging to that dying game who are equally as blind to its flaws. Your sunken costs won't let you see them.

I spend a good chunk of my workday looking at spreadsheets, I don't want to look at them in my free time either

It's fucking stupid and designed for a shitter who can't make competent quick decisions to survive.
It also creates an upgrade treadmill where players keep getting bigger and bigger ships because the bigger the ship the shittier they can play and still survive.

The only fun combat in eve starts at the cruiser level and down - and it is still barely fun.

The only decent combat mechanics CCP has put into the game were the jump drives and t3d combat modes. If they spent another two years just adding more combat mechanics like those, they'd eventually get something worth playing.

>The only fun combat in eve starts at the cruiser level and down - and it is still barely fun.

That was all ruined by T3 ships and powercreep faction ships. Orthrus killed frigate gameplay completely, for example, which also killed new player potential.

>One of the biggest mistakes eve makes is all the ships at/past battleships turn into supertanks you have to sit there and wail on for 15 minutes to kill. It's the kind of thing that's designed for shitters to play.
This is objectively wrong, as anyone capable of basic math or who ever played would know. Unlike most of your shit it's wrong anywhere: in blobfests BS and even carriers/dreads can get alpha'd. In small gang, they get neuted and then melted real fast unless it's a real fight, and they mostly can't hit shit.

>Worse, there's no dynamic actions or maneuver.
You seriously never did ewar at all? Never did any nanofun?

>If you replaced most fleets with 95% bots nobody would tell the fucking difference. You just get the fleet commander to give perfectly followed commands, alpha firing with perfectly applied reps on your own side, all done with microsecond of decision-making between bots. I'm honestly flabbergasted someone hasn't done it already considering how the game is literally half bots already.
Because your understanding isn't actually very good and such a fleet would lose.

EVE is so massively flawed and has such wasted potential, but you shitters never give the actual reasons.

>Right now the best thing CCP could do is Eve 2.0
CCP long since ceased to be a company capable of anything. If they weren't it would have been different since over 10 years ago.

civilization is a shit game for a lot of reasons that have nothing to do with unit control; albeit the change to 1 unit per tile was a good one, just implemented incompetently and in the worst possible way - endless legend figured out how to do it properly

>bigger ships because the bigger the ship the shittier they can play and still survive.
This isn't even remotely true. Shitters lose fucking capitals every day. A Battleship won't survive a dumb pilot flying it into a gatecamp. It's tank is irrelevant unless you're a dumbass who thinks PvP should be 1v1 all the time.

>this guy with $5000 sunk into subscription + PLEX retardedly defending EVE against every legitimate criticism

I don't even read the posts. It's sad though

Yeah yeah and RTS and such are all terrible.


>Ctrl + F
>Fractured space 0/0


She's like lead director or something?

It's no wonder CCP can't do anything right.

>Your video proved my point. Just toggling on and off ship systems while your ship flies on auto pilot. Very little interactivity.
No, there was no autopiloting in combat there. And managing timing and the systems and situational awareness and all that is hard. You would never be able to do something like that because you suck. You're the classic irritating armchair jackass who looks at something hard and declares how "oh that's so low skill I could totally do better."

>implying I didn't quit ages ago
That desperate projection.
>I don't even read
No wonder any complexity beyond TF2 hats terrifies and confuses you.

>Just toggling on and off ship systems
I love how disingenuous this is. Yes, managing your systems so they don't burn out or cap you out is just toggling them on and off. In the heat of battle having to manage those systems while keeping optimal range and an eye on the scanner to watch for incoming reinforcements is quite difficult.

>She's like lead director or something?
>It's no wonder CCP can't do anything right.
CCP went to hell with this shit a long ass time ago though. Golden age for them was like 2003 to 2008 or 2009 maybe, though the rot was setting in at the end of even then. She's definitely a symptom of that but not the cause I think, I remember hearing about more bullshit in CCP and some of the founders vanishing before. Too bad.

>there was no auto piloting
Bullshit, I never saw him go into the first person option and control the shit. Double clicking a part of your screen to move in that direction or setting distances and orbits doesn't count as "manual" piloting.

>Controlling your ship by telling it the direction and speed to go doesn't count as manual piloting


That's literally how auto pilot in an aircraft works. You set the heading and speed.

>I love how disingenuous this is.
It's like someone looking at a Quake 3 game or whatever and saying "oh you just move around and point at the enemy with your mouse and click the button and you win, how could anyone like something so easy?" A lot of Cred Forumsirgins are in fact genuinely terrible at vidya and always will be though.

It was super fun actually encountering people like that back in EVE however, they'd always spend tons of isk on expensive gear because they thought more meta=i-win-button and do total shitfits. They were like big pinatas full of expensive candy. I wish I still had the KM of one of these guys who kept buying faction BS and fitting them with like 1 of each kind of pirate turret and pirate shield AND armor boosters and shit like that. Fucking hilarious.

>muh first person XD
Oh you're just shitposting, sorry I didn't realize it earlier. Carry on, maybe post some spreadsheet pictures or sleeping faces or something? Or tell us how amazing Scam Citizen is going to be and how you don't regret putting in a thousand dollars at all? Please be our guest.

You can bet the mentality of those people who put those fits together was the same as this dipshits.

"Oh all I have to do is orbit and activate my weapons! If I have better gear then I'll definitely win!"

>actually somehow having 43 people in an eve thread on Cred Forums in fucking 2018
wow didn't think that was possible


thanks for posting a couple I'd never seen, it was fun user, first eve thread I've been a part of in like 5 years