How the fuck can anyone defend this leveling

how the fuck can anyone defend this leveling
>slow and boring
>70% of things is not tuned for lower levels
who the fuck do they expect me to do this content with? fuckin dranor quest group finder? friends?
i have 30k hp and im supposed to kill something with 500k thats immune to cc
>best and most interactive spells behind a 2 day grind till 75+
even fuckin diablo has a better level expierience

fuckin nostalgia faggots FUCK OFF

Other urls found in this thread:

Who's defending it?

>I have 30k hp and Im supposed to kill something with 500k thats immune to cc

sounds like standard group content. WoWbaby cant handle grouping?

Haven't played in a while but I feel it's pretty silly to force people to group when you passed the past 10 years removing all group content from the game and desincentivizing playing as a group at any level but the top 5% of current PvE content.


Did they really not reshuffle the levels you get your skills at?



This. Op is a faggot.

coupled with the artifact cancer, your class doesn't come even close of having a decent rotation before lvl 100
To answer the OP, reddit and classic/vanilla fags are pure cancer. Remember "you think you do but you don't?" He was right all along. WoW was becoming more and more casualized with every patch, and now that we're all used to it they decide to do a 180. And not even a good one at that.

Stop being so bad at video games.

Leveling is now enjoyable you get to finish entire zones and can skip the shitty expansions. Honestly I hope you fags all quit over this. This patch was a great idea.

Because every player wants to play through the same content they have repeatedly done for 10+ years in a 10 year old game. How delusional can wowfags be

Only took me 2-3 days played time to level my Nightborne Warlock from 20 to 110, and that was with alot of afking between levels and the fact I went for zones I wanted to be immersed in compared to efficiency in levelling.

Dunno what the fuck the fuss is about.

I guess most players playing now started past the vanilla/tbc era and had heirlooms/speed levelling from the get go.

Can someone give me a rundown of what's going on?

t. Not played since Cata

They changed experience required for leveling and made zones scale up to a certain level

So the Cata vanilla zones scales up to 60.
TBC+Wrath scale from 60-80
Cata+MoP scale from 80-90
WoD still goes 90-100
Legion is still 100-110

People just think it seems slower because you're spending less time going from zone to zone since you don't outlevel them anymore.

Scaling is good, nerfing heirlooms, raf, dungeon runs etc is just blizzjews way of getting you to buy boosts.

>still have to do mopwodlegoogoo content
what even was the point

>don't have to get through hellfire shit in TBC
thank god

you never had to, since WotLK you could easily get to 60 in LBRS, Strath and Scholo or spam Ram Parts and you only need to do a couple on quests to get enough rep to start Cenarion Expedition shit.

No idea, because getting to do the "Cata-Vanilla" zones is the best part of leveling because you never get to finish those zones properly. 30 levels from just going Redridge > Duskwood > N. Stranglethorn > S. Stranglethorn have been pretty great so far. I still have all of Kalimdor and most of Eastern Kingdoms I haven't even touched and I won't even get to do that with this alt.

>TBC+Wrath scale from 60-80

Oh thank fuck I can skip Hellfire Penn.

What zones are you going to bother doing when all the quests are still shit?

is it possible to get from 60-80 without entering northrend?

are night elves always this stacked?

Why would you want to do this? Id rather skip Outland than Northrend.

>nerfing heirlooms

This is a good thing

Heirlooms were a mistake that ruined low level PvP.

>decide to reroll horde in preparation for BFA
>dont want to pay outrageous cost of faction transfer for every class
>start leveling
>patch hits and everything takes 2x or 3x as long and some specs are completely useless
But hey at least we can enjoy that amazing post-Cata story where every other quest is a pop culture reference and you can skip an expac that you would spend a few hours blazing through anyway

>waaah why can't I level 18 different characters to cap in a week
holy fuck kys

northrend is way slower. if you go HFP => zangar => nagrand => blade's edge => netherstorm => shadowmoon you can get from 60 to 80 in a day

Holy shit the retail baby tears ITT are delicious.

>waaaaaaaah I can't get to level cap in less than four hours

Are Demon Hunters good yet?

I am out of the loop and quit during early cata, what happened?

except that's utterly pointless to pad out leveling in this way rather than making it challenging, and doesn't fit the core gameplay at all.
If anything WoW will now suffer from the GW2 syndrome where basically between level 20 and level cap everything is just a pointless non challenging grind created to waste your time because the game lacks content.

People have always defended WoW's leveling for some godforsaken reason. I think my favorite argument was that the grind to 60/70/80 made people learn their class when most people were fucking retarded at level cap and still didn't know how to play their class.

>only content that matters is max level
>leveling is a chore unless you are a newfag, so bad that people literally pay to skip content
>drones defend it


the leveling is meant to be fun too..... it's only a chore because you're a full blown autist.

some people are just too dense to learn but the original leveling and pretty much until MoP came out taught you a lot of things about how to play solo, how to play in group content and how to behave in community.

No it didn't.

yes, yes I can assure you it did

If it didn't you're a retard who won't be getting into high end content anyway

damn nice contribution to the argument my man

Oh yes, the super interesting and engaging "do your rotation on every enemy". Guess you are correct, I should be an aspie for not liking doing repetitive chorres with growing numbers.

The worst part is that you can't understand the concept of irony.

>original leveling and pretty much until MoP came out taught you a lot of things about how to play solo, how to play in group content and how to behave in community
And then the huntard rolled for the caster items.

Only vanilla and tbc taught you that because you were forced to interact with other people and if you didn't figure it out by 40-50 or so you were forever kicked out of groups and would have a hard time leveling on your own. Past that not even close.

No, it really didn't, it taught me absolutely fucking nothing about how to play that I did not already know from playing UO and EQ.

why are people complaining about an MMO doing MMO things?
what do you honestly fucking expect?

the issue you bring up is not really tied to the game but to the core systems since MoP, basically you don't get talents every levels anymore so you don't feel like you progress, then you have the issue that your toolkit is extremely limited until level 110 because of the artifact/legendary nonsense and the fact that all classes are based around a rotation consisting of procs and passive effects that you only unlock by level 100+.
Until MoP you had a decent toolkit from level 15-19 generally but now you're just playing a gimped piece of shit.

you do realize that that's the whole game of WoW, right? farming for better gear so that you can do more damage faster to more dangerous enemies?

WoW leveling was about experiencing the masterful world of warcraft lore and world building through different sights, stories, music, ambient sounds, and enemies... if you think it's just about "numbers" then you're retarded, the game itself and the world that blizzard created was pretty fucking amazing back then (and still is, since i recently leveled 1-60 on elysium).

Specially after WotLK, when you could be a retarded clown in every dungeon without any consequences.

Daily reminder that Final Fantasy 14 did leveling right.

gitgud faggots

>Crying because the game requires effort instead of being a tourist trap loot pinata.

Kill yourself.

You say that like 99% of level cap players didn't play like they were handicapped or pull retard shit and get blacklisted.

I've played several classes since the update, and the only one that seems barren rotation-wise is marksmanship hunter who has a grand total of 2 spells until you get the artifact

> it taught me absolutely fucking nothing about how to play that I did not already know from playing UO and EQ.
are you fucking retarded? that's because you already played 2 MMOs before WoW, of course you would fucking hopefully understand the fundamentals

I still remember only using consecrate on my prot paladin and wild growth on my druid for entire dungeon runs because you didn't need anything else during Wrath.

>literal hours of fetchquesting back to back
No it didn't. Guild Wars 1 did leveling right by getting the fuck out of the way and letting me play the game I wanted to play.

WoW core systems even then were utterly different from both so good on you I guess but you're kind of moving the goalpost.

that's due to another problem, the want for higher quality items, the confusion with hunter scaling regarding mend pet and arcane shot notably, and the fact that hunters could use almost everything.
I'm guilty as charged of ninjaing the daggers off Arugal to go ambidextrous melee hunter because it made sense.

Yeah, is pretty obvious they did it to sell boosters. People want to play more characters but leveling is awful.

>experiencing the masterful world of warcraft lore and world building
The key for a successful bait is being subtle, user.

If I was supposed to learn from other peoples' examples in WoW I wouldn't have learned shit. Most of the playerbase for that game is fucking retarded.

you have brain problems my dude

yeah no one could ever actually enjoy the core game of WoW, it just has to be bait xDD

How many zones did you finish?

I dont think it did either. The story isn't nteresting and using the same single target spells for 30+ levels just feels bad too.

oh you're right I'm sorry, marks hunter has 3 spells
mend pet, arcane shot, and marked shot
yes silly me

though if you choose a certain talent, you only have 2, since you don't have the pet then

To be fair, that hasn't changed, they just tripled the mob HP to increase the leveling time. Shit is still braindead, boring and effortless.

core gameplay of WoW is objectively shit and has been for years

Cataclysm had much harder raids and dungeons than WotLK my man. That's why they had to add the raid finder at the end of it so people could actually see the last boss.

i mean i quit at the end of wrath, i'm talking about vanilla/bc/wrath leveling. no idea how shitty it got from cata and onward

because everyone loves to spam palace of the dead

If you're not using aimed shot you're missing out on half your dps ny dude.

I don't think anyone has ever said WoW leveling is fun, but are you seriously finding it HARD?

>lore and world building are the core of the game
Are you even fucking trying? You don't deserve the (you).

Why does everyone hate hellfire penn?

It's the wrong kind of effort. It's just boring timewasting shit like washing dishes. It's not interesting or engaging or challenging. It's just a bunch of shit you have to eat before you get to the parts of the game that are actually worth playing.

God no. FFXIV's levelling is complete crap. It's tied so strictly to that shitty main quest that you get none of sense of freedom or exploration that you got in old mmos and it takes for fucking ever.

they were too stupid to avoid the fel reaper

Thinking about the story though. Being forced to play through a story is literally what an RPG is supposed to be about, not racing to max level, ignoring all the content.

The fact that it also has 1000% more cutscenes than WoW makes the story better too imo.

when levelling up, aimed shot is slow and doesn't do much damage, it's pointless

hard to stay awake

It used to be acceptable but now everyone expects the game to be fun on its own instead of it being something you do with friends. MMOs were only good because there wasn't anything like it before. Now they're just terrible games.

Because you have no choice but to either go through it or spam the same 5-man (which is Ramparts) to get to the next zone. There's no choice of starting zone for BC content like there is in Wrath or Cata.


ayy lmao


Holy shit, you must have no life at all.

I hope you casuals quit forever. This is great

I'm hoping there will be a level squish. Maybe bc/northrend at 40-50 then cata/mop at 50-55 the rezt being 55-60(level cap). I think that will help.

>those fuckin kikes lovers ITT defending wasting peoples time on meaingless content from the past

slice your wrists vertical faggots

>end game
>worth playing
It's literally the same shit as leveling

Because they never played Warcraft 1 and 2.

Never played FF but that sounds horrible for alters.

Holy fuck modern WoW players are irredeemable.

You only need to do the main story once on a character, because 1 character can use all classes.

I hate all of outland.
The ugliest places in the game with shitty quests

Oh I see what you're doing, you want to start a Cred Forums vs. anti-Cred Forums shitfest. Is this the right thread for that?

>Immersed in leveling
>Hellfire peninsula

bahahahah gotta love new wow players

bahaha I've played since 2005

Kill yourself wrathbabby

bahaha you must have pretty shit taste then

Now that you say it, I'll swear I've read about that. Guess then is only bad if you want to reroll for some reason (new race or something).

Sure. But even FF has race change for cash option.

Leveling zones in terms of fun

Cata revamp (1-60)>WoD>Legion>MoP>Cata>Wrath>Vanilla (1-60)>BC

Then tell me, tbcbabby, what makes outland better than vanilla or later expansion zones?

Vanilla leveling would take like 10 days for 1-60
Fuck off

There's a lot of blizzshills on Cred Forums. I merely mentioned that questing experience got nerfed pretty hard the other day on another thread and like 10 shills replied to my post telling me to "gitgud." Blizz went fucking crazy with the last patch. It's not just the xp nerf, they basically made random normal in low levels take longer than mythic+ runs. The bosses are often overtunned with the scaling and take way too long to kill. They were aiming for vanilla tier leveling they are certainly getting close to it.

That means he never played vanilla, you can't give a fuck about the "lore" for a second leveling. Also, he's a fucking turbo alien and yet I'll bet no NPC react to that, nice "immersion" I guess.

>They were aiming for vanilla tier leveling they are certainly getting close to it.
You are a complete fucking moron or a really bad troll.

>hurr durr, I'm shitposting and telling you that the game you're playing is shit!

>New races need both achievements AND reputation grind
>People will defend this

Yeah, nah, i fucking loved world of warcraft back in vanilla, kept playing it every new expansions, but this is just bullshit

Leveling is still piss easy just like "muh nilla". If you can't level in a fucking casual MMO you seriously are fucking retarded. Then again this is bait so (((YOU))).

No it means, that he literally chose the worst zone in the game besides Silithus

Can you repeat that in english, because your post is gibberish right now.
You haven't actually played vanilla. I'm levelling right now and it's still impossible to die.
Are you literally fucking retarded? No, really, how can you be this bad at video games? This has to be bait.

Retail is still significantly better then chink private servers. Even a poorfag can afford 15 bucks a month.

>If you played the game they were pretty much just do a quick scenario and unlock the race
>Newplayers like you are punished

This shitpost is almost pasta at this point. Fuck off, leveling should be fast and painless as possible. There's 110 fucking levels in this shitty treadmill game. There is absolutely no reason why 60-80 should take ages. There's nothing fun about grinding. I played vanilla over 10 years ago it was fun then. This game is not even remotely the same since then. Almost every class plays like hot garbage if they aren't at max level because the game is tuned for 110 + artifact.

hunter pets no longer have aggressive skill
what the fuck happened

Yes they do

Come back when you'll have a job, kid

>Only took me 2-3 days played time to level my Nightborne Warlock from 20 to 110

Do you get payed by the hour?

>Blah blah blah "get a job"
Are you a woman or are you from reddit, serious question

Back in 2011 I really thought Cred Forums was going to shit, but Jesus I had no idea. This is shit I would expect from the fucking WoW forums but now it's commonplace here. It's so fucking sad.

The point was that max level meant you did stuff.

At least you have options in how you level to reach the new content, unlike FFXIV in which you're literally forced to clear every possible piece of story content before you can progress to a new expansion regardless if you're at the appropriate level and ilevel or not.

Yeah, the refuse to see the problem, like the shills that just replied to your post. Seems that wasting 3 times more time doing chores is "skill" for them.

>People just think it seems slower because you're spending less time going from zone to zone since you don't outlevel them anymore.

Ah no you dumbass. It's slower because it is literally slower. They nerfed quest/dungeon experience. They buffed the shit out of boss/elites health to the point it takes several minutes to down one at low levels. Leveling goes from a steady pace at 20-60 to a slow crawl from 60-80. It's not until you hit mists that leveling feels fast again.

>leveling a nightborne warrior at the moment full heirlooms + w/e xp buffs I can get.

Except "the guy you're replying to" (do you think we are braindead? Christ) said that it was too hard, not just that it took too long. Fucking retard.

There is no better feeling than being able to skip Hellfire Peninsula or BC as a whole, not that I'm a big fan of the wrath zones but they are 100x better than the dumpster fire that is known as BC leveling

>There are plebs ITT that sim less than 2 million DPS single target

I don't see what's wrong with current wow. You play the game, and you receive rewards for fulfilling the demands. If you don't want to play the game, you are free to do that, but people who plays the game should be entitled to rewards for achieving what they want to get

>obvious wrathbaby
>cancerous fanart
Nu-WoW is garbage because human trash like you are the only people dumb enough to still play it.

>twinkfags still exist.

Not my fault Blizz hates ele in single target and I still don't have my fucking feet leggo so I can use the best ST build.

>Except "the guy you're replying to" (do you think we are braindead? Christ) said that it was too hard
He just said that HP got overtuned and shit takes more time to kill, with is right. Quote him saying "game is hard" or you are a fucking retard without reading comprehension.

Yiff in hell
>Le nu! nu nu nu!
Don't you ever get tired of going into every wow thread to spam your trash replies?

Twinking is fun for like an hour until you realize low level pvp is dogshit.

>the original leveling and pretty much until MoP came out taught you a lot of things about how to play solo, how to play in group content and how to behave in community.
fucking kek, what kind of fantasy land server did you play in? I've been playing since vanilla and that is complete horseshit. You either learn all those things intuitively over the years or you simply refuse to do any of that because you are an asshole like 99.99% of the community in this shit game.

Alright, i just received seven free days to play the game

Can i grind reputation and achievements on the opposite faction or do i have to play the proper faction to get the allied races? Also how long does it take to complete the Void Elves and Lightforge Dranei?

>WoW leveling was about experiencing the masterful world of warcraft lore and world building through different sights, stories, music, ambient sounds, and enemies...
Nearly pissed myself. Top bait.

>Hasn't even got all his leggos yet
>This is somehow Blizzards fault

I rerolled half way through Tomb of Sargeras and I already have all my Feral leggos and my BiS for Guardian and Resto.
Fuck Balance.

He doesn't love the feel of having 151% base movement speed combined with not one, not two, but THREE sprints, a charge AND a blink.

I use the Blue mage tower skin for a reason because i'm fucking SANIC.

You can get the reputation needed to unlock the allied races on any race/faction, I havn't tried it but you need a level 20 to do the quests needed to unlock them once you got the required reputation (if you want to play other factions races)
But you can just make a DK or Demon hunter for that instead of leveling something else
Void elves and Lightforged are the fastest to get exalted to unlock them, but it will definetely take more than 7 days

u need proper faction

He's not wrong though, took me 3 days and some hours played to get 1-110 but I can safely say I have no life at all. For a normal person I'd say 5 days at least and for a casual? Who knows, two weeks? I hated it but for them it must be hell. Or they just buy boosts which I'm pretty sure is what Blizzard intended.

It's account bound, so you only need the rep on one character and you can do the quests for the race for any faction.

That better be a male worgen


It doesn't matter whether you do the rep grind on alliance or horde, but you do need a 110 horde/alliance to complete the final respective unlock quests.

Using Aggramars Stride and the crafted plate belt is enough, I'm sprinting like a madman whenever I'm doing anything but raiding, like mog/mount runs.

The rep is account-bound but you need a character on the right faction to do the quest.

>tfw still got a 880 CoF
>Never gotten a CoF or Arcano from the vendor on Argus
Fugg :DD

>You haven't actually played vanilla. I'm levelling right now and it's still impossible to die.
Bullshit. I did play vanilla, I mentioned the game is getting close to vanila tier leveling. Which is the point of this patch in the first place. You can definitely die in dungeons in full looms easily now. Had multiple groups were the tank thought he could dungeon hero and pull two packs and got stomped in less than a second. Keep lying shill.

I started like 2 months ago and got bored of legion. Modern WoW is the best its ever been but I just grew outta of the game.

>Seven days

Welp, guess I'll just skip it out then and see if there's any other allied race worth my time

All I'm hoping for is something like Sethraks, Nagas or Arakkoas

>he actually bothers playing "if I don't get my BiS legendary I should quit the game" Legion.

>he plays retail
>he pays € or $ to blizzard for sub

I never said it was too hard you illiterate retard. I said it is overtunned. Many of the bosses have much more health than they should at those level brackets.

>you get to skip the shitty expansions
>get to skip BC and do wotlk instead
>get to skip cata and do mop instead
>not allowed to skip WoD, the WORST expansion period

They better bundle WoD with legion when BfA comes out or make MoP and Cata zones scale to 100.

any news on classic?

Yeee man, Arrakoa is the shit, I'll be legit sad if they end up Alliance only. The Spires of Arakk zone in WoD made me love them even more
You know you don't lose a raid spot because of that right? BiS leggo for people doesn't mean you'll get a 500k dps increase

>Implying leggos are even a problem anymore now that they're on a vendor and you can get all of the leggos for your spec in a month

Wait, can i use multiple characters to farm reputation?

WoD legitimately takes less than 2 hours if you have Draenor Pathfinder. Get fast flying and collect treasures with exp boosts, bam, done.

You nigger, WoD leveling is absolutely fine and goes sanic speed anyway because of bonus objectives, don't compare endgame WoD to the leveling you nigger

>legendaries pre raiding are the norm now
I thought it was a fucking joke but who had that idea? Handing out "LEGENDARIES" like candy when there were maybe 2 or 3 every expansion.

>implying that's not over a year overdue

The rep requirement, you can have exalted on an alliance character and it would count towards the unlock for a horde allied race.

I'm hoping for both cursed and uncursed, user

Especially uncursed since i like being a race that can already fly on the go

No, but that's a thing I'm hoping for but will probably not happen in BfA (accountwide reputation)

Ironically WoD is the easiest place to level after this patch. Just do the world quests and collect treasures from chests. Don't bother completing quest chains.

I have a life outside this game. Plus grinding for gold is easy but boring AF. I rather pay the 15 bucks.

Yes, but not in the way you mean. If you have the rep on one character, you can do the quests to unlock the new races on any character.
You CAN farm rep on multiple characters by doing the World Quests in Argus that give account bound rep tokens on multiple characters, then sending them all the one character to use though, doing that you can get exalted with Argussian Reach/AotL in like 3 days.

Nobody plays private because of the money.

Legendaries were a mistake and that's why the system won't return in BfA

>doing that you can get exalted with Argussian Reach/AotL in like 3 days.

No fucking way, even best case scenario with multiple kir'tor tokens. At best he can get it done in a week and a half.

>he has to grind gold for tokens

Yeah because dealing with shitty chinks and thirld worlders is soo fun. Don't even mention the questionable scripting and corruption most servers have. Private servers have come a long way but you are delusional if you think they still measure to actual retail servers in quality.

This, no one in their right fucking mind actually world quested, it was all dungeon grinding endlessly.

Dude, is epic!

That's where you're wrong, It's not the case for everyone, but having played on private servers myself I know that many of the people I played with played there because they can't afford the sub, that's mostly eastern europeans with countries with shit economy though.

Comparatively, 13 euros for a scandinavian is nothing, but 13 euroes for a polish guy (for example) is like 26 euros, since on average they make half the salary for the same job in poland than they do in Sweden, it's even worse once you go more south and east

Where do you get your tokens, sucking dick?

If you do a single rep token World Quest on 10 characters, that's 5250 rep, add 10% for Humans/Darkmoon Fair buff. You need 38k rep total, and 2-3 of those quests spawn each day.

Only retards defend the levelling/exp changes
Sure, it needed a revamp, but not outright shitting it like that
>didn't give you back removed abilites, acquiring key talents and spells earlier, making leveling just spamming 2 spells over and over
>make mobs scale with your level
Does that mean increased difficulty? Fuck no, its still the same boring shit it always was. Only this time it takes 3x times longer. Oh, and don't forget the broken ones. Most mobs can't even touch you, but then there's the poorly optimized ones that kill you in 2 shots.

Retards defend the changes but don't give arguments on why they were good.
>inb4 muh travel time
irrelevant since flying made travel entirely trivial

>nerf heirlooms
>nerf RAF
>nerf dungeon XP
>nerf dungeon boosting
Just buy our World of Goycraftâ„¢ Character Boost, goyim.
Which in fact I'm seriously considering doing, because working 2 hours is better than spending time leveling an alt in this shitfest.

It really sucks BUT i'm having fun leveling via quests with a friend, i know however that it must be unbearable solo

>buhhh muh vanilla leveling that took 2 weeks to hit level cap xddd

who gives a shit about vanilla. anyone who played the game back then has long since quit the obamafied memepark that nu-wow has become. "BUT MUH LEVELING TIMESINK" is NOT an argument anymore, those days are long gone. who the fuck do you think you're fooling? the sheer fisting that leveling has become is unjustifiable. fucking blizzdrones will eat the worst of shit. why are you even here? just fuck off to another website, cretins. your presence is unwanted. wow should be banned from Cred Forums again. you are all fucking gay

>playing retail

kill yourself retard

>people can't handle slower leveling
>it's still nowhere close to vanilla
classic is going to bring so many salty tears

They were thicker and more savage like actual amazons in war3. Wow elves are generic tall girls

>you are delusional if you think they still measure to actual retail servers in quality
I'll swear nowadays pserver babies outnumber legit vanilla players.

only hyper autsits play classic wow to rid
everyone else goes pvp and proceeds to fuck with people

>playing the fotm shitty meme thirld world garbage private server with chinks and corrupt ruskies

What class should I play in the expansion? Demon Hunter is fun as shit but I'm worried it'll be nerfed to the ground like Monk was.

Just level a monk, they still hit like trucks and pretty much hit mobs like every other class did pre-nerf
>Monks get 50% exp buff for one hour from a daily quest
>Monks oneshot mobs with RSK if it crits, 2shot if it doesn't crit
>You can pull like 10 mobs and kill them all with one cast of FoF

All other classes (specs) got cucked din the leveling change though afaik

yes but who in their right mind would play that shit long enough to get pathfinder?

I'm not the one playing pretend vanilla bitch.

Is that Anri Okita?

Someone like me who enjoyed the raiding in WoD, if you ask me, the raids were the absolute peak of raiding in WoW in any expansion/vanilla. Legion raiding isn't even close to Blackrock Foundry of Hellfire Citadel.

Althought Nighthold gets a honorable mention I guess

but you are playing retail

>Tried Shadowfang Keep since quest mob tells me to go there and get these materials and have to solo since no one responds to Dungeon Finder at level 20
>Corpse Eater at the front hits hard and kills me

Defend this shit, faggots

>implying I have pathfinder

I was unsubbed for the entirety of WoD and "mained" a demon hunter through Legion. I'm probably just going to level boost my level 20 troll shaman for BfA. How's it looking for the veteran bonus? I hear it's pointless now.

fucking rekt

If you haven't got the crafter lego boots yet you should. +25% movement speed for a minute at a time and you auto fly.

WoD pathfinder is a joke because you can buy the rep and skip the timegated part. When timewalking WoD comes out it will be even easier to get the rep.

It's pretty pointless with the changes to professions yeah, the veteran bonus isn't worth it at all.

Also, there is 4 rares you can kill in Tanaan jungle that has a chance to drop a token that gives 1000 or was it 1500 rep with every faction in WoD, they respawn kinda quick and they take like 5 minutes to kill, mostly because of travel time, if you want to try and get pathfinder for future alt leveling that is

>>If you played the Legion

Doesn't work like that

Completely worthless for a Druid because you have instant flight form out of combat anyway. the Wisp form also has to be manually clicked off or you can't shift into Cat form.

>(Do you think we are braindead? Christ)
Yeah just a little bit lmao.

It does have way better use for non-druids doe, that doesn't need to shapeshift to do stuff

Boar asses the zone

>tfw gotten 2 910 CoF from the argus gambling

>still playing legion past emerald nightmare
what is wrong with you people

>See another hordie doing quests close to path of glory (the intro quests basically)
>Some alliance nigger tries to gank him
>He turns it around and smacks him to the spirit healer
>2 minutes later some 110 rogue is killing everything in Thrallmar
>Another 2 minutes and 3-4 hordies arrive in Honor Hold to do the same, cause there's no point in trying to find a rogue anyway
>Everyone is getting ganked, everyone is getting butthurt
>Nobody can level or progress
Good riddance, that zone is dicks, can skip right to Northrend now instead

yes but raiding doesn't give you rep or treasures required to unlock pathfinder now does it?

To be fair, I don't think they are braindead. I know they are.

>like shooting things
>Marksman is rng based
>BM doesnt really shoot anything besides cobra
Shoulda just leveled a mage

This is pretty good advice actually. I had a Void Elf warlock I was leveling got her to 41 and couldn't take it anymore it was too fucking slow. Re-rolled monk went mistweaving and just doing dungeons once time with the quests got me to 36 in a couple of hours.

stalk home syndrome

Killing the world boss rares in Tanaan would give you exalted with every faction in WoD from the tokens eventually anyway

>Tyrande in Warcraft 3 had the sexiest fucking voice.
>Tyrande in WoW sounds like a famished Somali negress.

What the fuck happened?

Me and a friend did Highmountain Tauren monks for giggles and we got from 20 to 40 in like 2 hours from questing

Please respond.

%based dmg which is one of the most cancerous mechanics in an mmo.

Have you ever played a videogame? HP is a perfect way to tune difficulty.

Don't tell me, I did the mistake of leveling a mage, having to hardcast like 5 spells in either spec to kill something, while I saw a monk nearby me while leveling just oneshot everything he touched and blazed through the quests that took forever for me to complete

>tfw no pug hunter pet.

Play Druid or Warlock if you don't ever want to be worried about being nerfed, cause they have a history of always having 1 or 2 specs that are overperforming

Not like Demon Hunter is on top anyway and right now Monk is overpowered with their tier.

Have you ever finished high school? At least google "overtuned" if you don't understand its meaning. Also:
>HP sponges are a perfect way to tune difficulty
Do us a favor and kill yourself.

kek, the irony of your post is that this is what nostalgiafags want to bring back. I'm so glad I server hopped all my toons to a PvE server years ago. Use to be on Mannoroth as a horde until everyone went ally and it was like 10-1 ally/horde ratio.

It's mostly the mobility I'm worried about changing, I don't give a fuck about numbers but I love the shit out of double jump, wings, rush, rush, backflip and movespeed mastery.
I'm not hardass raider I'm just a solo hero who wants to enjoy the quests.

>retail monthly cost is 20 minutes at a job after taxes
>retail monthly cost is 3 visits to a fast food place
>retail monthly cost is 1 visit to a restaurant

Hold the fucking presses!

>mages that low

Damn Blizz really rubbing one over on metzen huh?

I'm unironically enjoying it. Being able to finish zone questlines, having dungeons feel like dungeons, and everything not just dying in a whirlwind of shat out AoE is pretty good. I'm sure I'll get sick of it once I level more and more alts, but for now it's fun.

fuck it I'm posting this again

Honest question about MMOs: why is navigation always so fucking awful? Why is it that I have to WASD up to NPCs and then at some ARBITRARY range, MANUALLY CLICK the NPC to engage in dialogue?

Why can't I just click on the NPC and automatically walk/talk to them? Why is it that Guild Wars 1 is the only MMO I can bear to play because it doesn't involve fucking guessing "oh can I talk to them at this range or not?"

Like it's actually fucking infuriating, why do they design their games like shit intentionally?

Didn't matter much if it's a pve or pvp server for that cancer zone though, someone who is bored on a pve server can still grief HH or Thrallmar if they want to,
t. played on both pvp and pve servers since vanilla

They kind of deserve it tbqh. They have topped the charts in almost every tier except for Ulduar (IIRC).

>actually basing what to play on damage numbers rather than what you enjoy
Are you retarded? These numbers change every few months.

>baby mad he can't level to max in 1 day and now it takes 2

Sounds like HP is undertuned. They should make it take a minimum week for even the fastest levelers.

Still druid

It's not hard faggot. I've leveled 2 alts now in this system and I did it in 3 days casually from 20-110. It's not even that bad. Protip: avoid dungeons and quest by yourself. Dungeons are cancer, shit exp and take FOREVER.

>Shadow Priest that high
It's not that I think it's bullshit but somehow I feel like this isn't quite right.

>20 minutes at a job after taxes

Where do you work user? I work at a distribution center making about 19.50$ an hour. Meanwhile a months sub of WoW costs me just under 19$.

Monks been on the shit end of the stick the entire expansion and now they finally are good and suddenly everyone is bitching. Fuck guys like you. You faggots should be bitching about Warlocks that are ALWAYS top every expansion.

There is a click to move function like in wc3 if you don't enjoy WASD

I don't even play WoW, reddit spacing guy. Off yourself.

A utility company internship is paying me $45 an hour this summer, but once I graduate I'll most likely get paid much more.

>Why can't I just click on the NPC and automatically walk/talk to them?

You literally can. WoW has a mouse navigation option.

>Protip: avoid dungeons and quest by yourself.
tell me lies, tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies.

Nice, gratz on the high paying gig.

See you on WoW sometime. Probably going to start playing my monk once BfA comes out.

It's mostly because a lot of boss fights in Antorus is multitarget
Not even with the buff to dungeon exp is it worth it

I think a lot of faggots are just mad because it's one of the least played classes yet it can still shit on their class. I don't even main a monk and I'm happy they are doing well. I heard from a guildy that WW was actually good again and decided to level my 100 that had been benched since early WoD.

vanilla leveling was just shitty grinding and fetch quests. cataclysm had the right idea replacing most of them, but they ruined a bunch of zones in the process.

>Not even with the buff to dungeon exp is it worth it
I don't believe for a second that you leveled from 20-110 without doing any dungeons and just questing when the quest exp has been hard nerfed. Unless you literally didn't sleep for 2-3 days and shat in a tube sock/used piss jugs.

Same shit in capital city trade chats (horde, anyway). Just constant pol shitposting

I honestly can't remember a single leveling zone I liked more in Vanilla than I do in the cata revamp.
I wasn't the same guy, but I leveled myself and noticed that dungeon exp was shit, and also slower exp per hour than just questing

Why the fuck are you still playing this? Go play a real game instead of killing 10 rabbits for the local innkeeper and all variations of that crap.

Spreist is rank 1 on quite a few fights

>be a spriest
>kys is part of my rotation

Only Fel Hounds, the rest are mainly affliction, and then some WW monk, Fury warrior, Ele shaman

I love that skill, I wish it was more viable.

t. born in 1994 or later

Goblin Female
Draenei Male
Human Male
Gnome Female
Night Elf Male
Undead Female

Orc Male
Troll Male
Tauren Male

Dwarf Male
Tauren Male
Undead Male
Goblin Male

Human Female
Night Elf Female

Draenei Female

Tauren Female

Dwarf Female
Troll Female
Orc Female

Gnome Male
Any of the """new""" races

Did you see the change to it in BfA? It's amazing.
> S2M does not kill you when it expires, but instead does 90% of your max health in damage and locks you from gaining insanity for 30 seconds.
Giving Spriests a DPS cooldown which they lacked for so long, gonna be amazing for burst phases
89 you cockgobbler

worgen that turns into human male what now faggot

>No Blood Elf

>I sew my own fursuit tier

too bad blizz is making it so you just don't generate insanity for 30 seconds after it ends, in BFA

>locks you from gaining insanity for 30 seconds.
This sounds like it could be too much downtime imo.

How is that worse than dying?

>30 seconds of hitting like a wet noodle as opposed to dying and getting a brez.

hmmm, really made me think.

>worst chick races
>bro tier
>dwarf is a meme
You're a fucking horde roleplayer aren't you?

>Human male = bro tier.
He's obviously a faggot alliance pvp'r

you can't get brezzed in the first place with STM you fuckin' idiot

It isn't and doesn't really have as much impact either, but the fucking talent can't be balanced the way it is now. Honestly they should just fucking get rid of it, it'll never be as cool as the first iteration of it.

I honestly haven't played my priest since Legion launch. When the fuck did they change that? I use to be able to get brez after using it.

Can someone redpill me on voidelfs?
I thought that some of the current night elfs would change to them and not 80% of everyone

>human racial is good for pvp
ill never get tired of this maymay. its my favorite maymay of all time.

that was a real fucking early change to STM, especially seeing as you'd be doing three million dps in fucking EMERALD NIGHTMARE.

Absurdly powerful racial ability that allows bypassing of certain boss mechanics.

fuck this guy, the real reason is they get 50% off transmog

>I think a lot of faggots are just mad because it's one of the least played classes yet it can still shit on their class. I
Yeah, they should make the least played class even more shit so no one plays it

Buy the 110 boost and stop complaining, you would have had to go through it again anyway.

The issue is that the game is tuned to the extreme so that only max level content is relevant at all. Everything pre 110 is absolutely meaningless. There's absolutely nothing to do in the world whatsoever anymore. Just look at oldschool runescape, everywhere has people doing different things while in WoW it's a ghost town.

To be fair, what's the point in making Monks good when nobody plays that meme class.

I like it, I never played 1-60 post cata and I can honestly say that its a very refreshing experience for my goblin Warrior. 10/10 would make an alliance Alt

Because all of the classes should be good and well designed, not just the ones you play you fucking dumbass

But there are always going to be some classes that do better than others, pure equality is impossible.
So it makes sense that the good specs are ones people play. Duh.

My biggest issue is that blizzard stripped people of their agency. You used to have a choice. You could CHOOSE to power level, you could CHOOSE your immersiveâ„¢ experience ground mounts only, low level missions enabled, final destination: autism. Instead they nerfed:

>power leveling
>xp needed to level
>xp pots
>heirloom nerf

I admit there were some exploits, even if many of those 'exploits' had been in game for a literal decade and, in fact, created purposefully by blizzard over the years to streamline the leveling experience (remember the buffs over time to reduce leveling time?). AFKing an alt to 110 in a legion assault is obviously an exploit, but using the games fundamental design to expedite leveling, as people had done in exactly the same way for years, is not the same. This was an outright nerf and blizzard's petulance in regards to the whining is telling.

If they just left shit was it was and added scaling, you could assume they weren't just being dicks, but this is all about the new races, heritage sets and boosts. Plus the hyperbole, projection and strawmans on both sides don't help.

Can't wait for the vanilla shit to go live though. Fucking vanillafags.

Yeah because in the entire history of WoW, Blizzard has never bumped up an unfun to play spec's numbers to the absurd just to get them played before. Not to fucking mention, that they were pretty fucking close to every spec having at least an okay way to play that isn't soul suckingly shit until Legion where they decided to reinvent the wheel for 28 of the 36 specs to make artifacts work. They threw away damn near 10 years of work on classes FOR NO FUCKING REASON, because in BFA artifacts and legendaries are fucking gone

>Get out of my game
Clearly WoW was never meant for you. Good think it's coming back to form and all the vermin are getting mad and getting out.

100% right. Faggots calling this bait are ADHD millennials pandababies.

>Clearly WoW was never meant for you
Nu-WoW is tho. Blizzard pandered to retards like him in every expansion after TBC.

you can now fish everywhere
why the fuck even have a point system in there

>People just think it seems slowe-


Aanilla came out in november 2004.

It literally takes over 17 years longer to reach level 60 now than it did during vanilla. Defend that you blizshitter.

>shitty playboy elves thinking they have any right talking down about other races

you fucking dumb dude? he even said they changed the experience required, but do you know what else blizzard did? they made all quests give a scaling amount of experience and made it more or less uniform across the board. If you actually PLAY THE FUCKING GAME, you fucking realize the shit works and heirlooms STILL FUCKING DO THEIR JOB

>he even said they changed the experience required
he did, and then said it "just seems" slower. those two things are contradictions no matter how you spin it.
Leveling is trash now. It's not even close to the original experience. I did a full run of Un'goro quests and it took a full hour for 40% of a level at 48.

I don't know how people can look at this and still argue that Blizz isn't trying to shill level boosts.

>They kind of deserve it
How DARE a DPS class do damage. Let's remove that

>retailfags slowly being redpilled by the new based leveling changes

Soon they'll be craving more. More RPG. More grind. More WoW. More fun.

yeah and I've been going through the game with no heirlooms on a Lightforged Paladin and a VElf Warlock with heirlooms and that shit just ain't fucking true. even without heirlooms I got at least 5 fucking levels from every vanilla zone I did all the quests in, Wrath is slow as tits but I still only did half the zones to get 60-80 and most of my time was spent soloing group shit in Icecrown. "It's not even close to the original experience," of what? One shotting every mob you come across? Pulling 20 things and one shotting the group while taking zero damage? Do you mean the "vanilla" experience, the one they got rid of in fucking Cataclysm? You either don't play the fucking game and shit post about shit you have no fucking idea in how it works using graphs made by people who also haven't gone through the shit or you just skipped most of the fucking quests in Un'goro because you're a fucking shitstain that doesn't even know how to quest because you just queued your way 100 like a fucking retard.

If you spend any time at all running the same old raids over and over for mounts or mog pieces you need to re-evaluate what having "fun" playing a videogame means.

He's right. I leveled a priest from 20-110 over a week and the dungeons were very rarely worth the time spent in them. Once you have flying, dungeons become pointless.

Some (a lot of) quests are extremely long, and you get hit right off the bat with the feeling of having just downgraded your experience, since you're coming from cata content

Jesus FUCKING Christ, it's not like slog through 50-60 was bad enough already.
>BRD runs forced for most of it
kek let's just invalidate dungeon xp!
>Zones with the sparsest quests even after cata revamp
kek just spread out the level ranges because it's fun to waste their time zone hopping just to find 5 quests in scattere zone hubs for maybe 25% of a level!
>Outland or Northrend
You mean I get to choose between Prostate OR pancreatic cancer? OH BOY

All they had to do was leave dungeon and total XP required + heirlooms alone and I'd have no argument. They can't even do that.

WoW players are a great example of people who are just making shit up to get mad about.

>Priests don't use plate armor like D&D and Everquest, the way it was always intended to be

Why is Blizzard so retarded?


>increase mob health by 5x
>They still hit like wet noodles
>You still have inifinite mana and self healing

the grind is going to be removed as soon as the expansion launches, mark my words

Except all of that is true you Streisand Effect suffering blizzboi

Hold on, addendum real quick just so you can't say I didn't directly address your point of "he said it's just seems slower." IT IS FUCKING SLOWER that's the fucking point. You aren't just supposed to bumrush through the content like a fucking ADHD chimpanzee. SHIT, I fucking wish I wasn't 84 from Jade Forest alone without even wearing heirlooms, I FUCKING WISH Pandaria was slower so you can do more of it before getting 90 and having to go through fucking draenor again.

Because d&d doesn't have priests

Good, alts shouldn't be the norm. They ruin the game.

It's Funâ„¢

>infinite mana
So you don't actually play the game? Cause I'm constantly running out of mana in group content

Why does Cred Forums spend so much time telling Classicbulls how much we are going to hate Vanilla?

People playing Vanilla right now and loving it.

People who have quite recently played Vanilla and loved it.

People who played it 10 years ago and loved it.


I get you enjoy Legion. I don't understand the appeal of farming AP, M+ or legendaries. But you like it. That's fine.

But we prefer something a little more refined.

Think a good red vs a bottle of diet coke.

>Discourage alts
>In a game that regularly tips the balance scales on classes in a single patch
>Where all classes play the same due to class homogeny except for his big their meter numbers can get
If Blizzard doesn't want me going after alts, then they need to design their game better for it.

>Implying Arcane Torrent isn't enough reason to roll belf
lmao'ing at your low M+ runs

>BfA out by August
>Classic is in dev hell

>all these baddies have trouble leveling in nu-wow

You spergs probobly couldn't reach 10 in classic lel

5 man Lightforged is gonna be the new hotness in M+ with 50M+ AoE burst on every single mob in a pack.



heirloom exp should be boosted though

Even if you had battlez resses to spare, you could still kys and get ressed. It's a strict upgrade, dummy

>Thinking damage racial is better than AoE silence / crowd control racial
lul, maybe if you're doing sub-15 runs

Only blizz shills play their shitty cookie clickers. GTFO.

I leveled 12 characters through Vanilla and BC.
Asking me to do it again when I switched regions is out of the question.
Asking me to buy server transfers is out of the question.
Or boosts
Or sucking kike dick in general.

Then don't play classic.

neither does everquest

I think you underestimate how much damage the LF racial does right now, half the classes available to LF are the ones that can abuse it the hardest. Fury Warriors are half that 50M+ burst by themselves in a 5 man with Fire mage being close behind and then the tank and healer can still throw theirs out and do a decent chunk of damage. Just wait man, some group is gonna do it and it's gonna be fucking nuts to see what they come up with in what fuckery they can do with it. That is if it isn't nerfed to shit.

I can't even level my hunter on a pvp server without 110s hunting low levels
world events make it worst

Okay. So just don't nerf heirlooms for the rest of us who are tired of seeing it.
It's baked into the achievement. No heirlooms
Then why nerf heirlooms? Why increase XP? Why fall silent on the decision to increase XP in the first place?

There is literally no argument. The changes are fine. The decision to nerf everything else is inexcusable.

I'm even okay with the decision to fix power leveling.

Now call me a redditspacing fag/nuWoW cuck/anything else but presenting a valid argument.

>it's a vanillafaggot post
>with a fucking piece of shit screenshot taken from some private server, just to add the "nostalgia" effect you faggots like so much, included
>muh nostalgia
>old wow is better

>nerf heirlooms
Holy shit I had to look this up because I didn't even realize they were nerfed because my warlock still kills shit in 3 seconds while fully geared in looms, IT'S A TOTAL OF FUCKING 12 MAIN STAT FOREVER. Man and that's not even the kicker, do you know why the stats got reduced, hold on this one'll fucking knock you on your ass, they fucking normalized stat to item level for the most part. Heirlooms are still equal to or better than blues at the same level, the only fucking time when they won't match up completely with leveling is maybe Outland quests and definitely some Wrath rewards because of jank as fuck stat placement. But do you know what? Heirlooms are still better than 95% of the gear you'll get while using them and they scale so they never get obsolete until current content. Another fucking person that probably hasn't even played the fucking game since the changes and has no fucking clue what they're talking about, or you're the guy I've been replying to for a bit now and trying shift tactics. Either way, you're a fucking retard.

Heirlooms need an xp gain correction to normalize with the xp increases required per level. The stats are still marginal at best regardless given mob HP changes, so I have no idea what your autistic sperg rant is about.

>xp gain correction
for what? I've already fucking said that they've made experience rewards damn near uniform across the board and the experience is more than enough to get your through each part of the game with less than half the zones done. 50% more experience is gonna make that trivial. IF YOU ACTUALLY FUCKING PLAY THE GAME, YOU WILL SEE THAT THE SHIT WORKS. Stop fucking copy/pasting forum complaints like a fucking retarded monkey and actually fucking see for yourself the system is functioning.

>for what?
for this

>Still referring to something that was explained and disproven in the first reply
Man, must be hard to breathe with all those dicks in each of your orifices

Ya know I was like you once, I heard my guildies saying shit like "oh they capped extra experience from heirlooms to 15%," and "oh they just put out a hotfix that nerfed all experience you get." Do you know what happened? I played the fucking game and learned every fucking thing people are complaining about is made up, they don't know what they're talking about. Everybody crying about this is a fucking retard. There is no fucking reason why this should be the hill people want to die on.

It's not disproven, blizzcuck. It's a fucking opinion. Fact is it takes longer to level even with heirlooms. You can prove that with the fucking /played logs on new rolls since the patch.

stopped reading there, don't take the opinons of someone who goes into Blizz threads just to spout lies and misinformation and shitpost


What else are you when shilling a change and trying to back opinions as facts?
>Just play the game, goy! You'll see everything's fine! Give blizzard sub money, oy!

I recently got my warlock to 110. I check my /played, it took 85 hours to get there.

I hope they tone it down a bit, I really like the scaling changes but it's just too long to spend on getting a single character to 110.

>playing WoW post 2006

I'm praying for all posters in this thread to get their life together

>Still posting in WoW threads
Who is the dummy now?

>playing WoW post 2004

>Still posting on Cred Forums after 2008
You lost at life kid

>paying a $14.99 monthly fee for a 2004 game in 2018

WoD is fine for levelling, the quests are pretty good, the zones are pretty, and it goes by incredibly fast, the only thing to complain about is that they don't lower the starting ranges for the zones so you always have to do frostfire/shadowmoon

What does it matter if they scale it? The fact is it takes more xp to level now.
What sort of point are you trying to make, exactly?
Heirlooms used to give substantial benefits in both stat and xp gain. Now the stat normalization to ilvl makes them slightly better blues (ok, whatever), but the underlying reason people buy heirloom is to level FASTER.
Your argument is they still let you level faster, and that's true. However, when normalized against the xp changes, you are still unable to level anywhere near as fast as you would have before the patch.
The fundamental reason for buying and using heirlooms is nerfed by the very definition of the word. It's not debatable, and you're performing mental gymnastics and abusing semantics trying to fight an argument no one is presenting.

because they're priests, not clerics or paladins, you dumb faggotron

>Got my Highmountain and Nightborne to 110 before the nerf to 110's boosting low levels through dungeons

>Being a poorfag
600 dollaz ain't shit to Chad Warden

He means /played. That's the equivalent of 80+ hours...

Do you expect a serious response from someone who goes into every blizz thread to call everyone a shill/drone/cuck?

Since the entire user base has now been trained to do things only when there's a shiny carrot on it, they could grouping bonus rewards to completing things with people.

>What is mythic+
>What is mythic raiding
>What is RBG/Arena
Only the best rewards in the game

? I mean for the 1 - 100 experience through the old content.

I'm leveling 1-110 with two friends and it's going really fast, much faster than solo leveling.

you could just as easily argue the opposite, where there are now so many rewards, the rewards mean little to nothing to players, and there is no incentive to do more than the minimum required

I don't know why this is so hard for you to grasp, yes the number for the amount of experience needed was raised, but so too was the rate at which you get that experience and now you get that amount of experience consistently instead of outleveling the zone and having to go find the start of the next one. Yes it takes longer to level because that's the fucking point, heirlooms are not what leveling is designed around. The previous system was lightspeed without heirlooms and lightspeed times lightspeed with heirlooms. Now it's a somewhat reasonable pace to level without heirlooms and just plain fast with 'em. You're just fucking retarded, the point isn't to ever be able to level as fast as before, before was broken, before was a piece of shit. You legitimately sound like you have not touched the fucking game and are just regurgitating shit spewed by other retards.

Shut up

No one cares if the amount of xp you get is consistent. All they care about is using heirlooms to reach max level as soon as possible. This was NERFED when they made the patch changes. Why is that so hard for you to grasp?

Reminded me of something that happened to me recently
>Do LFR cause bored and want to get the Order hall quest chest from clearing a boss
>915 cloak drops for me, just regular non-warforged shit cloak
>Instantly get 8 whispers about the cloak
>Ignore them all, some start opening trade window with me but I close it, some whispering stuff like "fuck you cocksucker" and stuff, for not giving them the cloak or responding
>Next boss (Flame Hounds) I get the mount, again, same stuff only everyone starts whispering me and some start saying that they should roll for something that I got in Personal Loot (not tradeabile afaik) so that the LFR heroes can get it
>Some call out to kick me and stuff, but nothing happens
>Finally go back to order hall to get some 960 item from chest I don't need and then sell it immediately
>mfw bottomfeeding faggots are the same type of people who post in forums

I had a similar situation where someone kept begging me for loot despite the fact that he was below the healers on the damage meters.

>someone does something in a lower amount of time, which leaves them with more time for doing other stuff in their live
>you must have no life at all


I mean, I kept the cloak for tmog purposes, fuck the lfr heroes


Or at least give me content thats challenging but gives insane EXP rates.

>do a lfr dream
>leggo drops
>people start begging for it
>ignore them
>get another bit of shit loot
>people begging for it
>ignore them
>trade window opens
>close it
>opens again
>close it
>you don't need it, give it to me

These people are fucking pathetic.

It's almost like people only play MMOs for loot carrots. Makes you think!

I thought you couldn't get personal loot mounts more than once?

Not that I know, but people started to demand that I let lfr raid roll for it, even though I couldn't trade it

Only reason to play WoW was because of the PvP, but with every expansion they somehow managed to make it worse and worse.

oh that's really silly

You mean ERP