Kingdom Come: Deliverance has bad gra

>Kingdom Come: Deliverance has bad gra.....

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You may not like it, but this is what peak medieval Europe looks like

-in farming mechanics

Fuck I just love this game. I don't give a shit that people are fighting whether this game or Witcher 3 is better. I just love galloping over muddy dirt roads and watching the fields.




la atrocidad...

la luz extinguida...

amazing how much they managed to implement into this game

It's funny to me how rootless Westerners keep latching onto a Middle European game set into 15th century Bohemia as an "/ourgame/".

I was born near Czechia

what is real life? can't tell the difference

In Germanistan, no doubt.

Leave me and my region alone.

>everyone who isn't black / mexican / muslim is rootless

I'm half tatar -> cumans are in the game -> my ancestors :)

Is that Oblivion?

no this is

I wonder, would it have been better or worse for the region if A-H never got dissolved

More like
>everyone who lives in Burgerland is rootless

How do I git gud at fighting/archery? Trainers are fucking money extorting cunts, I get my ass kicked by even low-end bandits, and as soon as I face more than one opponent it's "Objective: Run Awaaaaay!"

can somebody pleass explain this image to me?

basically the borders of the old habsburg empire

Everybody in the region is distancing themselves from Germany. Even Austria realizes Germany is mental at this point. On the east there are Russia and Serbia boogeymen and if Germany is no longer a friend, everyone in between has to work together again. AH may no longer exist, but all its countries plus Poland are getting closer than they've been in a century.

interesting, thanks user

For archery, hunt.
A lot.
Make hares extinct.

Then, you can sell the meat and train properly.

Learn combos and loot some op weapon

Than thr combat is almost too easy, one or two shots insta kills

There are 3 more neighbours user. You can take another guess :)

i don't live in burgerland

>I only care about graphics

Buying Herod's Sword was a mistake, it's just too powerful.

>not raging like an autist fuckboi and instead just enjoying some vidya

get out

>he doesn't take specific aspects of video games and make multiple threads about them specifically to uncover their essence
Top pleb

Can I pirate it yet?

The assassinated heir, Franz Ferdinand wanted to give significantly more autonomy to the slavs. A Danubian Federation if you will.

The thread is actually about how accurate Rattay and the surroundings were recreated in the game.

>A Danubian Federation
Very probably not. Czech were too unrelable. Slovak nationalism was in its infancy still. Poles and Ukrainians were not relevant enough politically.
It would've been Kingdom of Croatia, since the that kingdom was already a thing, Croats were considered loyal to the crown and the only thing needed was an annulment of Croatian-Hungarian personal union.

Well, if it was Poland or Slovakia, you would've said it outright and not hidden behind deliberately vague wording, so it must be Austria.


>Plus Poland
>Forgetting the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria

Thing is he was a very forward thinking man. Wanted to create a third priviledged part of the Empire in the form of the Southern slavs to bind them more closely to the state.
Killing him was an inside job. Fucking von Hötzendorf did it

>Killing him was an inside job
Where'd you get this from? He was killed by the Serbs who didn't want South Slavs to integrate into what they perceived as a colonial Empire.

Thats the "official" scenario you silly.

holy shit these graphics are so good


shart corner is two isles down pal

Fastest way to make money?


>le larping rpg faggot

>Serbia boogeymen
we aint so bad


Any word on a patch or something yet?
It doesn't seem to be completely broken or unplayable but I want to wait for a patch before I buy it

I asked in another thread but that one went full Cred Forums
Please respond

>le fighting games enthusiast

Kinda looks a bit advanced for medevial Bohemia, but I'm not from those areas so what do I know?


You're just as bad to never enter the EU


Looks more like present-day Albania

>Princip had given up on getting to the motorcade and went to get a sandwich
>The motorcade had to take a detour and ended up right in front of the restaurant where Princip was eating his sandwich
>In the end Princip was incredibly lucky to have gone to that specific sandwich shop, otherwise the assassination would have been a huge failure

Sometimes, history is a giant fucking meme.

Damascus 2018

>Those graphics

Is this Oblivion mod?

lowest graphic settings in Oblivion was really something

pls point me to a good deer hunting spot goys

deer are common i forresty type areas
they are born in the woods and live there too mostly

lots of europeans have similar histories

i'm assuming you're some new worlder or shitskin who can't understand this

>call yourself holy roman empire
>refer to actual former roman territories as rootless
o i am laffin


No, it's real life

Just walk through any forest, animals don't even seem to notice you until you're close enough to bumfuck 'm

>spot a hare
>*shoot* *miss* *shoot* *miss* *shoot* *miss*
>rage and run at the hare
>fucker runs away at 2mph
>run after him like a retard, catching up *shoot* *miss* *shoot* *miss* at point blank range

Jesus Christ just let me use my sword to runstab it

thats what europe will look like once the muslims take over


It seems like nothing changes much since 1600 years ago.



la luz..

This is bait right? Those look like real life images.

comfiest picture I have taken in the game.

600. I was being retarded

how can these images be real if there were no cameras in 1403?


nah man 1400s europe had cars and tarmac paved roads its ingame footage

>How do I git gud at fighting
Train a bunch with practice weapons. You'll increase strength, agility, and learn how to block, counterattack, and combo.

Where do I download this? I can't find it on Oblivion Nexus

>we wuz romans n shiet

Die Kreatur...

>meet the priest at a tavern for a quest
>after dicussion about the quest he asks to stay and have a drink
>end up fighting the mayor and fucking a girl with the priest

I love this game.

No it's ingame.
You will not find this level of graphics in The Shitter 3.

The Witcher 3 has shit gameplay compared to Kingdom Come Deliverance so pls kys.


im czech ask me anything


what happened to Skalitz

the absolute state of kangzdumbcumbabies

meet the new germans kek

>>Kingdom Come: Deliverance has bad gra.....

grapes. it has bad grapes.

It got fucked

>playing a video game is larping

that's new


Shit art direction


checks out

and its beautiful


Anyone got the evolution from mestizo and ulato to la luz extinguida?

Peak Medival Europe had cars before Henry Ford? Well shit.


why are nords having so much gay sex...
is that a longstanding tradition?

keep the bloodline pure

Who cares about graphics, can I be a stealth archer in this?

You wanna do that shit, go play Skyrim. Sure, you can do it, but it's a medieval setting, be a freaking knight.

todd please



you'd think you'd take americas opinions a bit more seriously when it is telling you this is your future on your current trajectory

good luck, you can't even walk out of the tavern in the starting town, I literally had to quit the game because I couldn't get out

>believing a retard
>when statistics are available and the eu has a rich history of ethnic cleansing
yeah, no.

maximum comfyness

How's the moding scene for this game?

Not much people can do here, when all of the elites here are just US lapdogs anyways.

>Can I pirate it yet?

Yes but i'd leave it a month or two

only a complete retard would play the game in its current state, let alone pay for for the privalage of playing the worst version of the game untill it's properly patched

That's what many parts of the USA already look like.

>immigration rates continue to go up
>"yeah we're totally planning on killing the niggers as our numerical advantage dwindles with every year"
I guess we'll see... London is already run by Muslims.

Germans are literally the most pathetic group of people alive right now. They literally can not stop being cucked.

the % of muslims is under 10% in all countries, and there's no way in hell they will be allowed to take over. Stop being retarded murricuck

Smejki is right though. It's just a poor game all around.

Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post?

Is it possible to use a longsword one handed whilst locked on?
Or do I have to use a shortsword?

someone that's able to read and interpret data instead of reading breitbart, that's for sure.

>fail an assassination
>oh well, guess I'll go grab something to eat
What cartoony faggots would do that?

why did you just post a photograph with the hud pasted over it dumbass

T. 56%

>learning to read
>that Latin text
>actually know some Latin so it was easy to choose the right choice
I felt happy

>a government geared around providing welfare privilege to uplift its invaders is absolutely not a recipe for disaster bro, read the data
If you say so. The data I see indicates a progressively smaller majority and the longer it goes on the harder it will be to get out of it. People in Europe already abolished ethnogroupings to include niggers and call them Swedish.

If you love data so much, I suggest you research the disproportionate amount of rape "Asians" are responsible for.

>took 4 years of Latin in HS
>somehow manage to actually understand the text even after six years
Guess that time wasn't wasted after all

>tfw you will never be pathetic enough to discuss politics on a forum about video games
Feels good man


>the % of muslims is under 10% in all countries

Even the Muslim countries?

>not allowing muslims to take over your country

this, always sucked hard at latin, but knew that the phrase with "est" was the right answer.

Normally I'd be pissed at a game if a single dialog option led me from a murder investigation to a drunken rampage with the town priest but it was so funny and well done I can't be upset

cannot unsee now...

And the mass part afterwards was the best part
>priest burping
>congregation commenting on who'll puke first
>delivering the sermon and making the people love the priest

Try and runstab a bunny in real life boyo

imagine paying £39.99 for a video game so you can pretend you're in North Devon

>That bridge is broke but you can still cross it