Why is my Grandpa so CUTE?

Why is my Grandpa so CUTE?


This is an ancient titanic centenarian beast in japan

>there are people in this world that want to bang gramps
Amalthus did nothing wrong.

I want to fuck it

I can relate to Amalthus. What does this say about me?

i wonder what his toes smell like ha ha ha ha

>"Rex, my boy, what are you staring at?"

Not as cute as this butler.

You're soon going to make the news as the latest mass shooter.

I unironically believe Zanza, the first game's one, dindu nothing

I would fuck both the final bosses of XB1 and 2 desu


They should both fuck, to be honest.

Ok, who is this and can I fuck it?

But I suck at aiming



He's a snarky bastard when he can be.
Amalthus is the only villain I actually hate in XB2.

Then you're soon going to make the news as the latest failed mass shooter that couldn't actually kill anyone

That's Azurda from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and no, you can't fuck it, he's your grandfather you sick fuck.

So you play as a furry creature?

No, you're adopted.

Did you see his alternate designs in the artbook? Literally all of them are better than the one they settled on

i cant tell if this is a male or female it better be male so i can fap to it

it's canonically neither

It's weird because it sounds like a male.

Oh yeah? And what exactly is that you bigot

That buzzword has never bothered me.