Is Persona Dancing the best rythm game?
Is Persona Dancing the best rythm game?
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Why is modern dancing about being as sexual as possible.
Being a whore is empowering, shitlord
Based lexee.
When has female dancing not been about sex? What else do they have?
Post a good female dancer that doesn't advertise her sexuality, we'll wait.
I'm so tired of whore culture, put a fucking skirt on you disgusting cows.
because you're a retarded chuuni and you don't actually have any concept of what dancing ever was in the past or how "sexy" it is now compared to anywhere in history
beatmania IIDX.
Lexee my waifu!
Could these games help me learn how to dance?
Mine too. Post webms if you got em
There's nothing sexual about ballet
>I'm tired
Understand, my dude. These women don't think about you. Not ever. Not at all. What you are "tired of" has no relevance. You being tired of a female's behavior has as much of an affect on that female as you yelling at a cloud affects said cloud.
You do not live on the same plane of existence. You are invisible.
Just become homo.
She's a very talented dancer
t. roastie
wew, you're salty as hell. Also how was that statement at all chuuni
>nothing sexual about ballet
>all ballerinas get molested
muh dicckk
I don't think overweight chicks should think of themselves so highly.
Fuuuck. user please share your lexee collection. Make a folder on and gib link to folder while you upload the files to it
user, you have top tier taste. Please
Beta women worshippers are so pitiful
I like how the camera guy was like 'woah wait a minute'
You're retarded. Have you not seen tango, or belly dancing? There's nothing "modern" about this trend
user share collection please. Fagget mods will purge this thread soon
holy mackerel is there a youtube link or something for this, i want to beat it but i'm at god damn work and i know some neckbeard mod will delete this shit before i can get home
He's not wrong tho
Just watch her on her channel
Its all you need
Neither of those are nearly as whorish as twerking, or that shit in the OP
So? There's nothing sexual about choirs but that's not stopping the priests.
But please user, your collection has all the good stuff
She is, women care about nothing more than attention from men
back in my day we wanted all our women to whores
look at the nu-male faggots now
Who gives a shit?
Not all men, faggot. Just certain kinds. Ie, the ones they like.
Which is definitely not you.
>ywn fuck lexee tushy during her prime
>all men
>Back in my day we wanted all our women to be ogled by all the creeps in public and share her around the neighborhood look at the nu-male faggots now
Share your girl over here if you're so masculine, bitchboy.
user please! Make a folder
Lexee is miracle of the universe!
Is that why there are so many twitch whores?
Look harder, I know the men cloud your faggot brain but there's women in there too
Fat whore
H-how old is she?
It's a shitty fan service game with a mediocre song list. IIDX is and always will be the best rhythm game.
Lexee is so perfect i don't mind that she's a coalburner.
Good lord user, you're too horny for your own good!
too bad reddit went full gay and banned her sub
>Good lord user, you're too horny for your own good!
Only when it comes to lexee
Holy shit nice, thanks user. But that other user has webms, I NEED them
This is the thing that I realized over time. There will always be retarded guys giving some women attention they don't deserve because they want to fuck them. So because of this if lets say 2/5 guys don't give some girl attention she will take the 3 other guys. The only time this might not be true is if the other 2 have something she wants like their dick. If they are attractive. If not they will take the 3 guys and not care even if she won't fuck them. TLDR as the roastie said, women don't give a shit.
Not even close.
What a basic bitch, get some taste kids
shes 15
Reminder that the girl in the front is only 13
>You being tired of a female's behavior has as much of an affect on that female as a female calling men who don't care about her a virgin.
she just expressing herself nothing sexual about it bro
Someone PLEASE share the webm collection
I want to fuck her.
Oh boy, it's another 'All Women Are Whores Because Cindy Turned Me Down in High School' episode
Who cares?
>when you're trying to get up but keep slipping on the ice
she will be 17 this year
try hard mode on this game , you will learn rhythm for sure
stop it user I can only get so hard
Go back to Cred Forums
I live in Poland and here you can fuck a prime 15 year old fresh pussy and you are completely fine.
>women don't give a shit
Women literally cry all the time from being criticized on the internet, no amount of attention from beta orbiters changes that. They care a lot more than men do.
It's been sexual but not sex itself, which is often what a lot of these whores do, simulate sex positions and actions, have their legs wide open, etc, that's strip club dancing just short of actual stripping, stripper whore dancing is not what has always been public dancing.
You can't look at that and not think, damn that's fucking whore if I ever saw one, the good thing is they're easy and you don't have to commit.
My ass, whores were whores but you didn't want all women to be whores because then who the fuck do you start a family with?
No, no generation has ever wanted all the women to be whores, no generation in human history has ever wanted that and no generation ever will.
look at all these braphogs
Where do you live?
>this entire post
is there any subject that ironic don't know anything about
yeah but sub-18 nudes are illegal, even sexting underage girls is iirc.
still, it's legal to save webms posted itt
you can fuck 15 year olds but you can't save pics of them?
pretty sick vid
Sub-18 nudes are illegal everywhere in the world.
this. Remember that MakeApp thing, all the salt and shit flinging even though it was these supposed invisible men who don't even register to women posting pics. Suddenly these undesirable men are visible and their little jokes are a serious crime against women everywhere. So which is it? Do women ignore these men they would never consider fucking? Or are women so desperate for attention that if they get none from undesirables they go fucking crazy.
Jesus what a bunch of whores
>that faggot who has to ask how old she is
>that faggot who answers with an underage number
just shut the fuck up
So we basically have nigger culture to thank for making teenagers produce child porn on main stream American TV?
Please tell me how cartoon depictions of loli's make pedos again.
user, please share collection through folder
>back in my day we wanted all our women to whores
And look how that turned out.
>man those problematic japanese drawings and cartoons need to be banned
>check out that underage twerking with minimal clothing on national TV though, that's the stuff
yeah, also exposing minors to pornographic stuff is illegal so no dickpics
kinda like in the states you can go to war at 18 but drink at 21
>rhythm game thread
>nothing but faggots talking about underage girls
So how does this work. Like if you were in Georgia and a 16 year old was in Florida and you fucked over the state lines, is that illeagal or legal?
Could have plead ignorance until the 21 questions and answers team showed up.
Dude look up "Dance Mom's". That shit has the camera men do close up on fucking 8 year olds in skin tight clothes. One episode has them wear suits that are supposed to make them seem "naked". Not even joking. The fucking show has over 7 seasons or something right now.
do you a brain
women constantly compete with each other for social status, and due to dimorphism, women compete for mates more by looks (including youthfulness) than men do
software that undermines their tactics for competing with each other is a threat to their social status among each other
the issue of loser men making fun of women over their appearance isn't about wanting their attention (although they will implicitly think that loser men should both recognize the status of these women and also recognize that they are unworthy of them)
there is both an attempt to frame the competition between women as a byproduct of "the patriarchy," (in which these loser men are presented as having a power privilege over the women) and just an overall political effort to disempower men for, on average, having the wrong voting habits that are leveraged when you release such software
What kind of parents let their 13 year old dress like a whore and dance like a stripper?
Who am I kidding, parent, probably raised by a single mother father wasn't around.
How long before single mothers completely destroy society?
the absolute state of amerifat entertainment
do you think all of those creepy ass child pageants in the american southwest come about due to fatherless homes
So what you're saying is women are 3 year old children and aren't able to ignore people they believe are beneath them. So in reality even the hottest women is a loser when compared to the spergiest of spergs. Interesting
why would they ignore you when they can punish you for attacking them by getting you ostracized
>watches one fifteen second clip
>"why is all of X nowadays so Y"
>has zero knowledge of X
They can't punish anonymous men in any way
how many people in this thread have had sex I wonder
sure thing dude keep that in mind when you are taking your mandatory sexual harassment awareness training while buying a car
They can try. Good luck to them when it comes to beating they're worst enemy. Apathetic shut in NEETs. Can't ostracise what doesn't leave the house and doesn't care. They're probably off jacking it while the women scream how they did mean things.
not you thats for sure
>this entire post
Is there any subject that grammar know anything about?
user BTFO
You're not making any sense
>itt a bunch of unnattractive overweight men judge women out of their league
>hurrr you only complain about people acting like monkeys cuz your a virgin
Came itt to make sure this and eba/ouendan were posted, the objective best rhythm games of all time.
Thanks for not letting me down user, you're alright.
just going to suggest that the dumbest bait is the most effective at farming replies
This thread again?
The old Dance Central games probably could. Maybe even the new Just Dance games that uses the two joycons.
mah dark-skinned bretheren
Can you even satisfy a girl like that with an average dick brehs?
Sure, as long as you're rich
Vaginal pleasure sensors only extend 4 inches within, beyond that there is no pleasure sensors
Large dicks are simply likely also girthy, which is where the actual pleasure comes from. However more often than not, long dicks sacrifice said girth and are pretty commonly noodle dicks.
8 inches of length doesn't mean shit if it can't even stimulate the 4 inches of sensors and the key gspot area effectively.
(The gspot fyi is a hump just inside the vagina, behind, near where the inside of the ass is)
It's why many lesbians end up as fisters, because a fist is short but has extreme girth and can put massive pressure on that area.
4 inch dick is 100% perfectly fine and will pleasure the fuck out of a woman....IF IT IS THICK. Foreskin is KEY to this as the foreskin acts as a lot of extra girth, especially during intercourse where the pressure traps more blood in the dick and the skin.
The old saying will always ring true:
>Long and thin, stick it in
>Short and thick, does the trick
Its all in how you use it. If you're not utilizing a full range of hip actions, you're doing it wrong.
>tfw asian, 4.6 inch dick
>cut at birth because I live in Jewmerica
Motherfucker just get better at using your hands and mouth.
give me a girl who can do this, over twerking, any day
I know your pain man.
As longs as your not in a position of power (teacher, police officer etc) then she's fair game depending on your state.
do it you meme loving fuck
>not posting Android
she's a much better dancer than any of the hacks in this thread
Bruh, dancing is a complex form of communication. Dance, without prejudice, is meant to elicit emotions and concepts that rely on body language rather than language that is spoken or written. Whether it is intended to display the power of a nation, physical capability, or seductive prowess, it is all just a form of communication.
So eat shit and post more awesome dances.
You've got to work those angles bro.
>be amerifat
>never even heard of dance moms
>my teenage european cousins come to visit
>they ask us about when the finale of dance moms is on so that they can watch it
Wow, it's almost like people everywhere want to watch the same stupid shit!
stopped reading there
did you fuck them though
What a truly educated post. You sure taught me, user!
Oh, sorry, I mean "BRUH."
Yeah but only one of them is making that stupid shit
>that user exists in a vacuum, existing only for one brief moment to view a 15 second webm
>it's infeasible to even suggest that perhaps he's seen other webms
Of course I fucked them. You think I'd let little children into my home without munching down on their buttholes and forcing my uncircumcised member down their throats?
Post actually good dancers not this shit.
>implying Yuropooreans are smart enough to make media that becomes an international hit
Why haven't we just nuked Europe anyway?
If you actually believe is better than then you absolutely had to have been molested by your gym teacher.
One of my favourites
>I think I'm just gunna kill myself, I've been thinking for a while. Haven't ever satisfied a girl, even asian ones laugh.
Don't kill yourself, kill everyone else you cuck.
They certainly thought so too :^)
You can't dance.
Sure man
ugh as much as I tried to, I cant find her attractive, looks too much like my little sister.
Let's see how she feels about it after Tyrone leaves her with a muttlet and she hits the wall.
Thinking about buying this when it comes to the west. Are the games good enough for a fan of only Persona, I don't play many rhythm games, but I love the OST's and the characters.
P4's dancing game is a sequel with a canonical story. P3's and P5's don't seem to have story modes
By nature, dance is a very outward facing creative outlet. Though you don't necessarily need to be an extrovert to dance, a community which spends its time indoors and actively avoiding self-expression is the wrong place to expect an even half-way decent discussion about dance. I wouldn't even try, my guy.
Is the story good? All I know is idol is trapped in TV, Scooby Doo gang dances to save her?
I'm with you.
i love dancing games :)
The dancing games are going to be blatant fanservice so take that as you will
Shit tier dances.
Here is how you really best a move.
There should be a level where all the Persona girls get in a circle around you and start twerking, and you have to mash x to win.
why are asian women so much better? they dance sexy but with grace