Looks like Nintendo won the console race.
Looks like Nintendo won the console race
>playing games on the toilet
>playing games
Console gaming has forever been destroyed. Now all multiplat games have to be gimped to run on dogshit supbar nintendie hardware. It’s over. Time for me to build a PC so I can experience games they way they were meant to be played, not a low-IQ bottlenecked version for plebs.
>Time for me to build a PC
you mean you don't have a PC already?
well good fucking luck with today's prices, consolekiddie
So it was true that Hiro allows consolewar and politic threads here because faggots from facebook don't use adblocks
Adblock is paramount to stealing. I care for my immortal soul so I wont be using it
Companies don’t have the right to invade my privacy with ads sorry
I dont care what you do user, you're the one demanding people behave as a thief.
Nope sorry companies don’t have the right to invade my privacy with ads, Adblock is doing the right thing by helping citizens keep their privacy safe.
>games already released on other platforms being released later on a Nintendo platform
>"Nintendo won!!"
>definitive version released on another platform
>gimped version comes out for Switch
>N-Nintendo won!
OP is a living Nintendo wojak
Okay thats fine be a thief. I literally dont care.
Cool, hope you enjoy them friend.
>Adblock is paramount to stealing. I care for my immortal soul so I wont be using it
>Not letting people run code on my computer without my permission is stealing
Yea, Ok buddy.
Why don't you go browse a site that mines crypto currency while you're on it, that's not stealing or anything right?
Ages upon ages ago, I used Internet Explorer when I was updating Firefox. The very first ad that appeared started a download of a virus.
Deadfire is nowhere near being so demanding that it has to be gimped for the Switch. I mean, the game looks good, but not THAT good that it needs to be downgraded for the Switch.
obsicucks are so delusional, nobody cares about your shitty games
Fallout 3 is better
DoS 2 is better
>brainlet who has never read a book in his life detected
what's it like to be completely incapable of identifying good writing?
PoE was pretty shit where the devs nerfed fun class combos into the dirt for the sake of "single player balance" and shoe horned in tons of obnoxious oc's, and after the shit show of tyranny, I have no idea how people can be excited for PoE2.
If you're a fan of these kinds of games, you know the most fun out of the combat is trying to break it in some way. Its what makes shit like FFT and HoM3 so good.
Also like DoS2 is leagues better then any modern crpg that obsidians made, plus its multiplayer with modding tools and it lets you run your own campaigns in it. Only people with blind loyalty to the company are going to get it.
>outsourced port
It's a fucking 2D unity engine game, how the fuck come console-only shitters aren't able to run it on their craptops and macbooks?
>american education
Sorry meant top down unity engine game but you get the point, this shit isn't so demanding that you need a decked out machine to run it.
Idk you tell me obsicuck
Only retards with blind loyality buy obshit games, thats why their sales numbers are shit even when leeching of a name like Fallout
Fucking intrusive ads are so much worse than stealing and blocking adblock users from your site is worse than murder.
Tell me the last book you read, and your favourite book.
PoE was fucking boring. The whole time I played the game I tried to grasp why should I care about soulless kids or whatever.
They should've made it into castle rebuilding simulator.
>DoS2 is leagues better then any modern crpg that obsidians made
This thread has devlolved into pure baitposting, so I'll chip right in: DOS2 is utter dogshit with zero challenge or tactical depth. The very first quest with the miller in Gilded Vale has more roleplaying depth than the entirety of DOS2 and a random fight against literally who ghosts in PoE has more tactical depth and challenge that the final boss in DOS2, who can be instakilled by a single ability, FYI.
>nintendonions getting excited for westshit
The guy you're replying to is definitely a retard, and I agree PoE combat is better but thats mostly a matter of taste.
The writing/plot of DoS2 is pure middle school garbage though, while PoE at least assumes the people playing it read at a high school level.
Judging from this thread though they were probably mistaken.
Does that type of game even work on consoles/with a controller?
Is there any good examples of it?
I don't think I have ever played such a game without a mouse.
Some PS4 users who have played the PS4 version said that the game was actually easy to control, but that was with the PS4 controller. I have no clue how it's going to be controlled via the joycons or whatever the fuck they're called.
>the game was actually easy to control
Any idea of how it's actually done though?
I almost have a hard time imagining controlling the game without a mouse.
Nintendo has been operating in their own child and casual-friendly video game market since at least the Wii came out.
Yes, they won the console race of one, all by themselves.
>Console gaming has forever been destroyed. Now all multiplat games have to be gimped to run on dogshit supbar regu;ar ps4 hardware. It’s over
>NIntendo has SMT series
>playstation has persona series
So how's save transferring gonna work, do I get to keep the baby?
>one of the most shitposted things on Cred Forums is that gameplay > everything else
>bitches about how something won't be available in ultra 4k hd.
that's not how HTTP works