Redpill me on this game. Is it worth buying?
Redpill me on this game. Is it worth buying?
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Don't get the starter edition.
i thought it was lame as fuck personally. it's nothing like Vegas. It's just a hostage rescue game. like a shitty cs go clone.
Ya but they keep adding Operators that are more OP than the last. Best to buy the edition where you get all the DLC ops because they are by far the best
ignore the memeing and CS GO nerds, its a fun game.
>it's nothing like Vegas
And that's a good thing
i found it slow and boring. It just isnt fun to play. But you should try it out anyways. If you buy it on steam you can refund before you hit 2 hours
this game is nothing like csgo lmao
Overpriced for what it is, in retrospect I wouldn't have bought it.
L4D soon
Which actually looks like fun, might even have a reason to actually play this shit game now.
Its exceedingly more fun when you have friends to play it with.
Yes, and as someone who bought the starter edition, listen to this user . You can wait for a sale if you want because there's plenty of them, but it's worth the base price. If you're not picky on prices, I'd suggest as well.
It's a tactical shooter where sound is 50% of the game, and the rest relies on coordination and good calls. It's nothing like CS:GO or any other game in the market right now. It's a very different experience. You can't take too many shots and sometimes being in a position where someone might peek at 35% of your elbow and kill you, so you need to constantly be aware of your surroundings.
I honestly love it and 100% recommend it.
Its on free weekend thillthe 20th, try it
all my friends play all day everyday and I hate it.
Its a really fucking slow paced game that doesnt reward mechanical skill it just rewards game knowledge which means you gain a huge advantage from just knowing shit about the maps,good places to hide, good places to push.
You have to do this pre game phase where the defense literally does chores. And if you die you're out like in cs but rounds are way longer. Also theres is no 1v1 there is relative certainty in every engage. This means when you start and dont know shit you will just die over and over and over and youre expected to watch videos and get caught up with the strats to even have a chance.
It isnt like cs where even if you suck you can still lucksack steezy headshots with a tec or something stupid like that. You will always die to the player who knows more about the game than you.
And just like most games it has native voice comms and the voice comms are fucking cancer. You get either 10 year olds and faggots in 4 man premades who just "troll" you. In the super asinine way you see on xbox live and shit.
I wouldnt recommend desu
my brother bought the starter edition of the game for me
Is there a way to get rid of the lowered XP gain and shit?
Not really. It's a F2P game which you have to pay money for, but, they're just squeezing it before it eventually does go F2P.
Refund and rebuy it is the only way
this shit will go f2p in a year so.
>And just like most games it has native voice comms and the voice comms are fucking cancer.
Jesus fuck, I once got into a lobby where there were two children from some third-world country speaking to each other and audibly smashing the fuck out of their keyboards and giggling to themselves, all while they're filling chat with random key spam. One of them would fucking scream at the top of his lungs as loud as he could every 10 seconds, followed by him busting into a fit of laughter.
Yes pay money. Lowered shit is just foe the original operators you can just buy them all if you want.
This. Except be ready to scream FUCKING UBISOFT. everyday for the rest of your life. Another p2w week is around the corner btw.
You enjoying your 3 season passes, P2W operator policy and literally hundreds of dollars of microtransations in a game you spend $40 for?
This is the single best shooter I've ever played. 500 hours sunk, and still going. Highly recommend, but bring some friends. Randoms can cause you more grief than anything.
Don't get the Starter Edition.
It's very slow paced. If you like that, get it; if not, completely ignore. Expect to sit still and soundwhore for large periods of time.
You'll get destroyed at first. Focus on learning maps and operator abilities in your early hours.
With zombies coming up, now's a great time to get into it.
it's slow as hell and the teamwork tactical play doesn't even work unless you have a group or you're at least plat. If you play casual everyone is just running around doing their own thing. This game just rewards map knowledge
I removed the game off of my Steam account and bought the Gold edition. Your unlocks will stay and all that jazz because it's your Uplay account.
Maybe for the right type of person. I came in wanting to like it, but I can't stand the gadgets, and how the maps are laid out.
This I love siege and dont have a problem with alpha packs or paid cosmetics. But Ubipologists are the worst. You can like the gamme and admit they are ruining it
It's too slow and it just isn't fun when every other faggot who's already played it know exactly which walls to shoot through and make tiny holes in
>can buy ops for renown
>literally get good
the noose is calling friend
buttmad weeb detected
>Its exceedingly more fun when you have friends to play it with.
What is it like to have friends?
homie I wish I got paid to tell people games are good
In it's current state? No
The game is a lag compensated mess on PC, At least on console gunfights feel fair rather than "I got peeked by Sanic Ela and all I saw on my screen was a elbow and on her screen i was fingering my ass for over 1 full second"
If you insist on buying, I suggest connecting to a server that nets you around 70-100 ping as this will allow you to abuse peekers advantage but remain "behind" on positional server updates for the enemy as long as you keep moving.
Buy the standard edition or above, all 20 base operators will be automatically be unlocked (along with all attachments) starting March 6 when the new DLC update drops
This game is 3 years old.
I Sure love new operators every other week that are Season pass exclusive exclusive for a week and strangely OP for it, I'm sure that part is just a coincidence though.
Git gud faggot.
hardest game on the market to get into that isn't Hearthstone
it's too late, you're too late
don't bother
compared to the other current fps its slow paced,more tacticool with lots of emphasis on map knowledge,operator knowledge,sound and cqc crap
overwatch is stale,the meta is stagnant and i rarely feel any fun any more,it's a slog
pubq and fortnite are nice,love some aspect of it such as open world and doing random crap,the community kills it though
"modern" fps like cod and bf are now in the backseat until they get their moment again
>every other week
you can stop embarrassing your self now
Are you legitimately retarded, or just pretending?
Go away shill.
There's no excuse for this level of Jewry in a full price title that doesn't even have a single player.
>3.4 k/d solo
>1~ k/d when someone invites me to play in their squad
> know somebody is coming through a window.
> Bullets come through the window frame before you can even see the gun.
Why is this allowed?
>What is hyperbole.
You can like the game without sucking Ubisoft cock user. Please explain to me why new glaringly OP ops will not be available to normal full price paid $60 customers day 1? Asking for a friend?
its literally just cosmetics you fuck wit, what do you have to complain about? Is somebody forcing you to buy the shit?
I love how he is skirting around season passes like mad.
I never said I like the microtransactions and new ops. I love the game but hate ubi.
It's a good fps, but unless you have a group of friends to play with its fucking horrible to get in on. The game nearly 100% rewards map knowledge and time played so it feels like fucking shit to play for a long time. The guns extremely quick time to kill along with how insanely detailed the maps are with breakable walls Ect mean you're going to be getting killed through a tiny sliver that views down six hallways and up a set of stairs or through coin sized holes over and over.
That being said if you have a group who are willing to learn and have fun it's a fun game.
anyone who plays the game even semi regularly can afford the new ops with renown
Plat 2 in one afternoon in solo cancer Ranked, top fragger in 9/13 games I played, so no, you
Please explain how any of what i said was false?
Nigger you spent $60 on this game and they have the fucking nerve to even go "It's jUsT CoSeMeTocs!!!"
Begone shill.
Then why are you sucking them off faggot? Their monetizarion is bullshit and slinging new OPs this frequent just to sell season passes when they cant even balance what they have is bullshit.
Really? Then how come for a whole week Im not allowed to buy them with renown? Pajeet did you even read your shill notes? Do you know what the season pass gets you
>need to have friends to be able to enjoy this game
Guess this game is not for me.
It's best to just not wait user. I'll just go fucking ham into the window if I think someone is about to come in.
Console doesnt count kid.
If this event litwrally plays for you
>window breaks
>ela pokes out and shoots you
you are no way better than bronze.
>ela being nerfed into the ground after new buyable overpowered operators are getting released
why does my noggin go to thinking mode?
This user gets it. dont worry they will get nerfed once us non season pass peasants have our grubby hands on them as well.
Ela is being nerfed because she's currently picked in almost every match you tard. Plus the new OPs are fucking useless, "oh wow i'm gonna be tracked in 3 seconds better stand still" or "oh wow there's a bunch of buffed attackers better throw my fart bombs"
never play this game you shitbird
>nobody is talking about the Tachanka rework
I don't want to lose cheeky spawnpeek turret man...
>44 dmg
>850 rate
>bullshit overwatch powers
Console does count when as I stated, the Lag compensation used in Ubishits god awful servers, rewards players for "gotta go fast" gameplay, yet when you slow it down on console, the battles can't be just strafe and spray lasers 3 speed boogaloo.
>"If this event litwrally plays for you"
Implying window peeks have anything to do with Ela (A 3 speed) with her skeleton hitbox being able to spray like a fucking nutcase on high ping.
Plat 3 currently after using trash like Ying for weekly challenges.
This is a thing? Why canr they just leave my "winning 3-0 and I just want to fuck around character"
Gee user, how long was she OP for? Did she get nerfes during her season pass only week? Oh no. In fact her first nerf came after. Almost as if she was OP on purpose to sell season passes. Hmmm
Oh right forgot you said you got your rank from lag switching.
They just don't understand that he's not underpowered, people are just underskilled.
Not the guy you responded too, but I had season pass 2 and I was always at a huge advantage in ranked because I had the OPs, where as the enemy team might not have them.
Then take into fact that on the siege forums you had faggots like UbiNoty saying that "Ela isn't OP, she's just overpicked!!" then 3 months later "Woops yeah the team had a look and she will be nerfed a bit" (she gets recoil/mag reduced) The community still says it was her 3 speed/gun/gadget/hitbox all combined that made her such bullshit, UbiNoty "Well we are always looking into OPs who see high pickrate, however... yada yada" And only NOW 6 months on "Lol she was too OP, we nerf now!!"
>Ubisoft using our Lords name in vein
>YWN kill tachanka plant the bomb in front of turret and use it for a 3 k again.
> This is what Ubisoft's finest Indian tech support assistants believe is for the best.
Yeah and??? If i stay on my own server, I have the lowest ping in the room consistently, and I constantly get players with pings that jump from 50 upwards to 90, who always take 3 speeds and abuse the trash netcode, so yeah 2 of my seasons I server hopped to get Diamond, the rest I got Plat on my own closest server.
Face it, the games hitreg and entire gunplay is a powercreep shitfest as it stands, 3 speeds are game breaking, hence I said to the OP, not to get involved in this mess till Ubishit pull the finger out.
> he's "so far outside the meta he's basically playing a different game"
They even admit he's the best operator. This is a conspiracy against Russian ops, Kaptain Kapkan is next I tell you
>complains about ping abuse and problems with high ping
>abuses high ping
I love all this shit talking and justifation for being a shitter..
>Imm imm platinum just by cheating
>also fuck cheaters!
>300ms reaction time
lmao go to bed grampa
Kapkan is my favorite operator user, please don't say that
200ms ping
Ubisoft think this is the 'average' that needed tweaking, I can join US servers from EU in under 90 ping and I can shit every game up with bullshit peeks.
They should remove anyone with over 70-80 ping and ban playing on not local servers until they can fix it.
I mean look at this faggot
You'd better believe it's coming, brother. First, they're weakening the Russians with a new stronk independent womyn, then they're reworking The Lord, and then no Breekiboi is safe. I'm calling it now.
Ubisoft confirmed to be IOC controlled.
Learn to read nigger.
200ms after the P1 sees it, so that's a 200ms reaction time.
Average college-age reaction time to seeing something is 190ms.
I've been playing since launch and around season 3 Y1 was when i realised that ping abuse was the way forward.
I pay for the best I can get for connection in my country, on my own server it is stable and low ping (18-28ms) 200Mbit, and no way am I going to be at the mercy of some cunt with 80+ ping with a 3 speed.
I would consider ping abuse cheating as well, i agree with you, but Ubi do not, so fuck them, I'll just shit up games as much as I can. I might even buy a Wireless adapter and use a bandwidth app to stop me getting packets from enemy players.
>still has has micro transactions
>still has SEVERAL season passes
How come people flipped their shit over lootboxes in Battlefront 2 but don't have any issues with Siege?
Why do you think they added those Koreans?
Woe unto our poor Russians. Before the year is out, Fuze will be forced to actually save the hostage.
You realise you are quting me there twice mate haha, again, i agree with you, the moment they add a ping restriction, i will be back on my own servers, but fuck Ubi till then
It's a really fun game, but paying for characters in a class based shooters is so fucking stupid. If you don't want to pay you have to play an absurd amount of matches, I haven't paid and I only have two new operators
reminder that peeker's advantage is the only way this game is remotely balanced between attack and defense, and even then the defenders have an advantage on most sites
>reminder that peeker's advantage is the only way this game is remotely balanced between attack and defense
Then design better maps.
>Fuze will be forced to actually save the hostage.
Worst timeline.
Understandable. Its common for people who are bad at videogames to cheat. I could tell you I have achieved similar ranks playing only since Y2 and never go above like 50ms. But alas your Epeen is important so yeah only way to get diamond, did you mention you got diamond?
You sound like gold iv.
I honestly rarely see ping abusers in North American/North west NA servers. So please fuckoff to somewhere else if that's where you are abusing. All I ask.
> Playing on US west.
> Random frenchfag joins the group.
> He's got like 200ms ping.
> Proceeds to peek as defender and get 2-3 kills every round.
> Enemy team constantly complains about not being able to see him.
> We never lose.
Honestly, the game kinda died for me at that point.
>Bad at videogames
Nice projection, but again you forget that every season since Y2Season1 I have gained Platinum while solo Ranked on my OWN servers, I abused the netcode for Year 1.
the lag comp that's been in the game since day 1 is genuinely terrible especially with the sanic speed operator meta right now. it's a neat game so it depends on how much you're willing to put up with. i still play after buying it on launch but take a break every now and then.
also headshot detection seems way fucking off since i last played.
>Not TKing him.
I would. The amount of class in the community is surprisingly good. Maybe its just cause I play at like 2am so its always the same people everyone.
He was in discord with us, and a friend of a friend.
It was kinda retarded, but, didn't want to piss off a friend because he insisted on bringing on some frenchie.
Pic related, from today while I was playing trash Ying for challenges, that's what i get matched with consistently, people with the in game model facing the wrong way yet shooting out side, or people holding a claymore firing bullets out of it when they get jumped out on...
Again, I agree with you, but server hopping is the best way to get ranked up for the season medal, after that, i couldn't give a fuck.
Can you tell your fellow burgers to stay the fuck out of my servers as well then??
> Game literally can't handle over 80ms latency.
Honestly, that's pretty pathetic.
if i buy this on steam, is it ready for me to play after download or do i have to make an account for ubisoft?
Well remember that the game launched with 1000ms delay on player model corrections on the server, they apparently tweaked it, but many tests show that it's still the same, yet the charcter will now rotate if you got over 45 degrees, but again, this is all fucking pointless when the game engine has been patched over and over for 2 years to try and fix these issues.
Shit netcode and a league of legends style hero unlock system ruin an otherwise pretty great game
> Rappel down over a window.
> See somebody's feet inside the room.
> Bullets start coming out of them, and kill you.
Honestly, they should just remove proning until they can fix it.
Only if you're into Call of Duty
Unless the unlock system is fine. You get enough renown to keep up if you play enough. You will live without owning every op otherwise. Season pass exclusivity is what gets me.
Have some patience and you might enjoy the game more. Nobody expects you to watch videos or some shit, you can play it however you want and learn by playing the game and paying attention. It really isnt more complicated than Cod with breakable walls and each character having their own ability. The thing that really makes it easy to kill an entire team by yourself is listening to footsteps and playing smart. And yes remember what abilities the characters have as you play.
>give ela the best gun in the game in literally every conceivable way
>"""""""nerf"""""" it so that now its better than every gun in the game except it's magazine is now equal to the p90.
>Played in literally every game because her gun coupled with the 3speed ability to abuse netcode
>only way to play her is to grind for 20 hours or pay money
fuck off.
i want someone else to make a game like Siege but would have the background/lore to make bullshit powers actually fit in ok.
So whats the zombie mode looking like, good or not?
This, and also without the forced woman operators.
at least most assfaggots have the decency to not charge you up front for their shitty grind.
Also skill does exist
> Play with a friend who usually sucks but still enjoys game
You can 1v1 in this game and the person with best aim will win
>headshot damage vs body damage
>You can 1v1 in this game and the person with best aim will win
>the best aim will win
>in a game notorious for netcode so bad it coined the term peeker's advantage.
I've tried it out this free weakend and actually liked the game. On the bad side, you will have to live through the uplay bullshit. I also personally hate that "press button to jump over things".
Playerbase is slightly better than that of some average MOBA.
I think I'm getting sucked in by the marketing, but I don't want to end up buying something I'll hate.
How well does Siege run on a toaster?
How's the gameplay? Is it like Overwatch where you'll be dragged down hard if a team member is bad or is individual skill rewarded along with teamwork?
How's the ttk? I prefer Quake and UT over CSGO, where does Siege lie?
I've seen a lot of posts in Siege threads about shitty netcode, how bad is it? Are there any serious issues that negatively impact the game?
>Siege on launch
>Small community that worked together to pull of operator shit and understood that the game was a flawed gem
>Siege now
>Huge community of CoD and CSGO refugees who defend to the death the shitty netcode and retarded updates ubi keeps pushing out
>How well does Siege run on a toaster?
>How's the gameplay? Is it like Overwatch where you'll be dragged down hard if a team member is bad or is individual skill rewarded along with teamwork?
Nothing like Overwatch you enormous fag. teamplay is important, but you can easily carry a team if your good enough.
>How's the ttk? I prefer Quake and UT over CSGO, where does Siege lie?
I mean have you even fucking watched a video you fucking faggot. It's fast, and Headshots are instant
>shitty netcode,
It was really shit, but it's mostly okay now
>death the shitty netcode
I mean it's honestly not that bad anymore, atleast to what it was
>How well does Siege run on a toaster?
You might be ok at a certain point, but having less than 60hz would be a total cripple.
>How's the gameplay? Is it like Overwatch where you'll be dragged down hard if a team member is bad or is individual skill rewarded along with teamwork?
Yes but worse, if you have a shitter who dies at the start, you'll have one less angle covered, and you'll have to sit around waiting to play if you die.
>How's the ttk? I prefer Quake and UT over CSGO, where does Siege lie?
3 speeds ruin the game by having the best rate of fire guns, and as it only takes 1 headshot to kill, you'll die even faster.
>I've seen a lot of posts in Siege threads about shitty netcode, how bad is it? Are there any serious issues that negatively impact the game?
It's pretty bad, if you get a game with 10 people with sub 60 ping, it plays a dream, but one shitter with 100 joins and it compensates everyone, the game starts to feel 'behind' in hit reg, and peeking from cover can feel like you're a god, and being peeked from a dirty angle is filth. Then you have issues where your elbow might be sticking out for the enemy, while you could be 3 feet in cover
If you are looking for a game where aim actually matters, and individual skill triumphs, it's not siege. 2k/d is considered godly in siege, when I have a fucking 14k/d in titanfall. I wanted to like the game because the idea is good but it's 95% map knowledge/tactics/teamplay and 5% aim/mechanical skill at best.
If that sounds good to you by all means, but it's not what a quake player is looking for.
>95% map knowledge/tactics/teamplay and 5% aim/mechanical skill
>Implying that's a bad thing
You're gonna have to tone down the graphics, but if you have a GPU within 5 years it's not the end of the world. It'll struggled on grandma's computer due to the high amount of destructible objects.
Clutches arn't unheard of but in a 5v5 with no respawns every dead teammate hits you hard.
Different operators in Siege have different levels of armor, lower armor sits pretty much at CoD while higher armor is around CSGO.
The net code is really really bad. The dev's claimed to have fixed it, but even by their own account there's still around a 200ms advantage to peaking. It's gets even worse if you're playing with people with high ping too.
I still enjoy the game a bit, but it's impossible to take seriously in its current state.
This is so fucking true user, I played since launch and this game had so much potential, the hit reg was god awful, but I stuck with it for 9 months, the super90, the blackbeard ruining the game, the cardboard box map (favela).
Now all we have is CSGO burnouts using shit fucking memes and spouty >ez when the matchmaking stacks 5 man group v 5 randoms and they are all running 100 ping 3 speeds.
The game has gone full Esports trash now, clancy is fucking spinning.
I mean i play in medium to high ELO. I can afford every OP with renown when they come out I don't think 20 hours in 4 months is unreasonable (probably less and you accrew points in casual faster). If you are playing under that you are playing casually, and while there is nothing wrong with that you again, dont need every Operator and your ELO will be unable to utilize Ela to break the game anyway, while unlocks give something to strive for if you don't play competitively. However Season Pass exclusive week is complete unadulterated BS IMO.
It didn't feel like an exaggeration to me, but I'm not saying it's inherently bad. I just personally hate it.
Yeah. It took me a while to get into but now I love it (30 hours or so). It's very different from other FPS games, especially the big "competitive" ones. The game places a lot of emphasis on planning and trying to analyze the situation before you act. Map control is a big part of the game, but there's no pick-up items like Quake/etc. so it's not like a game of attrition between the two sides and who can hold onto the most armor/hp pick-ups. There's no respawning, which can make it really hard to learn if you're not paying attention. I spent so much time dying because of the same mistakes because I wasn't able to die, respawn, and go back to where I died to see how I fucked up. I had to start thinking "am I fucking up right now?" as I was playing instead of rushing out and dying and learning afterwards what I did wrong. The maps are small but there's a lot of variety in how to play them, especially with the different classes and the destructible environments. There's a very low TTK but it avoids the "meatgrinder" feeling of games like CoD.
Good aim can absolutely fuck someone up even if they have a better postition
This entire post pisses me off.
Go back to \leddit\
>Is this video game worth buying?
>I like it, here's why:
>fucking redditor
If you're that upset about it I almost wish I was a redditor.
Why? This post seemed helpful to me bro. Chill
>I love it (30 hours or so)
The ride never ends
>There's no respawning, which can make it really hard to learn if you're not paying attention. I spent so much time dying because of the same mistakes because I wasn't able to die, respawn, and go back to where I died to see how I fucked up. I had to start thinking "am I fucking up right now?" as I was playing instead of rushing out and dying and learning afterwards what I did wrong
This is comedy Kino
Stop samefagging. It's so obvious. Stupid ledditor. Go back to enjoying your bad game. Just wow.
fuck off, bro
Some people here really cant take a joke.
Yeah, we're the one that can't take a joke XD hahahahah lol
>pick/ban is coming
F to all you Cav players.
Calm down user.
Cav? The /Ela/te are fucked. Who would ban cav?
>play a map-based teamplay game
>surprised that the game is 95% map knowledge and teamplay
r u esports
>go prone near an open hatch
>die instantly
>see in killcam that I proned feet-first and shot me to death in my toes
it's reasonable and I get it, but I don't like it.
Yeah I get you. Happened to me a few times as well. Now I never prone offensively unless dropshotting.
No you don’t. I play with randoms all day and add the ones who aren’t cunts.
yes. yes it is.
Dont worry about buying the new operators either, some are good, but you can do just fine with the 20 basic ones
Help me Cred Forums, i have enough renown to buy someone. Do i get Valkyrie, Frost, or wait for one of the new ones?
Did you get all of the others
It's fucking shit. The only online shooter that has any potential anymore is H-Hour.