Next in line, please!

Next in line, please!

Hello, it's good to be back home

suck my fat cock, idiot


Papers' please

I b-bet your cock isn't even that big, i-idiot.

Are there any other good games similar to Papers Please? Where the main goal is to parform some specific job, run a shop etc.?


beat cop

>run a shop
Recettear but its not nearly as complex as papers please

Hello, yes, I would like to join Arstotzka.

I wish they made a sequel I loved playing this from dusk till dawn
There is a japanese hotel/rpg/sim unholy heights

also recettear

Entry visa.
> grabs passport
This seems to be the wrong photo.
> Entry DENIED

Arstotzka citizens only

Come on please. Here is my passport.


That expired decades ago

cook, serve, delicious! is very similar

What are you talking about it's in date!

> Hold on a minute, please.
> closes shutters
> two guys with AKs appear

why do anime girls like capitalism so much?

I had to detain him. Saddest moment in the game.
>Is ok, I understand.
>You do great work here still.

>What are those?

>Not capitalism

This game was too short and easy. Got through it in less than 10 hours with all achievements.


>entry denied
>not checking his fingerprints to clear this problem to either let good man through or put criminal in jail.

>he still helps you escape even if you detained him earlier
Jorji is the best bro


The creator of Papers Please also has some smaller games on his website
The most similar games are "Republia Times" where youre a news editor in an autocratic nation and "Unsolicited" where youre basically in charge of sending spam mail