Fedora Workstation

How's your experience with Fedora linux?


pretty shit compared to OpenSUSE

why a webm?


Look at the file size.

wow user you sure saved so much space reducing it by 22 kb

wow you must be a computer wizard!!!

but what was the point? You just compressed and already compressed image.

more like fedora shit station.

Wifi not working. bcm4311. retarded. no longer use it. using Windows 10 now.

that's a very minor problem, easily fixable if you know where to look

To show you that you should use a static webm to store pictures instead of ancient PNG and JPG. File sizes are always smaller while quality remains relatively the same.

I would of said webp but hiroshima nagasaki refuses to allow it.

Here are some windows batch scripts if you want to make static webms. Just install ffmpeg and they should work.

for %%f IN (*.jpg) do (
ffmpeg -loop 1 -i "%%~nf.jpg" -an -c:v libvpx -qmin 16 -qmax 16 -crf 16 -quality best -t 2 -r 1 "%%~nf.webm"

for %%f IN (*.PNG) do (
ffmpeg -loop 1 -i "%%~nf.png" -an -c:v libvpx -qmin 16 -qmax 16 -crf 16 -quality best -t 2 -r 1 "%%~nf.webm"

It's the best operating platform.

it, especially when the "Linux man" Linus Torvalds himself uses it

Holy shit that's amazing. It looks even better than my Windows 10 installation. Is this default? I gotta try Linux.


That's just a dark theme on Gnome. It is default. The applications are easily obtainable.


Every other distro of Linux has GNOME3 this is not very remarkable or even notable at all. GNOME3 looks like ass also

Fedora is a good workstation distro if you live/develop in RedHat land. Fedora is basically RedHat unstable. So you get a lot of *new* Linux libs/utils other distros might not like. SELinux, Systemd, Gnome3, up to date closed source drivers, mainline kernel, Wayland, etc.

Unlike Arch it won't kill itself randomly. Unlike CentOS/Debian you get up to date packages. Unlike Redhat you don't have to pay for it. Too unstable for a server, pretty solid for a work station.

It's basically Arch except semi-rolling, better and more secure defaults, SELinux, etc

The XFCE spin is my favorite of all distros

Literally haven't been able to install it on my second hard drive but I could be because it is failing. Or I might be fucking retarded. And you know i really wanted to use Bunsenlabs or openSUSE but I have had problems booting both after they installed.

Easily my favorite distro. If you're a GNOME 3 fan, they have the best GNOME implementation I've ever seen on an out-of-the-box style distribution.

Hey someone in this thread call me a shit button.

It's okay. I personally prefer Arch

Fuck you

On OpenSUSE right now
pretty shit
but that might be because i'm getting tempted by the *BSD meme

installed it and searched 30 minutes for the user control panel

fuck off

How come he uses Fedora and then claims Ubuntu and Debian hard to install while being unfit as distros that just work? Shouldn't it be the other way around?

Arch has a better selection of packages in their official repositories though.

He gets paid by redhat ofc hes going to use fedora.

would have :)

also you're autistic if you're really going to convert all of your images like that

It's like ubuntu without mp3. Or like debian testing with different type of packages.

user was being sarcastic.

I like it because RedHat, but I am really tempted by Ubuntu because they support the non-free stuff. Probably a waste of time to switch, but I am using it for testing some AFL stuff.

Anyone who uses fuzzers on a regular basis, would you recommend Ubuntu or Fedora? I think SELinux interferes with most fuzzers, but you can turn that off.

That's because Fedora has a policy of only including free software (but blobs) in its official repos.
You have rpmfusion-free and rpmfusion-nonfree for more packages.

IPhone users can't open it properly

Fedora is perfectly fine and for a single user usually stable. I like mate better than gnome 3, but thats really just personal preference.

This shit looks good.
It is a fancy free and open source IDE written in C.

which is pretty shit compared to arch