Tabs or Spaces?

Tabs or Spaces?

1tab vs 4 spaces



they use less characters
they work even if you don't have a proper editor
there is no way to fuck up indentation using tabs

Nigga I don't even use lines let alone spaces.

Any modern IDE will replace tabs with 4 spaces. Why are people even arguing about this?

set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab

Wait, why would it convert the single tab character into four spaces characters?

If someone opens it in plaintext to detect the author is a faggot.

almost everyone uses a different editor, whether it be vim, an IDE or a text editor like sublime/atom/brackets. using spaces causes less problems cross platform

>a tab is not universally a tab

Your argument makes absolutely no sense.
A tab is a tab.

> not knowing this fact

Back to ms word and your tabstops

Let's make this slightly more interesting, because I think you'll find a trend. Answer the following two questions:

>Tabs or Spaces?
>Self Taught or Formal Education?

Me: Tabs, Self Taught.

Tabs, B. Comp Sci, M. IT (AI)

Tabs, self taught

I see you people have yet to discover the reinvent function on your IDE

Reindent *

Spaces is the only acceptable answer.

Tabs are for faggots, the show makers actually knew this considering Richard is fucking autistic.

Tabs displayed as 6 spaces.