Kindergarten-tier "coding" to make the wymn feel happy and empowered in order to dumb down society

>Kindergarten-tier "coding" to make the wymn feel happy and empowered in order to dumb down society

I would have bet on (((github))).

oh yeah and ther'es SJWFox behind it as well.

Why does Cred Forums feel so threatened by female programmers? Are you afraid of losing your job because they, just like Indians, will perform better than most of you?

They don't even need to be better, they just have to be a minority in order to get hired so companies can meet their diversity quota.


Define 'perform'.
I can perform just as well as girls in front of gay men.


Fuck off

What triggers me most is referring to programming as coding

Was pretty fun desu

>We know you women are bored by anything remotely technical, so we'll try to disguise it with vain, Miss Universe-tier virtue signaling. We will trick you into liking it!

If I was one of the very few women genuinely interested in coding I would be insulted by shit like this.

>half the made-up signs in the background have equals signs in them and half don't
i can't even be mad anymore
i'm off this ride


You don't see guys only """"Coding camps"""" do you. Most women need an incentive to do something, men just do it and think about reward better.

What is even programming anymore? Can't wait to hear 13year olds bragging about knowing how to program

Do they teach you how to code in C+= ?

no, its just that this political baby shit is an insult to trained experts

> C+=

Is this a new one I've missed hearing aboot?

Yes you newshit

join the club

The fuck is this? Are code monkeys now deluding themselves into thinking they are making a difference and bringing world peace or something?

Do you feel threatened? I can smell the underage from here