Tiling Window Managers

After trying out i3 (pic related) I couldn't go back to desktop environments, it just didn't feel right. So, anons, what are your favourite twm's and why? Other people who haven't tried them can post questions and share opinions and ideas.

I tried some tiling WMs and didn't really like it.
Also that looks fucking horrible.

I use i3 because it's easy as fuck to configure.

Not my config. That's in i3's website. But yes, really ugly.

post your scrot

Xmonad because it's easy to setup

Awesome. Im so deep in my custom lua config that I can't really change to anything with less customization.

> powerful
> easily hackable


That fucking font. What the fuck. Also, why should I get a tilingwm instead of just using tmux?

For non terminal applications. I also think the tiling is more dynamic with wm



awesome wm, it felt easier to use out of the box, now I've configured it to my taste so it's comfy af.

i3 is shit, and so are you

enjoy going blind with your size 3 fonts


Is there any tiling window managers with mouse support?
I don't feel like I want to learn all the hotkeys.

Well, at least in i3, you can use your mouse to select windows and change workspaces easily. Plus, the keybindings aren't hard to memorize.

awesome has mouse support out of the box, I don't know about the others though.

I had used i3 for one year but then i realized that i use pretty damn only a couple of layouts and stumbled upon xmonad which did it more easily.

Also no borders, no margins, no bars. Only transparency with xcompmgr and htop for time\battery and other info on separate workspace.


AwesomeWM is pretty cool but herbstluftwm is fucking tits

Dwm and i3 are just too bare

bspwm is master race wizard tier of course

Bspwm with sxhkd is pretty baller when you get it setup, docs are lacking though.

dwm + dmenu is all that I want.

i3wm = comfy mode. I am tempted to try Herbstluftwm but that would just to satisfy my curiosity as i3 does everything I need.

> Herbstluftwm

I'll give this a look. I've been wanting to try a wm not restricted to layouts like awesome is, but i3 customization is a bit too limited for my tastes.

No love for spectrwm? I really need to try out some more twms, but spectrwm fulfills my modest needs.

try bspwm it's insanely scriptable if you're into that and it work's really well and has great floating window support and looks good OOTB, only problem I had was having a good Bar for it, i3bar/i3status is better in that respect

anyone can recommend me a status bar where I can replicate the OSX top bar functionality?
I mean:
>focused window name and "file, edit, view..." menus
>ram/cpu/temp/network status
>system tray
and, optionally
>i3wm desktops (can write a plugin myself, tho)
Currently using i3blocks, but I hate the fact that to have current window's name in the bar I have to refresh it every second because of the fact that a "block" can only be refreshed every n seconds... And, if I set it to be refreshed every half/quarter second CPU usage goes crazy...

why does it look like shit user?

what is your chromium theme, user-chan?

>asks why his looks like shit
>posts a shittier looking pic
Ok kid aren't you supposed to be paying attention in math?

I bet it was really hard for you to type that stupid lie user, so cheeky.


It's the most flexible. I'd go so far as to say it's less of a window manager and more of a library for writing your own window manager. As an experienced haskeller, bending it to my desire is basically trivial

Wouldn't recommend it to anybody who doesn't have an understanding of how to write Haskell, though

I started using DWM in 2011, have seen no reason to go back to DE's (loss of screen estate because of panels, bloat and so on) and it only occupies a few kilobytes in memory, I love it.


yeah I use i3 also but I have several annoyances with it. KDE manages to get bluetooth, wifi and clipboard nicely integrated whereas using i3 I "have" to use blueman-applet, wpa_gui and clipman, all of which have nasty, ugly interfaces and gross little icons on my i3-bar

perhaps there is some gtk theming I could do to force them to be not ugly but kde5 looks sexy and consistent it's really hard to not use it. Plus what would I do without wobbly windows

Use an xfce DE and replace the wm with i3

100% this, xmonad is the fuckin' tits

GNOME 3 with Shellshape or your own extension.

I did, but its panel wasn't really satisfying. I guess I'll try to give it another shot

Custom made, user. They're really easy to make.

Look at

TWMs are addictive as hell once you get the hang of them.t