How many characters are your passwords on average? I usually go for 32 or more

How many characters are your passwords on average? I usually go for 32 or more.

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Depends on the site limit, If 20 characters are allowed I use 20 characters, if 6 char. are available i use 6. This also depends on the site allowing special char. and other variation.


My master password for all passwords is 61 characters. Though, I've memorized many of them already.

Like 10

How hard would it be really to crack a 15 characters password ? Is it really worth it to go beyond this range of 15-20 characters ?

Same here

4 characters

I randomly pick a Unicode block, then a random Unicode character. Repeat three more times, making sure the same Unicode block can only be chosen once. Never had my password cracked even if some websites I use have had their database leaked. I do not think even NSA bothers to use the full Unicode block for bruteforcing.

Another NSA data mining thread.

The other one is here sage


I want to cum inside the cutie

6. Will go lower whenever possible

Are we talking about brute forcing? Because if so I imagine a 15 character password is virtually impossible crack via brute force. The number of combinations is too large for most modern computers.


8-12 20-50 or sometimes 100

What? Huh? Surely nothing wrong with that

Night shift just getting ready at Fort Meade

It doesn't matter fucking idiot, your password is stored in a fixed-length hash no matter how long your plain password is.

There are other advantages to a long password besides protection from bruteforcing ?
I mean I think the quality key generated from your password or whatever does not so much depend on your password or its length does it ?

(complete dummy in encryption technology)

I have some 6-11 character password I use on sides where i don't give a shit.

On my e-mail accounts I use unique passwords of between 16 and 24 characters lengths.

this can't be done in 2016, most servers and all big companies use throttling and/or captcha which prevent brute forcing.

8 to 16.

I usually have passwords like

'Ilikedogs' or "ireallylikedogs"

Easy to remember and hardly crackeable by usual means

This thread is why the wiki is stickied

I don't get it what's wrong with this thread? If you filter out amd nvidia and apple there's basically nothing.

johnny don't need passwords what he doing here

Just thinking, what does it matter if the websites data has been leaked and your super long, super unique pw has gone public? Imo far better approach to the threats nowadays is having your pw changed very often and never repeating it / not using any simple conditions. I.e. my passwords are unique to each website, but I use a fairly easy base for each of them (like, 123websitesname456)


Holy fuck how strong is that super computer?

made by superior ching chongs

all special chars

I'm also impressed at how big the conficker botnet was.

The strongest, at the moment. Worryingly, the US had banned exports of any CPUs to China so they made their own CPU design to smashe the world record and take the title.

I had to test this.

nice one

>added to dictionary



Some will say security through obscurity, but I will tip my hat.

Nice try, NSA.

>tfw constantly use words/name from fiction interspersed with old English
>no dictionary attack includes them
>1000+ centuries on every pw I've ever used

8, start with a capital and end with a number


Ive checked that, I only used this particular example to paint a picture, I do use a less retarded base, though. So, thoughts on the changing pws vs strong pws?

my typical password...

>&^& UY76Y^% Jh8&^Yhhy&^ HY77 6TYHg 6%

k noted
in it goes to someone's dictionary

Nine letters, i usually replace the "s" with a dollar sign to prevent getting hacked.

Most sites will either reject it or fuck up the encoding so you password is actually just 8cm4 or something.




it matters for encryption you nigger

Generated passwords: 32 random characters (alphanumeric+symbols)

Memorized passwords: 8 random words

do you genuinely trust websites to correctly store unicode characters?

The thing these websites are all ignoring is that real password cracking isn't done by brute force.

>world's faster supercomputer

You dumb fuck, nobody bruteforces shit with a desktop cpu. You use a pair of sli'd cards with a cuda enabled software cracker and it can try like 100billion combos per second. I remember cracking a 10 character pw with a shit tier gpu in 12 minutes. I cant imagine how many passwords some chinese neckbeard with a horde of nvidia space heaters in his garage can crack in exchange for a bitcoin and a futanari kotaku horse cock motoko hiroshima body pillow.

Nobody does brute force in the real world

In the real world, you use wordlists and permutations thereof

my strong password consists of 33 char

generic shit password (for non important) consists of 12 char

super useless pass consists of 6-8 char

>How many characters are your passwords on average? I usually go for 32 or more.
nice try nsa...

Like 50-100 on some sites, up to 3*10^7 on others.

There's no point having a password longer than the thing it's hashed into, entropically.