Why would you use Kali Linux when Black Arch exists?

Why would you use Kali Linux when Black Arch exists?

Because I'm not autistic.

Why would you ever need any of these?
Fucking hell, can't wait for trump to win.

Because when I'm doing security penetration I don't want to re-compile my kernel and reconfigure my working environment every time I boot.

Kali is based off Debian which basically means "good out of the box"

Arch is more like Gentoo -- it makes you feel good for using it but it just wastes your valuable time

What are Black Arch's system requirements? It's too new and they don't have it documented. Kali's 512 MB requirement has tripped me up before when trying to recover data from a 12-year old PC

>how to take a screenshot in tabs
newfag detected

That picture looks much older than it is.

Why wouldn't you? I use kali almost daily for work. All tools I could possibly ever need packaged into one distro? Yes please.


Why does every single security distro have to have this edgy darker than my soul theme?


Because hacker

I wondered this too, but I think (for me at least) staring at bright colors for hours on end causes more strain on my eyes and often leads to headaches. Switching to darker colors is more comfortable for prolonged viewing. Could be wrong though.

Dark colors aren't automatically edgy, but these distros are just black, black, with more black. It's one thing to implement it into the terminal, but these distros have to make it the entire theme.

I'm not saying they are. I'm simply saying that for me, darker colors are more comfortable for prolonged viewing and that may be a reason. Kali really just uses a black wall paper and everything else is stock gnome shell.


>not using pentoo

>not punishing myself on a daily basis

Well Mr Robot, basically this:

Tails/CAINE is a good alternative, but Black Arch is not.

I thought literally the same thing. Looks like a Photoshop job well done.

Because Kali literally just werkz