What's the best VM manager for running Windows within Linux? I've been using VirtualBox, and it seems pretty comfy...

What's the best VM manager for running Windows within Linux? I've been using VirtualBox, and it seems pretty comfy, but I haven't explored any other options.

Boxes works pretty well.

>Windows: VMware
>Linux: Memebox
I haven't tried anything else


Kvm is slow as fuck!

usb support for scanners suck big time. same scanner works fine in vmware.

QEMU. Not comfy at all, but pretty damn powerful.

Virtualbox is best for any application

Windows host: VMware Workstation > VMware Playerr > Hyper-V > Virtualbox.

Linux host: VMware Workstation > KVM > Xen > Virtualbox.

But if you're using Windows 10, just stick to Ubuntu subsystem for Windows.

VMware workstation


you're already using the best one
Dell shills please go, VMware is shit

qemu, now fuck off

Not really

What's the best VM manager to run Linux in a Mac?

>tfw VMware still being the best even without a Dev team




Vagrant . End of thread


Virtualbox is by far the most simple to use though the free version is soon to be neglected.

vagrant is just a frontend to your virtualization provider you dillhole

that being said, vagrant makes everything way easier

VMware Fusion

Tripfag is right

It's as easy to use as virtual box after you spend time with it

Typing from a KVM passthrough right now

If you want the system to crash and don't mind the GUI being a little shit? Virtualbox.
If you want stability but don't mind needing a degree in Linux to set everything up correctly, and you don't care if your favorite scanner doesn't work? KVM.
If you want stability and good features? VMware.

>Kvm is slow as fuck!
You're just not using it right.

-M q35
and use virtio drivers in the guest


You only need VMWare Player, which is completely free.