How the fuck is google so good?

How the fuck is google so good?

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sheep as in cheap?

Clone drive logo is a sheep


>use basic-level data from consumers using their free services to provide more accurate results

oh wow I remember that one
orange-ish icons?

They aren't gathering all that data for nothing

still cant map the internet fast enough

it took a week until google able to include some new websites

how can other search engines even compete

That just depends if they are relevant or not. Popular websites are crawled very promptly.

associative lists and user history

True. Unluckily this data is your all of your "basic" life.


good one

holy kek

Can i be in the reddit screencap -e


They claim they have the infrastructure to do it in seconds, but can't because the internet wouldn't handle the traffic.

lol XD

>How the fuck is google so good?
google "white woman and white man"


Probably keywords on the website itself.

I love google

Both of those are wrong

Actually, Google is the wrong one:

I work in a toy store and had someone come in asking about a tank that can turn into a boat. Didn't know what the h*ck they were talking about so I said "OK Google" to my watch followed by "tank that turns into boat"
It brought up a picture and name of the toy and I recognized it and took them to it in my store.

The shit that is possible these days is ridiculous. I remember there used to be TV ads for a service you could call and ask them a question and they'd get you an answer and I thought THAT was cool.

Dude I'm still blown away by that app where you that can tell you whatever song is playing

You can even whistle the song and it guesses right. It's amazing.

>lurking on Cred Forums and doesn't know about ML techniques

I do know about it and reap the benefits daily, you stupid guy.

dude epic rekt lmao

so you're basically admitting to be a retard

anything that's not a graphics card or smartphone is over the heads of 97% of all Cred Forums users

the other 2 percent pretend to understand don't and then you have the truly gifted 1% who instead go to /diy/ and not Cred Forums