What's the best place to learn how to use Bash from?

What's the best place to learn how to use Bash from?
I've tried Youtube, but most of the tutorials don't seem to go beyond very beginner level; I already know most of the stuff I found on Youtube.

Thank you for any and all suggestions! :)

Other urls found in this thread:


Bash is shit (although much less shit than poser-ware like fish and zsh).

Use a real shell like csh or tcsh.

Yeah, you didn't present anything other than ad hominem. Thanks for playing.


This is the preferred material to read while learning bash.

>ad hominem

bash, zsh and fish are shells... not people.
You should learn what words mean before accusing people of things, it makes you look incredibly uneducated. Calling it now that you're a zsh user.

Most things you'll do with bash honestly don't go that far.

Implement it. Have your code fail. Research. Fix it. Ayyyyyyylmao you learned something.

use it and read the docs and other scripts

OP, here.
Thanks for the suggestions, everyone! :)

Two posts and all those words and you failed to say anything of value. Thanks for contributing to the shittiness of Cred Forums.

I use none of them. I just prefer it when people say "x is shit because reasons, y is worse because at least x does this, and z is just a punch in the dick because it won't even do blah fucking blah".. Ya know, reasons that make people think that you may have actually used the programs in question instead of being shitposting faggots

I need to stay on /diy/. This shit is like Cred Forums with a superiority complex.

> I still can't present a valid argument.

You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

It is maybe not the best resource to learn all about bash, but I liked the challanges from: overthewire.org/wargames/bandit/

> /diy/

plz stay, we need your actual technical knowledge to counter the gaymur manbabies and OS shills

All right, thanks! :)
I'll check it out; I need some challenges in order to practice while learning.

That's funny I'm actually just about to finish up bandit. I'm not OP and I have a lot of experience with Linux and bash. There's some challenges that are pretty cool that deal with ssl and what not that I haven't done much with.

Yeah, I liked the challanges too.
Some other wargaming sites:
> smashthestack.org/
> hackthissite.org/
> microcorruption.com/login
> Bonus: hackerone.com/hacktivity/popular (shows some vulnerabilities in the wild in action)

Yeah theres a bunch of sites offering war games. I was watching geohot on pwnable.kr and the problems he was solving were extremely complex. It's cool af though because this is how real hacking is done.

Thanks for that site + info, did not know about it!


The terminal.


Sexist pig

Just started doing the badit thing I have some linux/terminal experience but I have 2 questions.

When moving between levels is there a command to just log into the next level? I am doing this through putty its annoying. Also how you transfer the password from putty to your machine to the new putty window? Does cntrl v work on that new window?

ssh bandit#@localhost

You'll have to ssh bandit#@localhost because I don't believe DNS is configured.

Thanks su wasnt working.

I would start experimenting with using curl to retrieve information in json format and then use grep and awk to extract various pieces of data from it

putty is for plebs. Install a GNU/Linux OS. If you can't handle that right now, install Cygwin. If you can't handle that right now, at least use KiTTY since it can be configured to not use the windows registry as a save file (like PuTTY does)

I run linux on laptops I am in putty because I am at work on a windows machine.

Though the other things are good to know thanks.

Explain what is wrong with zsh. It is like more friendly for people who write shell scripts than bash is. Explain why I should care about csh or tcsh.


it's quite old but it's really good

How I "learned" bash:

1) Use bash
2) Google things I want to do, but am not sure of
3) man any unfamiliar programs that pop up
4) See 1)