Russian scrapers have harvested everyone on Facebook's details and where they live, phone numbers etc.

How does it feel to be on Facebook now?

When Mark Zuckerberg does it.


When Russians do it


They can have it, it's full of dick pics anyway.

> Your data is somewhere else, and you don't know where. I can't agree with this.

That's fine.

They don't have non public information.

no sympathy for facearse users

It also scrapes pages you've liked like your political leanings etc so even if your profile is private, that info is public.

Good thing I haven't liked any pages on Facebook then.

People agree to Zuckerberg having it when they sign up for Facebook but not for this type of use

how much is something like this worth?

They agree to let everyone have that information when they post it on a public website.

How much is a phonebook worth?

What's a "phonebook"?

>posts pictures of self on facebook with real name and number
>oh no russians have pictures of myself with my real name and number

Facebook users aren't sentient

now how do i access this info?

You're not using the scraper

oh, i get it. sorry i'm a pleb when it comes to this shit. thanks.

a lot

well, it seems the site is just down. my scraper doesn't find shit.

what's google you fucking kikenigger



Good thing I don't have a spacebooks anymore then. Fucking normies, I swear.
>Now, if only I could convince my gf to stop using the datamining Jew

I have practically zero personal information on Facebook.
My last name isn't on there, my full first name isn't on there, nothing more accurate than the city I live in is on there, I have no photos of me or my surrounding area on there.


how is it illegal user?

Feels indifferent man, since I don't have any personal information on my Facebook account other than my first and last name

thanks for a remidner of why i'm not on facebook

i was almost tempted by the normalfag menace

>using jewbook

You deserve it.

Why don't you ask us in our facebook group OP?
Oh wait

And? Pretty much every police and intelligence agency mines data off Facebook too, you deserve it for using that site.

I'm not on Facebook.


what if you deleted your page in 2013?

Your profile is inaccessable, but you data is still on fb servers. Did you read the ToS?

>makes information public
>complains when people find it
It feels pretty good not being on facebook and having my address, phone number, and name hidden from public record.


wow. and unfortunately no. i got scraped then?

See See See See See See


Not illgal but Facebook is going to sue your ass. Happened to a guy. Search "how I got sued by Facebook" or something like that. Interesting read.

#powerful Russians their hackers fuck shit up

it doesn't
i'm not

With my data I trust the Russians more than Kikeberg.

>proof Cred Forums is populated by underage retards