Given that KCP is kill, how do you fine Cred Forumsentlemen view your Chinese cartoons?

Given that KCP is kill, how do you fine Cred Forumsentlemen view your Chinese cartoons?


if you don't use mpv you're a fucking retard

i want to fug rory

MPC-HC and mxPlayer.

svp pro

rory a cute

mpv or mxplayer on android

mpv, duh

I convert them to webms, upload them of Cred Forums, and then watch them on the google chrome video player.

MX Player or MPC-HC


truly enlightened

I still use KCP. Still looks fine. Kept waiting on that x64 version with madvr compatibility.

mpv with a couple of scripts and a placebo config is absolutely perfect.

What kind of scripts?


for %%f IN (*.jpg) do (
ffmpeg -loop 1 -i "%%~nf.jpg" -an -c:v libvpx -qmin 16 -qmax 16 -crf 16 -quality best -threads 4 -t 2 -r 1 "%%~nf.webm"

for %%f IN (*.png) do (
ffmpeg -loop 1 -i "%%~nf.png" -an -c:v libvpx -qmin 16 -qmax 16 -crf 16 -quality best -threads 4 -t 2 -r 1 "%%~nf.webm"

What happened to KCP?

xrandr.lua to change the refresh rate of my TV to a multiple of the framerate of the video and a script to quickly create webms with 2 keystrokes.

nothing happened, which is the problem

How do I set mpv up to infinitely loop whatever video is playing, but still skip to the next video in the folder when I press the skip key?

Literally just switched to using MPV with SVP, seems pretty neat

gib webm script, also nice if it works with bakaplayer

good to see there is actually something useful from these modifications

Why don't you just set up madvr yourself instead of being lazy?

are you by chance a fucking idiot?

i download the mpv video player and then click the video file, OP.

I take it back.. the video seems to slowly fall behind the audio... does that mean my graphics card a shit?

spotted the newfag

MPC-HC + madvr

>Chinese cartoons

I don't cause I'm not a weeaboo faggot who thinks it's perfectly acceptable for grown men to jack off to cartoons

>muh perpetual development
Unless it stops supporting whatever meme format animefriends start using it's fine.

The skip key will still function by default.

Gate was a really fun stupid show fuck the haters

I use kiss anime. Theres nothing wrong with it because I refuse to ever download anime.


You guys aren't using CCCP anymore?

dog the cccp fell a long time ago

I use Kisscartoon if I get in a DC mood

I use CCCP. If I'm on Linux I use mpv like all the other retarded tryhards. CCCP+MPCHC is definitely the best and easiest way to go though. Fuck trying to get hardware acceleration working with Gentoo, I'll do it when the SP5 is out so I can play 10bit without burning my device.