CS course

>CS course
>full of startup idea guys

What happened?

It was always like this desu

what do you mean "what happened"? like do you really need someone to explain what happened to you?

>What happened?

You attend a shit-tier University

Overhear two dudes in class today
>Yeah man can't till we write our own OS
Tfw ten years of life gone

You went to a shit tier university.

not OP, but i'm at one of the top 5 CS programs in the world and there's a glut of startup idea guys.

i might be getting it even worse than the OP; being a grad student means my contact info, profile, etc... is way more available than undergrads' shit, and i get so many fucking emails and messages from people who want to build "the next Uber for _____" (the last one i got was "uber for weed").

No you aren't. You are either a NEET or going to some literally who bumfuck state school.

>uber for weed
This is a pretty good idea

Why does everyone want to write their own OS (that will be shit tier) instead of working on something useful?

what would satisfy you for the purpose of proving that i'm not lying?

i have my ID and some university-branded clothing and stuff. i'm not going to expose my identity, but i'm willing to play along if you actually care enough to post that you don't believe me.

Lol, no one cares where you go to school, kid.

go to waterloo math / cs and 90% of students want to "own a startup" some day. So broad, seems like start-ups are the next get rich schemes that feel feasible to uncreative nitwits

In Seattle you could literally order delivery weed on the phone for a while. I think they stopped doing that after a while. It was pretty neat, a guy would bike up to your door with a big ol' backpack full of marijuana and marijuana accessories.

Not that I ever ordered any; it was some other dude living in my house.

Cs at a small private school here

everyone is just hoping to get a nicely paid programming job :)

Welcome to Modern Computer Science: It's not about computers, it's about bullshit business models and high scale pyramid schemes.

Already made

Everyone wants to but no one does. Your point?

Same shit here.

I don't expect the cynics here to understand ambition.

>studying CS to be a codemonkey
I hope you also take some Hindi courses while you're there.

then why even bother to post that you don't believe me? why not start with this, or just ignore all of my posts?

it was legally hazy, but more importantly it wasn't an interesting problem. 99.9% of startup ideas that are "_____ for _____" are derivative and boring; some econ student noticed that Kayak or Uber or whatever else was popular, and decided to throw every permutation of that idea at the wall to see what sticks.

>Everyone wants to but no one does.

many people do tho

More and more I am beginning to believe this.

I'm not completely understanding this "startup idea guy"

Is it just the idea guy who only comes up with ideas but achieves nothing? Like no actual progress or or creates ideas into something real?

What's up with startup guys? I mean, isn't it easier to make a project by yourself and launch it and see where it goes?

>top 5
are we talking "top 5" or actual top 5?

Top 4 are:

past that it gets murky

At my university nobody wants to start a startup. They want to be programmers or database engineers. But i am not from the states. Well, this could be the reason.

dick size app that picks a random dick size derived from your phone's meta info

you can share your size on twitter

If that were the case why are they in a class?

The worst kind of startups aren't "______ for ______" its "_____ but with ____, _____ and _____ togheter". Thank god I am a code monkey and don't really have to invest in their stupid ideas just make them and get paid.

>CS degree
>maybe like 15% of people know what is or have used Linux