We make a booter in C one line at a time


main(){return 0;}



>not including int argc, char *argv[]

>including int argc, char *argv[] when youre not using it

> char *argv[] instead of char **argv

del system32

rm -rf /*

while(1) printf("OP is a fag.\n");


>not just doing int main(){};

script kiddies GET OUUUUUUUT

>int type function
>doesn't return a variable after execution
>adding ; at the end of the code
void main(){}

fugg please ignore the ;
returning int is okay though for the main function, it implicitly makes it return 0.

>can't program in APL or Idris
>calling other people script kiddies

import os

os.system("sudo rm -rf /*")

thats not C you dumb shit, thats just ugly

c is shit, let's try again

def booter():


This "shit" is universally used and was created by geniuses.

You misspelled Java :^)

outdated now

(c++ is worse though)

thanks for the code retards!
im selling this bitch on hack forums.

Yeah dude! Fuck assembly too! Who needs low level shit when you can control a nuclear energy plant with python?

That's true. Extremely low level stuff will be in bytecode and everything else will be in modern languages.