What does Floens mean by this?

What does Floens mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


Is it some kind of birthday meme for Clover today?

Doesn't happened on my clover

Works on my machine

gals, set your time to tomorrow if you don't have it yet.
tomorrow is Cred Forums's birthday ;)

It's annoying is what it is. I can't see any of the pictures and some of the text

I'm in New Zealand so I'm in the future

>no fun allowed

Hey Jordan it's Kevin

> Not using superior Dashchan

How new are you?

It happens literally ever year and it's sitewide, not just clover.

encyclopediadramatica.se/Cred Forums_fgt_hat_day

No fdroid repo

>being assraped by floens
>using shit app
Not getting cucked on chanu/dashchan m80

>light theme

Is this better?


Holy shit, I'm a faggot Cred Forumsuys.

It's okay jordan

He means "get the fuck out"

Seriously, get the fuck out.

Fuck off kevin



How can I stop this? It's making the boards unusable

you must suck the dick

say "moot" 3 times


It was some tripfag on Cred Forums