What language do i learn for Server Side Scripting if not PHP?

What language do i learn for Server Side Scripting if not PHP?





Those who don't write machine code are fucking plebs.

Just write CGI scripts in Perl. That's what everyone's doing these days.

I wish it was 1999

What's the purpose? Babby's first server side application/scripting?

>he doesn't host his site in netcat using bash
Just anything but node and you'll be fine, ruby isn't terrible in some implementations.

rip perl.

Java spring or nodejs


Sure, that's standard and fine.



Trust me, I used to do PHP.

Never again.

Either Python or Javascript

- focuses on security
- Django covers a LOT of use cases especially web security
- is expressive, but not so expressive, like JS, that it becomes a clusterfuck to read/manage

- incredibly fast
- can use for both client and server-side so less learning needed
- npm + bower are formidable alternatives to pip

Don't fall for the Ruby on Rails or the Java+Spring memes

Whats wrong with spring? I enjoy it being so productivity focused as it as


Go or JavaCrypt.

>- [Python] is expressive, but not so expressive, like JS, that it becomes a clusterfuck to read/manage
JS is not expressive in the slightest.
Python and Ruby both have it beat there.
>- [Python] focuses on security
Not by a huge margin. Maybe slightly more than legacy PHP styles and shoot-from-the-hip hype-driven JavaScript frameworks, but I wouldn't claim Python has a "security focus" compared to Erlang or JVM languages.
>- npm + bower are formidable alternatives to pip
You can use bower in a Python project alongside pip to mange your front-end dependencies. They are not mutually exclusive, and instead are pretty complimentary.

Expressivity is not just a measure of in-built constructs. The core language capabilities allow for the most varied tools as evident from its ecosystem. My professional work is largely with Python but use JS just enough to see this

Python DOES focus on security by a huge margin. Saying it's only slightly more than legacy PHP style means you have no idea what functionality is in-place just for the sake of transparent security

Not sure why you are mentioning front-end when this is a server-side question. You could have said npm+bower alongside pip, in which case I'd retract my statement and say they are also formidable package managers
