
I don't mean to meme with this post, I'm legitimately concerned for my online privacy.

Other urls found in this thread:


Install Debian

I don't feel comfortable switching from W7, is it that important to switch?


Thanks liberals!

>le republicans are evil and don't understand the Internet! Vote for the candidate who's been paid off by Google and Comcast instead!

Thanks for swinging by and memeing about the politics behind OP's question and not actually contributing to the thread, tripfag

Your online privacy was gone the day NSA got established.

Theres no escape, go off the grid or hope noone ever gives a fuck about you to violate your online 'privacy'.

I work online, so I can't go off the grid, unfortunately. I've got to do what I can to keep at least my communications secure

Thank you for correcting the record!

I guess democrats aren't so bad now!


Get a firefox fork for browser. Personally I use Pale meem.
Protonmail for email. A swiss based email client with a strong focus on privacy.
For more you can read the fucking sticky.

>live in a five eyes country
>only *now* getting concerned about privacy
You been living under a rock OP? Go grab yourself a non-systemd linux distro, an anonymous foreign VPN, a cyanogenmod/replicant phone and signal/telegram or whatever. That should be considered the most basic level of necessary paranoia.

Your containment board is this way
please try to stick to it.

Please. Everyone sane knows that American politics is a festering pile of shit that won't be fixed without full on revolution.

There's no cyanogenmod or replicant out for my phone, what do

That group of incompetent fuckwits? Utterly irrelevant, and doubly so to your privacy. There's nothing wrong with nationalism most of the time, but whining about ICANN ending their contract with the US when it's already a multi-national org is sheer retardation. If anything, this is better.

Tape the tracking device to a local cat.

>cruz senate

In to the trash it goes. You have to be as retarded as Cruz is to believe this is a happening. No you retards, China, Iran and Russia will not control and censor the Internet beyond their borders.

This, besides the US still has control over all of the big TLDs and servers that are actually owned by them. Those swat raids on pedos are still gunna happen in the US and the lack of swat raids of pedos in russia is still gonna happen. This is basically just changing a name on a single document that's part of a huge clusterfuck to say ICAAN instead of UNITED STATES.

Chinese poeple aren't gonna suddenly start hax0ring random US websites more or blocking your website from being accessed in London.

>just CM

Install freecyngn while you're at it.

Don't bother, it's useless, just don't do crazy shit. Privacy = losing many things. If you want that, it's okay, but think like this : a person who uses Photoshop will have more success than one who uses GIMP. Linux lacks lots and lots of good software that is only available for Windows and OS X. If you don't do shit, switch to Linux.