Why is breaking the law taken so casually on the internet? I mean, you wouldn't download a car

Why is breaking the law taken so casually on the internet? I mean, you wouldn't download a car.

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I certainly fucking would if it were possible

What law?

Anti piracy laws

Which laws are those?

The Digital Millenium Copyright Act


But that's only in America, and, as we all know, corporations run America. Of course they would make up "laws" like that.

downloading stuff for personal use is legal where i live

>Removing DRM on stuff that you paid for... is a crime
That is a brilliant and consumer friendly law. To make more citizens happy with the government, we should have more laws like this. Smart laws like this are definitely not the reason people take the law less seriously, and break it so casually... no sir.

If there were a machine that I already owned and it could make a car for $0.002 worth of electricity and you wanted me to pay $70,000 for the exact same car I could get the machine to spit out... I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be giving you $70k.
On some level the price of a good must reflect the price of producing said good.

yes I would: localmotors.com/3d-printed-car/

the internet isnt a gun it cant physically hurt anyone


>You wouldn't
tell strangers to kill themselves
request underage's photos
have a hot roleplay as a underage
steal user's session cookie
deny holocaust
breach company's securiry just because you can
make someone else sad on internet
share a file
download a file

Sad part is when gangraping women as a refuge in Sweden has less penalty when sharing movie via torrents.

>mfw not American

That video is so retarded because yes you would fucking download a car if you could because the original is still there after you take it

Who wouldn't download a car? Imagine someone telling you a physical law now applied within limitation to a digital space. Look at some online stores that sell digital goods. They have the nerve to say things like "out of stock". How possibly retarded could they be.

Artificial scarcity is the most retarded shit ever but the masses buy into it.

It's a shop. It originally said 'steal a car'.

Well when they are third party sellers they might simply not have access to the product key anymore.

It goes back to the manufacturers. Product keys are not in the physical realm, they can be replicated an unlimited number of times at no cost and at no space to validate authenticity. This is the artificial scarcity he's talking about that's so retarded.

You don't have to sign the post with your name, retard. We know it.


Internet has no laws, except in the Land of the Free(c) and China.... also North Korea...

>be me
>have relatives over from the US
>want to watch a movie one evening
>"user, you have Netflix? Lets watch x!"
>"Nah, I'll get the BR rip from a torrent..."
>proceed to download
>"So, what VPN are you using?"
>"For the download? None."
>"What? What do you use then?"
>"Uhm? Nothing..."
>they freak out, calm them down and explain them everything
>brix where shat, laughs where had

>send a mean tweet in the EU
>go to prison

You mean Germany*
You know EU is not a country.

I think people deserve to be payed for there work so I just buy what I want instead of pirating it.

True, but games don't have demos anymore, glad I could test No Man's Sky without the mess of refunds.
Also, a few year old movies, the people and even corporations who made it, get no profit anymore even if you buy it from somewhere, even newer movies, once you go to the cinema to watch it, after that you should be allowed to rewatch is as much as you wish. Artist get fucked over even more, most even support piracy because they get screwed over more by the corporations, even if their songs would not get pirated.

Etc, etc

>you actually buy stuff, it's ours and if you touch anything it's illegal: the law

That's a copyright law, not an anti-piracy law. An anti-piracy law would look like what Japan has, which makes actual piracy illegal.

capitalism, sales go down when demos exist

Developers get paid to make a game. Their salaries are not dependent on the number of sales generated by the game itself. They receive what they deserve before games are released.

If you don't want people to share information, don't let it out.

>he can't legally deny the holocaust
nice free speech you got there lad

Not yet
good job we're leaving before the globalists fuck us even more