If you aren't using this, you are supporting an immoral business model and capitalism. Not blocking ads is no better than using Apple products or Windows.

Call me crazy, but I like them.

Ads are a very important part of internet culture.

Moot left because he could hardly afford to pay for Cred Forums because everyone uses adblockers.

Everyone I know personally has one, and it disappoints me.

Richard Stalman may be against ads, but I'm not; they help pay for websites like this.

Only fools use adblock.

Not me.

>prepping the bull
okay user, 'take your stand,' be a good goy, vote with your 'dollar'

Could you be any more of a cuck?
Also, why the fuck do you space your lines like that?

Ads have no place on the internet or the real world. They're meant to brainwash people into buying shit like smartphones.

>Everyone I know personally has one, and it disappoints me.
Maybe they don't want to see mind pollution on every website

>Moot left because he could hardly afford to pay for Cred Forums because everyone uses adblockers.
That's his fucking problem then. Ads aren't a solution.

>Only fools use adblock.

>the first letter of every sentence spells out "cameron"

What did he mean by this?

>Could you be any more of a cuck?
go back to Cred Forums frogposter


>4 posters in this thread
Nice samefag.

Try again mememaster flex

>Ads are a very important part of internet culture.

Only in that ads have been one thing everyone has agreed have been awful shit since the dial up days.

I wouldn't mind if they were well designed or well integrated but they have always been obnoxious and intrusive. Back when I still watched TV I hated that the ads were so repetitive but at least I knew when to expect them. And print ads / billboards are at least quiet.

The fuckers that make internet ads though love to have them blare loud annoying music and sound or have the ad jump up in front of whatever shit you are trying to look at. Anything to force you to look at them or interact with them over the actual content you're trying to get to. Fuck that shit. If I site tries to stop me from using AD blockers on it and I can't find some combination of plugins and scripts to get around it I just won't go to that site. It's infinitely preferable to having to tolerate that trash.

I mean with the first reply.

>And print ads / billboards are at least quiet.
Quiet but they ruin the landscape, at least in rural areas. Don't know how I feel about them in cities.

>if you're not using ublock origin you're not blocking ads
But that's blatantly wrong.

>Not blocking ads is no better than using Apple products or Windows.
Its okay that add on only hides ads! :^)

talking about adblock in general. its the principle of stopping ads.

personally i use ublock and host file blocking

ahem pardon my reach sir but WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH U?

Yes they are still awful but not nearly as awful as internet ads.

Unless you're like Kramer and have to deal with a sign being put up right next to your apartment window or something.


eh, ads placed in the real world have a bigger impact to the environment and you can't block them. online ads at least have that going for them

Online ads use up unnecessary bandwidth, which uses more electricity, which uses more fossil fuels, which releases more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which results in climate change, which results in ISIS.

Jeez guys, don't be so mean to Online bullying hurts people and can lead to suicide or worse.

Ever been bullied yourself? How did it feel?

You should be ashamed of yourselves.

hello Martin shrekil you shill

>the first letter of every sentence spells out "joey"

What did he mean by this?

straight outta reddit

It actually spells out JOEHY you dip

I'm personally fine with ads. I'm not cool with malvertising. Until all malvertising is gone, I will continue to use aggressive ad blocking techniques.

The government needs to step in regarding malvertising.

for Cred Forums use midori and let Cred Forums have some money. Plus midori is snappy. For the rest of the web I use firefox with ublock origin and ghostery


Die of cancer, faggot

If I was and advertiser paying for adspace and I read anywhere on a site anything to the effect of, "subscribe to get rid of these irritating ads" I'd drop them like a rock.

Blame jewtube for the 5 min video 'n pop-up ads.