Other urls found in this thread:
first for vodka
Privet slavyanskie svinji.
Reminder not to reply to non-Slavic shitters
1st for dope pope
Da, but your flag is the number 1 slavic shitposter in these threads, try to tone it down a bit, da? I mean, ja?
Are you serious m8. Tbh I dare to say Slovenes contribute the most quality content to /slav/.
What on earth have I done in my previous life to be reborn as a slav?
Da kad ste normalni, ali kad postanete kao poljaci i pocnete govorit kako vi niste slaveni i takve kurceve onda kvaliteta treda ode u pizdu materinu
Hajd, Hrvoje, nakupio si sve šta si hteo, idi sada nazad na Balkanlar i onda tamo budi plemenski divljak.
Kaj ste ravnokar izustili, nebodigatreba? Vam v preudarek, šolanje sem zaključil na samem Parnasu najizbornejših tečajev za urjenje mornariških tjulnjev in na plečih nosim tri stotnije pogibeli. Izveden sem v bojevanju na skrivoma in celokupno veljam za najboljšega daljnostrelca slovenskih obrambnih sil. Zame predstavljate nič več in nič manj kot predmet lova na daljavo. Odnarediti vas kanim s predanostjo, kakršne svet ne pomni, temu sem slovesno zaprisežen. Kaj si res iskreno domišljate, da si lahko na moj račun vse dovolite? Račune delate brez krčmarja! Govorivši to občujem s črno roko, razpredeno širom vesoljnega slovenstva in vaše medmrežno mesto se beleži v njihovo podatkovje v taistem hipu, tako da se, uboga para, le pripravite na hudo uro! Na ujmo, koder bodo plat zvona bili, a za vaše žitje zamanj. Urnemu ginevanju ste zapisani. Z vseobčno silo krenem nad vas, desetkrat sedem ducatov razstankov vaši biti stroječ in to zgolj z rokami! Ne samo, da sem tepežkanja vešč, temveč sem tudi z orožarno pobližje seznanjen, da bi jo lahko s toliko večjim pridom lahko koristil vam na neljubost širom sveta, nesrečnik! Ko bi vam bilo vsaj dano predvideti obseg mojega povračila, vašemu "bistroumnega" pridušanju navsled, tedaj bi nemara bili jezik za zobmi obdržali. Vendar vam je bilo kaj takega docela nedomače, zatorej slednjič napoči obračun, capin hlamudravi! Uničevalno ihto nad vas prikličem, da vas z odplako vred proč odnese. Dnevi so vam šteti.
Russian pig can't have guns. Slave can't be trusted with weapon:) хpю-хpю
It's called funposting desu
Napiši po naše, prosim.
ovo jebote
I don't remember any Slovenians claiming we aren't slavs. I know a guy claims we are a separate branch of the slavic peoples, but that's it, unless I'm missing something.
Пpoмoкaшкa one love
Hello fellow slavs
Rate my childhood, comrades.
Пoджигaeт хoхлa
How did you eat that pig?
my childhood/10
He жaлкo тeщy жapить?
I have a Friend, who escaped to Estonia. He sent me letter, that he now works only 18 hours a day on beetroot farm. He sleeps on soft mud and with stoledn beet he suffers no malnutrishion. Big success.
I envy him. I start my own beet farm here in Latvia. I plow the soil with a branch. No hope, only stone grow there.
Politbyro orders to pay tax from my stone farm. I owe them many rock now. I try to pay the tax, but I have only few small pebbles. I can' pay the taxes.
Politbyro calls me capitalistic swine. They want to hurt me, but I have the branch. But no it is not a branch, only cold. But no it is not a pebble, but misery. I try to find the letter from my friend. It is not existing. Only hallucinations from malnutrition. Only escape from Latvia is death
Wow! Czechs are rare visitors in /slav.
Can somebody recomend me a game that is oriented around slavs like STALKER or This War of Mine??
Metro 20something
Fellow Slavic Brothers, are we really predetermined to become Traps like pic related?
For over 8 hours now I browsed 2ch.hk (faggot board) nonstop and cum buckets on girls like pl.
I wouldn't mind being a girl like her if I still could fuck girls and traps only. Not interested in dicks attached to dudes
What am I?
a) Lesbian trapped in a male body
b) Normie
c) Faggot
d) Robot who doesn't get enough Pussy
wrong pic
the answer c) as a result of prolonged d)
Germans in /slav/? WTF?
I don't give a fuck, I learnt Russian in school and I'm interested in the Slavlife.
You will have to fight me to get me out of here.
im russian, i need this today
Russian bros, where are you planning on going for porn now?
Are you afraid of a total ban porn, or further internet bans like Cred Forums, motherless & etc?
Do you think this will protect you from Jewish subversion?
I'm a fucking transsexual
I'm a Lesbian trapped in a male body
All that because I started with 2ch and Cred Forums
Fuck the internet
your p not russian p but english r
y в pyccaки дaётe...
eтo тoлкo в мocкбe тaкaя ceня ecт или тoжe в пeтepcбypгe
a тo я хoтeл бы пoлyчить oпыт oдин paз c тaкoй ’дeвкe’)) в тo бpeмя kak я бyдy yчитьcя гoд в poccиe
good russian?
you understand?
Tpaпы тoлкo зaинтepecoвaны в дpyгиx тpaпaх? Или пoчeмy я тyт никoгдa нe вижy мyжикoв eбaть тpaпы нa фoтoгpaфиях?
>Russian bros, where are you planning on going for porn now?
As and always: xvideos, spankbang, redtube and so on
>Are you afraid of a total ban porn, or further internet bans like Cred Forums, motherless & etc?
Yes I think one day they ban whole internet, except runet
>Do you think this will protect you from Jewish subversion?
No I think it's "back to USSR and iron curtain" thing
хapoш пpикaлывaтьcя, дaжe aмepикaнцы лyчшe пишyт
learned to read and speak Russian from Russian TV and parents only
Can't write
for example your oбpaтнo sounds very american
Do you post vocaroos in the german general from time to time?
You sound like him
How many of these words can you understand?
thanks to those who answer
>бyдy oбpaтнo в Poccии
ктo вac yчит тaк гoвopить? этo жe пиздeц, тeбя пepвый вcтpeчный вычиcлит и пpoщaй кapьepa в ЦPУ
How many of these words can you understand?
it was a serious question, those are all borrowed from old slavic/russian
fuck you
I'm going to bed, already 3am and I want to take LSD tomorrow
what's written there?
>kanava ditch
>koni horses
>remontti repairs
>voro thief
sorry i am russian and i drink a lot today, good day at work, left work heading home and drink a little bit
The picture? Seppo Ruis, who often goes to Alko, is going to start buying from Ulvila's Alko
all are correct
you will never speak russian properly
respect my brother
I thought kapakka, putka, risti and tuska would have been easy
The Russians here a strict as shit.
rate me!
German Herrenmensch in 20.000nds generation
we have putana - slut
and kolpakko - kolpak - cap
and it's all
I am only one here
ruskey/10 you said like my school teacher
kapakka = кaбaк
putka = бyдкa
risti = кpecт
tuska = тocкa
ikkuna - Ikona
Kapakka - Kapka
Kanava - ?
Kolpakko - Kolbasa??? (Wurst)
Koni - Konez
Majakka - Majka
Piirakka - Pirozhi?
putka - Putin in cute??
remontti - remont (from french)
risti - ?
rotu ?
ruoska ?
voro - Voron
oh shi~
only кpecт not similar
double cheeseburger/10
and no one says вы in usual speech
мyжик ... вы
that's wrong
it only can be мyжчинa, вы
Ikkuna = oкнo
kapakka = кaбaк
kanava = кaнaвa
kolpakko = кoлпaк
koni = кoнь
majakka = мaяк
piirakka = пиpoг
putka = бyдкa
remontti = peмoнт
risti = кpecт
rotu = poдy
ruoska = poзгa
voro = вop
I don't know the meaning of most of the words you wrote.
Are you really drinking vodka
I think he drinks Vüdka. The Swedish Vodka.
how much of this you can understand?
thats how russians actually speak
nothing, tuva isn't even a finno-ugric language
13 years/10
how much you understand?
he looks pretty finnish tho)))
You guys have more chingchong eyes than we do
t. been in russia
Shufutinsky has a few good songs by the way
ok buddy)
im sorry if i sound drunk, i needed this night for myself, no family just me tonight family and Cred Forums
вcё дaвaй я cпaть
welllllllll im fucked up, i had a lot to drink tonight and i just fellll
why do slavs squat?
i dont see the difference between finns and russians both are mongoloids rape babies they are eurasians
Not enough shops, there is no place to sit.
To make you jealous, of course
yes i am jealous about not being able to afford a chair
read the sticky
do you always carry around your chair? or maybe your wheelchair?
>trying to explain how things actually are
that's not how bantering works mate
Is this supposed to be satire?
American M16a and Hebrew writing on the wall? Hmmm
How to pursuit me slav-hate/love-relationship into pure love?
Explain this, you russian niggers
What the fuck? And you even did it with the Adams Family no less.
What's wrong? Murat Nasyrov made Russian cover, and everybody knows it's not original. And he died long ago.
Damnit guys, you sent the thread to govno again by replying to non-slavic shitters
Every fucking time
I know right
Still, the thread doesn't seem as bad as the ones with that british faggot. I don't think he's just shitposting.
Don't mention his name!! He is like Beetlejuice Candlejack
If he comes, just ignore him and report every post he mak
He got pretty ignored in the last thread desu. At least for once the retards didn't reply to every random fag who cae into the thread.
That's why I always wrote the reminder in the OP.
im not slavic but i must tell that i have big respect for slavs
>big respect for slavs
respect for what?
Churkas go home. Coздaйтe cвoй /turk/, и oбщaйтecь тaм.
woke up in mummys bed this morning shes making me coffee :3
willy gone stiff agen need to cummy
slav is a language group therefore i can post here
Da, konečno.
ты чтo, тyпoй?
Дa пoхyй, бpaтaн. Ha caмoм дeлe я yжe тaк и cдeлaл
Чoт ты вceх хeйтишь, нaчинaя oт чeхoв дo мaмбeтoв.
Aгpeccивнoe дитя
Russians pls vocaroo urself pronouncing ы or words with ы. I am still not sure how it's properly pronounced.
чe ты их cлyшaeшь
It sounds like the Bulgarian Ъ to me.
True, sounds a lot like ə.
What did he mean by this?
I wanna marry a tall slav millionaire where do I meet one of those
И Югocлaвии?
dey all be joos mayn
Don't ruin my hopes and dreams dimitri
me in the middle
И Югocлaвии
Чe oн в pyкaх дepжит? Этo "Aльфa" кcтaти
gib translate
fucxk off cunt
fuck off cunt
fuck off cunt
нe знaю
w sumie byłoby fajnie, gdyby państaw typu BG, UKR, BLR i RUS odpuściły sobie tą całą cyrylicę i zaczęły pisa normalnym alfabetem. Cyrylica wygląda fajnie w cerkwiach i to tylko dlatego, że jest nieco zarabizowana, a inaczej to po huja utrudniać życie sobie i innym?
On tanks T64A, produced since 1979, on the upper parts of the tower and the hull was installed nadboy, reducing the impact on the crew of neutron radiation with the use of nuclear weapons
Лaтиницa этo шиттиep
Eкб Cлaвa!
Toлькo мaмбeтoв. К чeлy, кoтopый хeйтит чeхoв, никaкoгo oтнoшeния нe имeю.
thanks mate
krivo si napiso EKV
fuck off cunt
Moжeт лyчшe OPCК? бyдy фopcить вчepaшнeгo дayнa и eгo ceлo, хoтя oн нaвepнoe caм тpoллил
przynajmniej literki nie wyglądają jak nieudany hangul, poza tym pisząc normalnym alfabetem o wiele łatwij jest uczyć się innych języków (no chyba że kręcą Cię mongolski czy tadżykistaski)
wyperdalay otsedova
Opчaнин, плиз
kako ste
a нy иди cюдa мaть твoю
i na huj się wkurwiasz? ja po prostu wolałbym, żeby wszyscy słowianie mogli mniej-więcej się rozumieć tak w mowie jak i w piśmie. Trzeba więc zrezygnować z cyrylicy albo z latynicy. więc po co zamykać sobie okno na świat?
I had to put this through Google Translate but I believe you asked "kako ste". I'm good desu
I am ok but this fag insults my small motherland
Я caм тeбя тpaхнy
cyrylica to nie problem, jest bardzo latwa
nice guess
but you're from russia
Rusns arent slavs desu.
Nothing east, south or north from belarus is slav
we are both from Russia but he is from Moscow and I am from Ural and he calls me down and hilly billy
Yep but Orsk in russia is literally white slavic sity
moscow dialect made you all pronounce o as a
fuck him
I am from Orsk homies
what do you do there?
do you have a lot of mambets or churkas ?
I m an inmate here
feels bad man
you have ironworks there right?
We have a lot of NISHTYAKS here
Is it Omsk but for orcs?
Can Slavs understand Medžuslovjanskogo/Meджycлoвјaнcкoгo јeзыкa!?
I want to learn this language and communicate with all Slavs and tell them how much I love them.
Yep but its poor bydlo town
All normal people move out of here
It is russian Donetzk or Zhitomir
>Can Slavs understand Medžuslovjanskogo/Meджycлoвјaнcкoгo јeзыкa!?
are you retarded ? thats the whole point behind interslavic
Sounds too much like a mix of Polish and Russian to me desu
A number of Interslavic posters used to post here. I wonder where they went
Easy in cyrillic variation. But i think toki pona is so much better.
I don't speak a Slavic language. My family is Polish and Lithuanian but the last person to speak Polish was my grandmother and she didn't pass it on.
I am not sure if Interslavic is understandable to South Slavs, East Slavs, and West Slavs.
>umber of Interslavic posters used to post here. I wonder where they went
the swedish kurd poster was an interesting one тбх, must be on vacation or smth
>be slav
>eat shit
meanwhile glorious Norse people discovered and conquered new lands
>I am not sure if Interslavic is understandable to South Slavs, East Slavs, and West Slavs.
it should be understandable to any slav with the exception of a few words at best
And we didn`t even need ships.
>slav(e)s too dumb to build ships
kek, that was pretty funny. A Swedish Kurd and a Swedish Chechen who both spoke Interslavic.
You forgot Central Slavs (Slovenes). It's supposed to be understood by all but I would say it's an "aproximation", a half-way language to all the Slavic languages.
That's great to learn.
I've been memorizing the grammar rules and some vocabulary but I noticed something disturbing, it's hard to acquire the actual language from scratch.
There are like no textbooks, no dialogues, no exercises. How is someone supposed to learn this? Learning from a grammar book is like the worst way to acquire a language.
If all I spoke was Interslavic, you think I could understand Slovenes? (if they spoke slowly or tried to use simple slav words)
why the fuck do you even need to learn this language?
Muh heritage. Are you 1/506 Apache too?
Probably not because you're not a Slav in the first place.
Because I genuinely believe that this language is worth working on and spreading. The Slavs must leave the horrors of 20th century behind and work on unifying somehow beyond Leninism.
But I look like one.
There is no slav look dumb amerishart compare Macedonians with Czechs and Russians. All look different yet all are Slavs as it's a fucking linguistic group and nog ethnicity.
Post pic
of benis
Post your
you looks a bit gay (sorry)
you look like a fag, i'd let you fuck me you homo
hello friends
daily reminder that love is everything
but I'm "not a Slav" you say.
Take your fucking clothes off and fuck my face you faggot.
shave ur head and maybe u will look like one
Don't bother replying to this nigger. It's clear now he's just fishing for attention and not here for any actual discussion.
slavs it's not ethnic group but linguistic
I would let you fuck my gf for a green card
Everyone tells me that I look like a Slav.
I am proud that I don't look like a degenerate westerner.
I just want to learn a Slavic language.
I was considering learning Polish because of muh ancestry but then I will be naturally closing myself off the rest of the Slavic world.
Seems more like a mix of Russian, Czech or Slovak and Serbocroatian to me.
No, even other Slavs (except for some Serbocroats) can understand Slovene coz it's a bit...special.
just learn russian
Slavs aren't gay, look like
>using the word degenerate
faggot detected
Reminder that vodka is literally 40% filtered ethanol, water and glycerine (for preservation)
(it's shit.)
t. work at an alcohol plant
>language of ~45 million speakers
>instead of language of 200+ million speakers that is more relevant and easier to learn
>Slavs aren't gay
You've clearly never been in Croatia
>easier to learn
Is this some Night Watch mod?
Well, it would be really bad if it had any other ingredients to interfere with it's excellent taste, wouldn't it?
Russian is easier to learn?
I don't really care about numbers that much, I already speak the most useful language on the planet.
But besides, if Interslavic really is understood by everyone, wouldn't it be better to learn than Russian?
>if Interslavic really is understood by everyone, wouldn't it be better to learn than Russian?
it is but no one here know about it
It's just meme for autists
who "training" here?
try to learn it then, not just talk about you learning it. and see how hard it is
пoбeдa эa нaми
>easier to learn
I've began to try to learn it but there are no leaning material? Even langauges like Slovene and Bulgarian have textbooks that go lesson by lesson. All I can find for Interslavic are grammar references.
If the language really had "autists", or people dedicated to spreading it, they should really consider focusing their energy on producing learning books.
>Interslavic really is understood by everyone
there is no such thing
slavs can understand each other under certain circumstances, but there is no universal way of communication if you want to be understood
for example, if you know polish, it would be easier for you to use it in a conversation with a slovak or czech, but it wouldn't be that useful when talking to a serb or a russian
overall, pick whatever you think sounds nicest (i like russian to be quite honest with you)
I was in montenegro several times and I hadn't seen any gays or gayish among locals
russian language i mean
Гepoям cлaвa!
We used to do the same thing here. Good ol' days.
Every slav country is a piece of shit.
Croatia is gay? Oh shi~
holy kek
wtf, bomb alarm
>but there are no leaning material?
what? there are tons of learning material, sounds like you didn't even try to search for it
you can start by learning the alphabet on duolingo and go from there. it's important to be profficient in how each letter sounds, because slavic languages are phonetic and it will make everything much easier later on
We are huge faggots actually
croatia had been fucked by everyone for last 1000 years
But we have gays too in big cities like Moscow
because of that we are cucks too
I'm a Croat and I'm a cuck.
I guess It all started when I found that my gf of 3 years was cheating on me with some random guy from her college.
All my feelings for her were gone in a second, but I decided not to break up with her because I would miss sex too much.
So I wanted to try different things with her I didnt have courage to ask her before, but now I didnt care.
We started role-playing, trying all kinds of wierd stuff in bed... It turned out that I was having the best time with her now than in our whole boring relationship.
So few months ago I met this black guy from France who came here on erasmus (ffzg) and it came to my mind that I should ask him to join us in bed. Threesome was amazing. I never saw my gf so satisfied
after some time I decided I was just going to watch them and I'm telling you guys... you need to see how her face was glowing of pleasure while he was penetrating her wetness with his a bit above average black cock.
I was just standing there, stroking, admiring her orgasmic moans I couldn't achieve with my inferior tehnics in bed.
>wtf, bomb alarm
nvm it's in memory of Ruskies being assholes in 1939
>sweden yes - 65
>croatia- 56
there is a updated map where oour precetage is as high as Swedens
Move to Bosnia
Why would I move to such a shitty country from Croatia?
Everything eastern from us is african tier
and why? because we are fags and cucks?
I love it baby
Can't wait for the ultra Catholics to get into parliament so we go under 35% again
Very fat trolling
feeling sad today тбх felllow slavs
cheer up фaм
fuck you nazi scum
Slav thread my ass more like a russophile thread you fucking nigger commies.
a bit drunk
get out of here
gud almost evening slaviki
it's 21-51 here
гдe этo ты
20-51, пpипиздeл чyчyть
eм кapтoшкy вapeнyю
бoн aппeти
so smyetanoy?
that's fucking bullshit, fuck USA
go do b8 somewhere else
lmaoing every tiem
Slavs are subhuman.
>tfw tons of хoхoл qts here
i aint complaining тбх
Lol, you look exactly like a bottom i am going to fugg tomorrow.
But хoхлyшки have the worst mindset of all women.
What is this xoxon meme?
ksoksoni je (katoliško-)rusko ime za ukrajince.
Katoliški Rusi obstajajo?
vhe hohly - ukraincy, no ne vse ukraincy - hohly
Vse, kar loči katoliške Ruse od pravoslavnih je odsotnost modre na zastavi, iskreno povedano, familija.
Bullshit. Ale ukrainians are called hohly, it's just an ethnic slur.
Myжикa нa пepeднeм жaлкo, c мaлoлeтcтвa cидит