Literally everything wrong with the world today can be traced back to the USA

Literally everything wrong with the world today can be traced back to the USA

>neocon and interventionism leading to the emergence of radical islamism
>reckless neoliberalism where its considered acceptable for a CEO to earn 204 times the salary of its employee while bearing no risk whatsoever
>Cynical, globalist Silicon Valley culture destroying the local heritage of every country
>bizarre fascination for both communautarism and individualism leading to the identity politics shitfest
>bastardization of feminism in american academia
>Climate change denial

Thanks America!

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T. Bilel

I can't get Bingo until you use the word "Globalist".


If you're muslim and/or a redditor then maybe you'd believe that. Get this edgy leftist garbage off my board please.

Literally anything in the world today can be traced back to the us of a.

>>Cynical, globalist Silicon Valley culture destroying the local heritage of every country

>lead in water pipes
>1st world

Choose one


>American reading comprehension

I personally agree with this man's post, although where he blames America I would blame individualism and capitalism (which, admittedly, have taken root in America more than anywhere else)

If you don't like it maybe France should have taken the reigns on the world.

>Americans WILL try to deny this

What does neoliberalism have to do with wage gaps.

American in Paris here. I love going out every day to this hellhole and seeing what destructions my country has brought. Soon all of France will look like paris

calm down abdul

>Implying """islamism""" isn't islam in action
t. achmed al faransi al mudjahid ibn yusuf al djazari

Basically the main reason why they are there.

Neoliberalism is flogged much more by the EU than by Europe. We never implemented austerity, and they still keep trying that bullshit. As a result, our economy is growing faster than the eurozone's.


>speaking of evil things that wouldn't exist without the US

This 2bh

ITT: Countries that have violently conquered most of the planet, created arbitrary states with incomparable ethnicities, created Saudi Arabia and Israel, started two world wars, birthed several cancerous liberal philosophies like Marxism and Femenism, deforested most of their continent and created the filthy factory conditions of the day shift the blame to the country that's been committed to their welfare and security ever since 1945.

>violently conquered most of the planet
Don't care about shitskins
>arbitrary states
So let them wage war till they settle on their own borders
>saudi Arabia and Israel
That was you
>liberal philosophies
They worked until you got a hold of them
I'll give you that, though 3rd wave is on you
>filthy factory conditions
>shift the blame to the country that's been committed to their welfare and security since 1945

>So let them wage war till they settle on their own borders
Ah yes, because constant war is a good thing for a society
>That was you
British "Education"
>They worked until you got a hold of them
Sure, because socialist unrest and revolutions didn't cause immense suffering pre 1945 right?
European style capitalism was far more exploitative and shit than American lassiez faire. See how countries under our watch have improved substantially in education and life expectancy.
What is NATO

>constant war
No not constant, just until they settle on a proper border, don't complain about a problem and then bitch about the solution
>socialist unrest and revolution
>European style capitalism was far more exploitative and shit than American lassiez faire. See how countries have improved under our watch
>improving other countries instead of your own
Top cuck
>who is NATO
Yes, what about it?

>don't complain about a problem and then bitch about the solution
It's a problem you created though.
So born and bred Europeans?
>Improving other countries instead of your own
Don't complain when we fuck you guys and others over then.
>Yes what about it?
It ensured Western Europe stayed strong against the Soviets. This is basic stuff mate, American 5 year olds know these things.

>it's a problem you created
Didn't realise Brits impoverished Germany after WWI prompting the Nazis rise
No wait that was Jews
>so born and bred Europeans
Who are ethnically and religiously distinct
>don't complain when we fuck others over
So why are you criticising Europeans for doing it?
>it ensured Western Europe stayed strong against the Soviets. This is basic stuff mate
So? What's your point mate?

So true.

Especially the 1st point.

If I can kill all NeoCons in the world by exchanging my life for it, I would do it without regrets.

They are basically the scourge of humanity.