This image is really causing my neural cells to depolarize by opening gated channels in the membrane and passively diffusing potassium ions out of the cytoplasm down its concentration gradient leading to a sequence of action potentials to stimulate in accord with long term potentiation pathways developed through the release of seratonin at key moments of sensory input Edition
/brit/ (more like /shit/)
Other urls found in this thread:
korean pop
You mean it makes you really pissed off? Because that's how I feel
Cracking post
Looks like this thread is off to a great start !!
Australians try too hard on Cred Forums
What would happen to k-pop if South Korea suddently legalized porn production
They might make an effort to create some music
save the economy
You'll rue that remark when Matt gets home from his long day at the call centre
get triggered haha
pathetic brit
I can't wait
this post really made me think
this haha up voted hahaha speaking of aus, here's some Au for you haha that's reddit gold if you aren't familiar with the lingo here on the chanz
lads when you recycle beer cans do you have to wash them out first?
Really getting things "popping" if you know what I mean!
I don't
Lol, nobody talks like that on here
probably haha
yeah you have to let them soak in water with a bit of bleach for about 3 hours, then empty, rinse and repeat. only then can you recycle them
Hehe wow nice post their friendo have a gold
fucking hell why are you cunts always so unhelpful
I agree. They're just not funny, but have convinced themselves they're fucking hilarious cos some pakis once laughed at their shitposting.
i believe you are looking for /ck/
But they're so random haha
literally just gave you a comprehensive guide wow last time i help a /brit/ runt
>/brit/ (more like /shit/)
In Germany, the show is called Das große Backen, or The Great Baking.
I'm gonna assume it's because "The Great German Bake Off" already happened.
>thread wars
ahh yes love these
#team aussie
literally what is this
Snapchat has become complete AIDS
>having autistic argument with brother
>make mocking 'violin-stroking' gestures
>go on youtube ~20mins later
>fucking violin tutorials in my recommendeds list
Argh maties, avast ye land lubbers etc.
big brother is always watching
There comes a day when we all find out for ourselves that once we have the words to say there's no one left to tell
We're all in here (not memeing; we really are)
That post is really joggin' my noggin