I went to Italy last year and decided to try some authentic Italian pizza and it was the most basic shit ive ever...

I went to Italy last year and decided to try some authentic Italian pizza and it was the most basic shit ive ever tasted. A fucking pizza from dominos or pizza hut would be way more preferable.
you Italians have no culture you faghetti spaghetti

Other urls found in this thread:


You should have come no Naples for pizza and other food m9.

>tfw gain 5 kg after 10 days in Naples



After years of eating """food""" scientifically engineered to have the perfect mix of saltiness, sweetness, and fat, all enhanced with HFCS and freedom, your Amercanised palate can no longer enjoy real food.

i've seen this exact same thread and this exact same reply a couple of days ago

what the fuck is going on at the shitposting facility?

Will copypaste your answer in the next thread, thanks for the OC

Based Aussies shitting on spaghetti huffers

Why are italians so sexy?

Shut it down

Why are Italian qts the best qts?

Because if you are a 2/10 ugly potato faced slav anything is an instant 10/10 to you.

not as sexy as your mum (who i had sex with)

To be fair if you went to some tourist hotspot, like you seem naive enough to do, it's highly possible you really ate poor pizza.

>Implying anyone would want to risk their life going through Italy's Detroit just for some pizza

Why does Canada still think it's not the US with more maple syrup?

>Hating The greatest food on Earth
Shame on you.

This "Italian Detroit" has 1.9 per 100 000 homicide rate.
It's safer there than in 44 of your states. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_by_homicide_rate

Just an Australian acting like Australians ... nothin' to see here.


Murriblob BTFO

It has far more theft and muggings than most U.S. cities though

Either way, they're not comprable

Why are you posting this like every day?

Are you not ashamed of yourself?