Does your country allow you to drive while influenced?

Norway: Barely

Here is a map of European countries by maximum blood alcohol level.

United States: 0.08%
Canada: 0.05–0.08%
Mexico: 0.04–0.10%

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Really makes you think

Yeah, Russia is based when it comes to this.

Apparently so.

But even if you took just a little and would be legally eligible to drive, everyone would despise you. The law allows it, society doesn't.

>be Anglo
>drive drunk

what does it matter if it's poorly enforced?

I think the US is also 0.08. This is also the official reason the drinking age is 21 here; to prevent people who are learning to drive and not knowing their skill in it from having alcohol.

And is right; people will insist on you taking a cab home and even taking your keys if you've had anything more than a beer or two.

Gonna need a map of car accidents per capita, or even deaths caused by car accidents per capita, to go with this.

Here they allow you to drive after drinking a beer or a couple of glasses of wine.

Enough, but the fine should be a lot higher for those who exceed


What's the punishment for DUI in Spain? In the US, depending on severity, you'll have your license suspended and may end up with some prison time and/or, especially for repeat offenders, have to drive a car that starts up only when you have a clear breathalyzer result.

Why is Kaliningrad different?

Here's a detailed look of DUI laws by State here:

I don't remember exactly, but not hard enough, especially for those who cause accidents.


>>be Anglo
>>drive drunk
Two pints the limit for most men, if 2 pints get you pissed then you have problems.

So Russians can face fines if they drive after taking cough medicine?

>there are countries that accept anything above 0.00


Which countries have only fines for something as comparatively serious as DUIs, especially when they cause accidents?

I don't know about Russian fines, but a 0% tolerance feels a bit extreme. People can raise their BAC in other ways, most commonly with medicine.
Nyquil, and Dayquil are both 10% alchohol for example.

Agreed; I think our approach to DUI is quite sufficient.

No country lets you drive influenced. .08 is very very very low, so low no way are you influenced.

0.000? That is a joke.

- If they detect any amount of alcohol in the blood they suspend your drivers licence for 2 years.
- If you have more then 0.05 alcohol in your blood you go to jail and the license gets revoked.

The reason why EE is to harsh on alcohol in the blood is because we are alcoholics.

pic related

per se laws are I believe deliberately low, so as to be better safe than sorry.

Why are Germanics such good drivers?

Because car safety is drilled into us and we have strict regulations on whether a car can be road worthy or not. I believe Germany's is very strict

Yeah, mandatory inspection every 2 years, it's quite expensive (€100 last time), and you get colour-coded (for the year) stickers on your number plate, beside Czechia for some odd reason, I know no other cunt who does at least the latter

It's much like that in the US, with stickers on your license plate every year and mandatory emissions testing every couple years.