Why do all kiwis put NZ in their online names you cunts are deadset fuckwits

Why do all kiwis put NZ in their online names you cunts are deadset fuckwits.

Fuck off m8 I'm not going to take that from a cuck nation like Australia

Pretty stupid desu

yeah what's with that

KEKSTAMP'D the pair of you


because we have the single worst case of special little snowflake country in the entire world.

>pretend to mistake kiwis for aussies on steam, even though i can tell the two accents apart
>watch them get buttblasted


>"she'll be right, mate"
Was that his epitaph?

Fuck off underagefag

I think flips have that title.

Yeah, nah


Americans usually mistake us for being British not Australian. Are you sure this happened?

great thread

yes the use of your consonants is distinct, while still retaining a fairly clean accent. brits can use their consonants pretty arbitrarily as well depending on accent, but it's generally coupled with a more distorted accent

you chat so much shit mate

t. brit who's spent much time with many aussies and kiwis and still can't fucking tell the difference

>tfw american english is the only distinct english

That's funny I get mistaken for Australian or American all the time.
Really im from Mars.

used to see this shit all the time on COD

it's always some fat maori fuckwit that went like 6-28 and complained about not quickscoping anyone


>Pretending you two are different countries

lol this is so funny. I was in holiday in australia and when I played games it's always "TheKiwiGamer" "NzWarrior"