The children's faces when they are taught history of your country

>"nuked twice"

>Merovingians, first Reich, Bismarck, second reich

>Merkel 4th Reich
>Yildirim 5th Reich

that does indeed look like the average modern German


Was more accurate before clicking.

>humiliated the Red Army and fought off their major offensive twice

"They were so afraid of us they dropped a second one and then threatened to burn us off the face of the earth"
There you go, that's how you get through the conversation without making your nation look like a wimp for surrendering.

That's very nice, but that's literally the only piece of Finnish history that anyone knows about

>Never did anything
>No one cares about us
>Ruled by our neighbours
>Fought a bunch of unwinnable wars
>Cannonfodder for the Swedes

>Batman bought Melbourne off the abbos for a cartload of knives and blankets
>Good luck slaving for the rest of your life to rent a one-bedroom apartment

why are americans so upset when talking about atomic bomb?

>German history

Next you'll tell me Charlemagne was German !

"Communism works."

>Great Northern War

Can't you be arrested just for maybe implying that communism might not be the greatest idea ever ?

I'm not though. It's outside of my lifetime. Hell had only one ancestor fight on the Pacific front and I don't so much as have a photograph of the poor old boy.

Karl der Grosse

Where are you from if I may ask ? I literally know no one who is guilt tripping for the Holocaust.

>toooooooooo many Fujiwara clan to remember

>I'm not

Americans are always very hostile toward when Japanese posters talking about nukes.
I dunno why.

Carl Magnum was American you moron.

OMG! Hey, Mr. gay! Whr does your meme come from? LOOOOOOOOOOL XD LET ME STOP MY HANDSPRING Plz!!! Thx 2 a HONEY fun gay like you, my desire to do Cred Forums is stronger!! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL DON' let HONEY fun memes hide in ur own space, n UNPACK ur meme-package quickly LOOOOOOOOOOOOL This amazin' meme exists IN THE WORLD!! LOOOOOOOOL Hav u ever done THINKBIG?!?! meme school' ass is @ least middle-leveled???!!?! meme machines r not far from here!! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Pat MY HEAD, SHOULDER, KNEE, FOREHEAD, n TESTICLE!! LOOOOOOOOOOOL Compensate for my BELLY BUTTON!!! This meme is one which would kill people!!!! I CAN' BREATHE ANY MORE!!!!!!!!! SAVE ME PLZ kkaaaaaaaakk!!!!!


>and we killed those poor shitstains LOL

Too many indeed.

Germany didn't come out of nowhere, you know.

>Szlachta and onwards

My history teachers were.

>And that, kids, is how we became a republic !

And btw our politicians are as well. Actually i know a lot of people who say stuff like AfD an NSDAP is the same shit and their voters didn't learn from our history. Literally every Islam debate on TV brings up fascism.

You know why

shieet i cant even remember what they taught me, too much weed lmao.

this desu

well thanks to Cred Forums I also know something something swedes conquered finland and fins were very upset and still kinda are, that's why one part of finland looks like honorary members of Golden Horde while other part looks like swedes.

Why do japs love americans so much even tho they've been nuked twice?

Stockholm syndrome

>in December 1917 Finland declared independence from Russian rule, so in spring 1918 we could finally begin freely slaughtering each other

Based Rhyno

Japs hate Americans

they dont

Beat Mongol
Beat Manchu
Beat Russia

your sacrifice wasnt in vain, we got impressive rich cultures for you in a few years :DDD

You're Altaic. Only Altaic can stop other Altaic

Same reason filipinos and vietnamese love americans

I hate you japs.

>Glorious visionary Viking chieftains escape the oppression of the rising Norwegian absolute monarchy to live free
>Discover a new land, build a new civilization, a democratic one, the first of it's kind for hundreds of years back and hundreds of years in the future
>Discover America
>Abolish slavery in the 1100s
>Norwegian king starts a civil war in Iceland to try to bring it under his control
>It works, powerful Icelandic chieftains swear loyalty to the Norwegian king under threat of full invasion
>Starts persecuting Catholics (including decapitating the bishop of Iceland)
>Catholics exterminated
>Country is Lutheran
>Gives the whole country to Denmark as some royal wedding gift
>Danes reinstate slavery
>Danish Merchantilist policies such as "can't buy food or any other products from anyone but the Crown" cause mass starvation
>Laki erupts
>Danes do nothing
>25%-30% of all humans die, 60%-80% of all animals die
>Some more hundreds of years of slavery and starvation
>Nazis occupy Denmark
>Iceland secedes
>Even with the Nazi army in his capital, Danish king still says that the demand for independence is ridiculous and Icelanders "should be disciplined"

Eini góði Daninn er dauður Dani!!!

just got handed a copy of An Phoblacht and a map of mainland Britain in primary school, secondary was the H-Blocks and college was martyrdom al-wallahi

I know Anglos are legendary for it, but Danish perfidy is really impressive.

>taught Britain was founded as a Roman vassal
>medieval era with cool knights, epic battles 'n' shit
>how we practically owned the entire fucking world
>no other country has ever come close to our cultural dominance

The only thing people didn't like in school was how America didn't help us from day one during WWII, came into the war whenever it affected them, and took the credit for winning even though it was the Russians who sweat and bled for all of Europe.

America did their part, but they'd have gotten more gratitude if they'd helped us out from the beginning. Truly the worst ally.

>fuck yeah landed on plymouth rock
>fuck yeah befriended the indians with thanksgiving
>fuck yeah took down Satan's witches in Salem
>fuck yeah stood our ground against the british
>fuck yeah murdered our enemies while they were sleeping on their day of ceasefire
>fuck yeah britain retreats
>fuck yeah peacefully purchased land from native americans
>fuck yeah swashbuckling against pirates
>fuck yeah buying more land
>fuck yeah monroe doctrine stay the FUCK out
>fuck yeah invade canada
>fuck yeah go easy on them like bros and stop invading them
>fuck yeah renovate the white house
>fuck yeah literally divide the nation in a two-party system just like George Washington warned about
>fuck yeah buy even MORE land
>fuck yeah try to divide that land up equally among slave states
>fuck yeah it fails and a massive civil war breaks out
>fuck yeah slavery is ended
>fuck yeah we literally go backwards and institute share-cropping
>fuck yeah europe is doing dumb stuff, do not get involved
>fuck yeah oregon trail
>fuck yeah drown in 2ft stream shitting out my intestines from dysentery and losing my oxen from heat exhaustion native american attacks
>fuck yeah industrial revolution
>fuck yeah children's fingers in sewing machines
>fuck yeah Teddy Roosevelt stomps shit down
>fuck yeah we fight mexico at some point or another and WIN
>fuck yeah WW1 let's stay the fuck out
>fuck yeah just kidding guess we're going in
>fuck yeah that was traumatic, let's ban alcohol
>fuck yeah prohibition and sloots showing their elbows
>fuck yeah everyone tries to withdraw their money at once
>fuck yeah NEET life
>fuck yeah Germany gets angry again and attacks everyone
>fuck yeah who cares lmao
>fuck yeah FUCK the japs attacked us
>fuck yeah let's beat em all down
>fuck yeah we won the war single handedly
>fuck yeah we are now the main counterbalance against the USSR
>f-fuck yeah Vietnam
>fuck yeah civil rights movement
>f-f-fuck jfk got shot
>fuck we leave nam and gommies roll in

Why should we have gotten involved from the start? From our perspective, it was just more of the same - Europeans killing other Europeans for dumb European reasons.

After getting burned in the aftermath of World War I, we weren't keen on coming back and sacrificing American lives just so you euros could shrug us off once again.

>Revolution, led by SLAVE OWNING NAZIS
>i dunno lol
>who cares lol
>what? lmao
>racist Nazi Theodore Roosevelt steals Cuba, the Phillippines and the Panama Canal, oppressing the poor brown natives in the process
>Chinese Exclusion Act, evil racist workers keeping out muh poor Chink workers who were just tring to drive down wages :^)
>World War 1: Brave American Liberators (still racist though lol) push back that evil Nazi Wilhelm
>Economy bad :(
>why are the Germans so mad? lol
>America (still racist) saves world again! :D
>indirectly committed holocaust by not taking in Jews tho)
>muh commies dindu nuttin
>brave patriot Ted Kennedy opens borders to 3rd world, take that whitey! :^)
>9/11 nevar 5get

cute kid, cute story