Being a nationalist

>being a nationalist

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Nationalism is stupid. But it's stupid to not be a nationalist while nationalism exists.

Miserable fools BTFO

Did this guy onow you can be proud of more than one thing at once? For example I'm proud of myself even though I know my shortcomings, and at the same time I'm proud of my country while knowing its shortcomings and work to correct them because I love it.

living in national state makes you nationalist
join #Gpsynation and start revolution

I thought nationalism was just wanting your country to be strong.

I would say that nationalism is a good thing, because it can make people work together for the good of the nation. It gives people a heritage, some sort of "roots", real or imaginary, to work from and to work for. A lot of people these days feel like they don't belong, and completely shunning nationalism as something people could extract a sense of belonging from would be ridiculous.

Essentially, I think nationalism can be a good thing, if it is "I am proud of my country, and my people, who worked hard to make this country better, and will continue to strive to make my country proud of me" -style nationalism, I don't mind it at all. But if it is "My country and nation is the greatest and can do no wrong, I am great because my country is great, all other nations are inferior or evil." -style nationalism, it can be very dangerous.

There is a difference between wanting to improve yourself and your nation because you are proud of them, and being proud of yourself because you happen belong to a nation that you see as great.

Nationalism ought to be about the nation being great because of you and your nation and your forefathers striving to make it great, and wanting to continue to strive to do so, and not about you being great because your nation is supposedly great.

What country has the most nationalists ?

In France they are about 30%, those are those who vote for FN and correspond to what Schopenhauer wrote, they are scum.
In the USA or Russia, it's another form of nationalism which is way more respectable.

schopen is the man.
and thats the reason why nationalist cant make anything new. they basically only defend shit in the fool way without making stuff and end up being a welfare parasite due to their lacks of skills and senses .

Schopenhauer lived in a 100% white country. If he came bqck today he'd change his mind

Nationalism is like medicine: the right type in the right circumstances can be good but too much of the wrong type can be very bad.

That goes for anything though.
A little immigration is good in controlled doses, but let loose a million flying monkeys and it's easy to see how it can go wrong

So many succesful people are nationalists, there is nothing wrong about being proud of your country, he is fool

whats wrong with recognising that you and your people are a certain way , being proud and eating to preserve your culture?

>wanting your country to be strong.
Define strong country.

Nationalism is bad, Patriotism is ok

back to Cred Forums buddy

>So many succesful people are nationalists
Name one. Hard mode : one ethnonationalist.

Nope. Stockholm syndrome is not ok.

It is in the nature of all men to bolster their position in society through accomplishments.

Sadly most people are literal whos with no accomplishments to speak of. Thus they resort to vague relation to people who actually did shit.

it's pathetic to be proud of something in which you played absolutely no role (see also: sports fans who exclaim >we won)


How is it Stockholm syndrome ? I think that using your country as an unifying force is good.

Also, it's met with such stigma these days that no one dares declare openly that they're a nationalist, let alone an ethnonationalist

He was wrong by the way. The cheapest of all prides is "racial" pride.

basically every pro athlete from my country

It is not you who is using your country. It is your country who is using you.

globalism for planet colonization

Well not in the media. People say it all the time otherwise.

there's no difference and both is fine, stop getting cucked by antifa

he hated the world and himself

>dictatorship that isolated him from Europe
Also, his economic success come from a planned economy + a ruined state, the same way Hitler rebuilt Germany. The democratically elected Spanish government would have done better.

Patriotism is love from your country, Nationalism is hating the other one

Loving your country =! placing it better than everything else
Nationalism is closely tied to Xenophobia and I don't think Olympics Athletes are xenophobes.

Well I don't think people are directly proud of their nation just for the sake of it. They appreciate the culture and the economic system and the products it produces, which is good but in a changing world sticking too much in the old way of thinking can be negative thing.

kys axel

he wasnt as pessimistic as people have described. his diary, which isnt a famous book, is full of his emotive texts about both nega and posi circumstances around him. some are almost shitpost/drama queen tier. give it a try when you have time. its a funny book.


Enjoying watching your women get raped by kebab?

Cred Forumssters really reads like they are underage

t. Angela Merkel

>The highest civilisation and culture, apart from the Ancient Indians and Egyptians, are found exclusively among the white races; and even with many dark peoples, the ruling caste or race is fairer in colour than the rest and has, therefore, evidently immigrated, for example, the Brahmins, the Incas, and the rulers of the South Sea Islands. All this is because necessity is the mother of invention because those tribes that emigrated early to the north and there gradually became white, had to develop all their intellectual powers and invent and perfect all the arts in their struggle with need, want and misery, which in their many forms were brought about by the climate. This they had to do in order to make up for the parsimony of nature and out of it all came their high civilisation. - Arthur Schopenhauer
>Being a shitskin



Its pathetic to be proud of a scientific discovery, but is it pathetic to be proud of the sum total efforts of your people and culture, like Britain in the world wars; the mentality, the behaviour deeply embedded into you and those around you?

yes, because you became a member of that group through sheer luck of birth