Daily reminder that if you speak Spanish you're not white

Daily reminder that if you speak Spanish you're not white

Clearly you're not white if you speak English either

I may be the whitest person on the planet and I speak Spanish as a fourth language

sue me


Chupame la pija chicano puto, te crees la gran cosa por limpiás baños en un McDonalds.

>Americans in charge of defining whiteness
You used to consider Italians and Irish as non-white just because they were Catholics

Interesante saber eso amigo danés, ¿por qué sabes español?

Non daily reminder that a daily reminder is only daily if you do it daily.

pues yo hablo español jajajajsjasjaj comeme la polla yanki

>tfw no gf

>you will never cum inside a foreign cutie and have her call you daddy in your native language

Why live bros?

porque tengo novia argentina, era estudiante de intercambio en Dinamarca, así que aprendí castellano para hablar con su familia y ser chevere

>that flag
>addresses Americans as "you" instead of "we"

come home, white man


only if I can live in Río Gallegos with the other light-skinned eskimos

>I may be the whitest person on the planet
I fucking hate when people say this. Neck yourself.

Why are americans so obsessed with race. In Europe we normally mention the nationality instead of the skin colour.


I'm Germanic and I speak Spanish as a third language, check mate


Because in Europe it is given that the default race is white, and everything else is abnormal.

When americans start to sing USA USA, gross. Sheep mentality

Thank based Gods.

>When americans start to sing USA USA, gross. Sheep mentality
agreed with you :=)

0% moor blood in me amigo

Daily reminder that under US law (Guadalupe Hidalgo treaty ratified by US congress) Mexicans are legally white in the US

Not here

>t.Jorge Perez

Phew. Close call.

How can I get a Spanish bf?

ok if u insist amigo

>Río Gallegos
Hope you like wind and depression inducing landscapes.

You can cum inside of me without a condom, I will call you papito :3

I guess there are a lot o spaniards in germany senpai

Spanish people are pretty okay with homosexuality, so just go to a homo bar in barcelona or something amigo

Do you know which countryman you are speaking to?

are you gay?

alhamdulillah all i need to do is learn spanish and my white mans burden is lifted

At least he wont miss his country

what do you say when? i want a mestiza gf please come here...

How do I get an spanish bf?
I will lose points because sudaca?

Im a boy, sorry

not really, they only make the 15th immigrants group with 155 000 Spaniards livin in Germany. I bet there are more Germans in Spain
I'm a girl

na cuz fags are always leftists. so thats a point in your favour

No one will care really, maybe some little joke here and there but you wont be declined just because of that amigo

>I will lose points because sudaca?
no, why?

You are doing It wrong

come to mallorca, although the risks of that kid being underage are high, people go there just after graduating or even earlier

>Tá copado loco

Thanks, now I need an spanish homo to come to this city



OP, you know this is not true, America is the country that considers Indians, Arabs and North Africans as white and as we speak millions of Half native americans half Spanish are being considered white only so that when census show up, the world doesn't start seeing you as a nigger country.

Good luck, why Spanish though amigo?

we are not white sry

Santiago Looks like comfy

thx, but there are too many "una servesa por favor" Germans in Mallorca

Have tutors from Colombia, shit happens
what else would you say? barbaro?

que querias ser la puteria.

i know, I had some as my neighbors in this hotel and they were drunk all day, but they were nice tho

what is your image of the Germans? German women especially

Que querías ser trollo


Not the same, imagine Denmark without the trees, comfy grass and multiply the wind, then remove the population and add penguins. The cities in the southern argie coast are there only for oil desu.

i've been to berlin somewhat recently and to munich when I was little. I liked it a lot, and there is a smaller ratio of cute girls in comparison with here but I like germanic woman more. Germans are efficient and whatnot

recordatorio diario que op puede chuparme la verga

Ah, interesante, ¿cómo es su concha?

CHI, un amigo esta viviendo en Arizona y dice que no habla español por que la gente se aleja de el , fucking kek

No debe ser muy diferente de las de ahi, aunque las diferencias en la dieta podrían llegar a influir en el sabor

>German women especially
i don't know about german girls but spaniards are obsessed with polish girls.

lol how come?

they cute

no idea but tons of spanish exchange students move there . trust me

¿Por qué entre usuarios de países hispanohablantes hablan en inglés? They want everyone to understand what they are saying? Fácilmente podrían comentar en ambos idiomas, if you ask me.

wtf I hate Poland now

por que no se quieren parecer a vos, ateo

La policia federal cobra 3000$ ? por que no se meten hay en vez de ir a USA ?


Are you the qt Bavarian girl I've been waiting my entire life?

It's a weekly reminder


¿Lo de "ateo" es un nuevo meme y no me enterado?

>Implying we want to be part of something that is going to die soon


Bavarian is as white as Spain lad so stop talking bollocks, you wanker.



Morocco is as white as Spain, what's your point?

>Morocco is as white as Spain,
of course

Shame on you. You made my future gf leave.

b-b-but i wanna see penguins

Por qué no se mudó a florida?
Idk why you would not move to florida.

most of the spaniards are berber-arab rape babies but moroccans are berber-arab-nigger rape babies
the Umayyads are not almohads sorry

bien dicho JODER, dios PUTO AMO

in america too, they call people from ethnicities other than white "ethnic" kek

its because in europe we dont give a shit about ethnicity and rightly so. in my case after all this Cred Forums debate i dont even know if im white, nor do i care tbH

ethnic trash

He is right We are not white at least not in mentality we are like turkish or some shit like that

go jump off a balcony m8

it was just a prank bro

mine too kek

didnt you hear about the english tourists jumping off balconies thing in spain?

>its because in europe we dont give a shit about ethnicity and rightly so

wew ok :D

Portugal, specially the north, is the only white place in Iberia.
Unlike you abhorrent normalfags, we are proud autists with 0 resemblance to the "latino" steretype (at least in mentality)

its true, its nowhere in statistics or personal documents

the north of spain (Galicia, Asturias) is white too but the center and south is africa 100% in mentality and in looks

yes specially madrid KEK

I dunno about the looks. It's been a while since i've been in southern Spain. Honestly i don't know if they are much different.
Galicians are basically portuguese 2.0

Spanish isn't a White European language like German, Russian, English or French.

It's more associated with Spics from Latin America and moorish rape babies

the north of spain was never conquered by moors.
Also you Portuguese have the same ill mentality you are even poorer than we are.
We are like a inferior race in europe

Or a superior race in Africa.

It's prooved that the muslims only stayed in the south. The lands up north were them in theory but they didn't went there and they didn't had any interest in it cause it was outside their routes, the people were untamed and the climate was shit...

We are not an inferior race of Europe. We are just surrounded by a majority of shitty people

>wanting to be white when you can be a brown qt

I like it when all the whiteboys get a hardon for my lightly tanned skin desu

We could be the superior race of Africa true
As corrupt, stupid and poor as we are
We are still years ahead of the rest of Africa

t. sandnigger living of the spanish welfare.

That shitty people is our own people Barbossa,
We are our own worst enemy

no soy un sand nigger ni catalan ni nada de eso, en el resto de europa estan a años luz en todos los sentidos de nosotros

t. endófobo mugremita

no soy podemita mas bien lo contrario. Ni soy endofobo España tiene muchas virtudes pero nunca tuvo una Ilustracion o industralizacion como el resto de europa, lo mismo Portugal Grecia y el sur de Italia

jajajaja tu no has salido de españa en tu vida,anormal.

I know.
The problem is that troughout our history, the educated people always left our country or comitted suicide if they stayed.

lo que tu digas, lo que quieras yo paso ya de discutir

We need to know what we did wrong do it right next time.

españa es el peor pais del mundo, en el resto de europa cagan oro y plata y aqui la gente se muere de hambre y te matan a cuchilladas por la calle para magarte el reloj...gñeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee esto es peor que BURKINA FASO

t. podemita

eres tonto? he dicho yo eso?
España / Portugal / grecia estan por detras es un hecho ahora ya pon cosas que yo no he dicho, no soy podemita, me dan asco, esa ideologia es una de las causas por las que estamos asi.
España esta bien en terminos internacionales 11 potencia mundial pero yo me comparo con estandares europeos de nivel de vida, educacion,salarios etc,
Dime que no estamos por detras anda

Nortemex se blanco.

Surmex se mierda.

Na minha opinião creio que a única maneira de resolvermos a nossa situação é taxar de maneira pesada os oligarcas, combater ferozmente a corrupção e proceder a uma enorme revolução cultural, ou seja, apostar numa educação de extrema qualidade de maneira a acabar com a estupidez e ignorância que contaminam os nossos países

detras de quien?
estamos detras de algunos paises en algunas cosas, y delante de otros en otras.

en nivel de vida general solo estamos debajo de los paises nordicos, y aun con todo, yo no viviria en un pais de eso ni que me regalasen un chalet en los fiordos, y me apuesto los cojones a que tu tmpoco.

sal de casa un poco, viaja, y veras que lo que hay fuera no es el paraiso. tenemos una de las mejores sanidades del mundo, las mejores infrastructuras de europa, un nivel de bienestar a la altura de cuaquier pais europe exceptuando los nordicos...

eres un simple gilipollas, como todos los autohaters españoles que se van a uk a fregar platos pensando que eso es el paraiso y se vuelven a los dos meses para aqui cantando maolo escobar.


But Who is willing to do it?
left parties that only seem to care about feminism and inmigration?
or the right that only cares about lowering taxes and cut public spending?
I see no way to get out of this mess for now :(

No tienes ni idea de quien soy ni a lo que me he dedicado.
La insfractutura fue financiada por europa desde hace muchisimo
en sanidad no digo nada porque tampoco esta mal, aunque las colas son brutales

Paso de insultarte no me va eso

this desu.

spain has many 1st world problems,but still is one of the best counttries of the world to live in. this is the true.

99% of spanish flag in Cred Forums are sandniggers or sudacas living here, is for this their hate opinions against spain

Existe uma solução em Portugal.
Embora pareça ridículo para muita gente no Cred Forums o melhor partido político para Portugal é o Partido Comunista.
Ao contrário de outros partidos de esquerda, o partido português é extremamente patriótico e é absolutamente pragmático. Defendem a produção nacional, a propriedade privada é permitida mas os bancos, educação, saúde, estradas, etc ficam nas mãos do estado de modo a conservar qualidade e não permitir abusos.
Os SJW não têm sucesso no Partido Comunista Português porque eles são muito prácticos e consideram isso uma perda de tempo

si senior yo soy muy Blanco

I dont like comunism but if thats your choice try it wish you luck to try to get out of this mess

literally t. Mao-tier

Não é maoista porque não vou andar a exterminar tudo o que esteja ligado ao passado. Pelo contrário, iria dar muita importância ao mesmo porque história é uma ciência humana fulcral!
Sociedades oligárquicas não levam a lado nenhum, serão sempre os mesmos parasitas a viver como deuses enquanto que a população rasteja. Não pode ser assim!
Nos países desenvolvidos não é assim e em Portugal também não deve continuar dessa maneira.
Devemos ter o desenvolvimento económico e cultural como meta.

estaba esperando que alguien posteara esa imágen de nuevo jeje


Sinceramente era-me indiferente porque assim que puder ponho-me nas putas para longe do país, mas assistir de fora a um colapso dessa ordem seria o ponto alto de muitas semanas vindouras.

Força nisso anão, deixa-me só dar o bazo depois vai lá.

Ainda me vais ver como ditador vitalício de Portugal e a salvar o país

Como quiseres, já não vou estar cá logo pouco me importa. Mas para eficiencia ditatorial maior tomas um de cada garrafinha por dia

E, btw, acrescento que sou da tua "terra" assim por alto, sou do norte, mais especificamente da Beira Alta, e para mim Portugal não tem qualquer significado que evoque uma emoção. Um lisboeta para mim é tão estrangeiro como um madrilenho ou como alguém de badajoz, alguem de setubal e tão alienígena como um andaluz.

Sei que isto te custa ouvir mas e verdade.

>beira alta

wow amigo

Viseu é "norte" para qualquer pessoa a sul do Mondego. Sou Beirão, do Norte, mas não Nortenho.

Mas não te ressintas por ter estas opiniões. Para mim Portugal enquanto conceito e país tem o mesmo valor que o musgo no chão da minha quinta ou o cagalhoto que deixei na minha cagadeira há duas horas.

C'est la vie

Come home, white man

Dumbfuck murricuns! They even aren't pure White.