Why do Americans suck at humor/comedy so much?


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because you touch yourself at night

If Americans suck at comedy then get off of our website, you crazy Brazilian. Also never watch any American TV show or movie etc. with comedic elements.

Maybe because this Americans are incredibly easy to trigger, just remember how fucking mad they where when "shart in mart" was a thing.

>imblying is not a chinese animu cardboard

they're genetically vulnerable to banter

They're a country of gun-wielding autistic schizos who can't appreciate self-deprecation or irony

I am not triggered, just sick and tired of other countries leeching off of us and then also trying to ""banter"" us. You don't get to watch Rick and Morty, depend on our resources for your defense, demand your illegal immgirants get free citizenship, and then "bant" us. Its tiresome.


>le fat monkey meme


good one

>claim Americans have no sense of humour
>they angrily deny it



>when "shart in mart" was a thing.
It isn't anymore?
Have they finally found a cure for diahorrea?



I don't get it



The US has a program where organizations can "adopt" sections of highway and pay for litter cleanup, etc., in exchange for being able to have its name on it. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adopt-a-Highway




It's weird how a nation with such high obesity rates has a lot of people with thin skin.



Being a wealthy superpower with high standard of living is serious business.


> high standard of living

Well there ya go.

hey don't insult your brown brothers Luigi :/ racial solidarity !

hmm that certainly stimulated my synapses!