What does Cred Forums think about my country?

What does Cred Forums think about my country?

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Pay denbts


t. taxpayer

Disgrace to the caucasian race

Venice doesn't have any denbts you degenerate negroids

Would unironically support independence.
Sorry Italy.


Onore al doge de Venexia.
oh, sorry.... Greece pay your debts.

>paying taxes

Stay cukt


also italian bros recommend me good books on venetian history

Venice is not a country you cucked veniceboo.
And never will be.

damn i thought this was sri lanka



>"La Serenissima? Oh yes Venice is far superior to Florence"

Stop that. Pretty much every Greek would prefer Turkish rule over Italian rule.

That is some advanced fucking behind the scenes jew work

greece is shit and venice is not a country
Now excuse me ,imma hide from tax collectors

Venice is beautiful but god damn the little Indians or whatever they are trying to sell you shit completely ruin every site in the city

Patrician choice my friend
Thanks senpai it's about time
Get cancer you inbred terrone
>he's still posting
Shoo shoo, shill
Venice administered with care and sensibility, we left morea, creta and dalmazia 10x better than how we found them.

why does greece want to be part of the Euro currency? they need a devalued currency to increase employment

I am a Greek

>deluded north terrore

Yes, I'm from Padua and want la Serenissima back

>cant even spell
Confirmed for fotticapre sardo

As usual Americans haven't got a clue what they are talking about.



Which one should be the thread theme



The fourth crusade... just... for what purpose?

autism, denbts, jewness

It was the fr*nch's fault

Serious question for Italians, how likely is Venetian independence? I never hear about it, but apparently there was some poll a few years ago with massive support for it

not very likely, sadly
maybe after catalonia

Is there political parties for independence or anything? Do most people in the region actually want to be independent?

There are parties but none of them matters on a national level.

About that poll you can read about here:
It's hard to say if the majority wants to leave or not, but it's not just a vocal minority

Why do they want it? Do they just not feel Italian, or is it that they not like supporting southern Italy?

Reading about that poll makes it sound a lot less legit than I thought it was

you are Turk from northern Greece? We built churches and culture to Greece, t*rks did nothing

if it weren't for fr*nce turks would have no country now

el napolitANO
I am Venetian you mongol

peace brothers

if Catalonia votes for independence and EU crumbles we have good chances.


>I am Venetian
Sure you are