The End of All Wars

Boys, grills, gather round. i here have the key to end two major conflicts with one single swoop of genius.

Step 1. A new treaty to be given to the United Nations, to move Israel. Some sort of Jewish utopia project to move everything Jew-y about Israel to the Falklands. At the Falklands, they can roam around free to do whatever they wanted to do. They can't bother anyone else, nor can anyone bother them, allowing them to do whatever idiotic shit Israelis do. (Even Rename the Islands to the Kikelands etc.)

Step two is easier. We give Palestine the rest of their land back on the simple clause that America would use it as a large military stronghold. The military bases around the middle east do basically nothing but allow us to watch. With out own foot int he door of the middle east, we can essentially do what the British did with the Indians, and slowly take control of the entirety of the middle east from sudden "Palestinian" political involvement. Allowing us to watch over everything politically, and blame it on Palestinian nationalists. This allows us to turn the tables on the dune coons, allowing us to watch for ISIS to spring up, or even destroy Islam in it's entirety from "government oppression" from the newly elected leaders of our choosing.

I call it the great American Sand Castle. It's a bit shakey, but it's 1:20 am.

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Their land* silly me is loosing brain cells rn

Cannot you just nuke middle east with neutron bombs and shit?

>The End of All Wars

No, that would never look good to the other nations. A quiet death is explainable, a loud messy one is less.

>Boys, grills

Fine, all "Middle eastern political conflicts in modern day society that revolve around American involvement"

Sounds less catchy, huh?

>other nations

>moving jews
>quieter than nuking tham all
they are not the most reasonable people


Well you have to make it look like their idea. They love taking credit for things, and would jump at the idea of something free.

You can always blame Iran and North Korea...

>they are not the most reasonable people

did you ban ukies from your toilets?


>did you ban ukies from your toilets?
actually, what?

Jews were offered somewhere not surrounded by people who hated them after ww2. They insisted on the middle east.

They can barely fucking shit straight, let alone plan an attack with a neutron bomb. Have you even ever met a Korean or an Iraqi? They're dumber than the bricks they have to eat.

NK would be more than happy to confirm nuking any country.

That was the Zionists, not specifically the Jews as a whole. Give the kikes another peace talk and I think they would be game with making a Jewtopia in the middle of the Ocean.

>you have to make it look like their idea.

If North Korea even sneezes wrong, Russia, China, and the United States would jump to hold them down and invade them. They wouldn't be THAT stupid.

>actually, what?



That made me feel really sad. This is all worse than I thought it was.

Did you ban pols from your toilets? What's your point?

>They wouldn't be THAT stupid.

Well, not stupid enough to let in too many damn refugees to destroy their culture and race, thats for sure.

>This is all worse than I thought it was.


>not stupid enough to let in too many damn refugees