A communist revolution breaks out in your country to overthrow the bourgeois governmnt and create a stateless socialist...

A communist revolution breaks out in your country to overthrow the bourgeois governmnt and create a stateless socialist society

Which side do you pick?

I would try to kill as many commies as possible

i pick the winning side because i am a pussy that doesnt want to fight

it doesn't matter, sooner or later americans will intervene and fuck up everything

>a stateless socialist society

Impossible to actually achieve so I side with the people who aren't retarded ideologues

>commies take control
>American commies overthrow their own government for being commies

I gtfo like a sane, normal person would.

flee the country probably

or maybe the bourgeois

The stateless non organization one

I fucking hate commies

It wouldn't be the communists, but I also wouldn't fight for the goberment

Kill as many commie pieces of shit as I can and revel in the slaughter

Commies just failed that and we didn't even needed a war.

Literally leave the cunt and at least try to take this qt with me.


Tervetuloa Tampereelle herra Kylteri, katotaan kumpi kaatuu

Paracuellos part 2

if government is stronger then government if not then stay away

>I get to kill marxists for free

The American dream.

good deal

Obviously not the commies

Well greasing gommies sounds fun so government. I'd also have to liberate your picture.

Guerrilla sounds really fun

I would join the commies obviously, the idea of slaughtering helpless fenno-swedes and other scum who wouldn't be protected by the society like they've always been sounds almost orgasmic

Killing commies is every Pole's duty.

t. classcuck

Govt. Fuck commies

Also we barely have any gommies and most are arm chair communist pussies so it'd be over before it started.
TFW you get kill Woman's Studies and Philosophy majors.

I will fight for my people. The ones who need me, the ones who never turned their back on me against the hordes of evil animals.

I AM the bourgeois.

last time you commies tried that you got fucked up the anus :^)

That was back in the day when people couldn't be mobilized via the internet and the commies were mostly poor people who had nothing to fight with while the whites were like an army.

It's different now

Side with the commies to clean up the bad blood then turn on them.

I pick the side of the fascist counter-revolution

Help them win so you can defeat them?

If you kill your enemies, they win

-Kanadian man

Yeah I know.

We're even richer and more mobilized now lol.

communism because it sounds great on USSR

>It's different now
The only remaining commies are faggy little university homos who enjoy cuckoldry porn and sharing #refugeeswelcome on twitter?

I agree it really is different these days.

The rich used to be landowners who actually did some work, owned guns and were rather manly. Nowadays the upper classes consist of weak nu-male economists who would be absolutely helpless in a situation like that.

The USSR never had communism

Communism is when there's no stare, no class divide, and no private ownership of industry

Whatever side she's on.

better dead than red

Fuck commies

Dont know. Can I view your portfolio?


1. Join Communists
2. Help them install new government
3. Rise the the top ranks of the Communist Party, become head-of-state
4. Purge the party of all SJW, BLM and Feminist types, remold the party in Stalin's image
5. Create my own personality cult, colonize Mars, etc...


I try to kill as many communists as possible, especially if they are middle class or high class students of sociology or carreers of that kind.