*boop* *beep* *boop* [ringing.....]

*boop* *beep* *boop* [ringing.....]

Heollo Spen?

Nu dis is nurn ironlin
Wut u wan?

O srry, I look fur spen. Were spen?

U call dis numbur agin and i sen pipe boom in lettur box
Fukin anglos

hola, span hier?

clam down sep backc. doctur iss hrer.

No pls I luk oly fur spen

No dis Cannadda I see u spek spen


Well done Iraq. You ruined it. Like you ruin everything.

i cast spel on u. go to hekc.

wangurdem livusa

i still can't grasp this meme.

spen? what kind of autism is this?

I no liek you


Is dis spen? Y u no hav spen flag

spen plase liek me plase.

Y no spen post

cuka blydaf

wha t foo¨d did youre helpper bringk tod ay

Vitun kehari vedä ittes narun jatkoksi


liha pullya ja mackaron

jäte braa very goöd listenings

watching a finn participate in this awful meme is like watching a Frenchman eat McDonalds

you teasings+? o r no t get gahmburger hepler todayu

gday waht fukc yuo want

don't sink to this level finland – you are the land of ylilauta, of spürdo spärde :---D, of gondola

you're so much better than this



s peido inva
ded po tugal ag ain

s piano funy
lokd in po
tugal bassment

spañnio never
ccee sun agn

hmpfh no comperhend spanshish


es pana

só po tugal agora

Spen? Answer Spen


wer u lif?

in the midl of
atlas antic


hewoh? gremny n hur? neduh askah bout sawseage


Dis is swutz urland

Spen s ded