Are you below or above the average height of your country?

Are you below or above the average height of your country?

I am ethnically German and 187cm master race

Other urls found in this thread:

t. 191cm

I thought zyzz was a manlet faggot

I'm ethnically English (only one known ancestor is not English, they were some sort of Scandi) and I am 165cm.

1.78 Portuguese giant reporting in.

Although, is this a meme map? I don't feel tall at all here, but maybe it's because I don't meet a lot of old people?

Shitty pic. Norwegians are taller than Swedes. Russian's height is 180, German's can't be 181, 179 in a best case. Finland are also taller than Sweden. Spain can't be taller than Russia or France etc.

>Russian's height is 180,

RIDF please go

Above average by a huge margin. 183cm
Then again most Mex poster in int are middle class or upper middle class, which means a lot in here.

A russian took your gf?
You go.


im serb tier

its that a good or a bad thing?


wtf why are europeans so short? 1.80~cm is tiny

>tfw turk looking and turk height

>ethnically german

Meaning you're like 1/16th german with a mix of italian, irish, and other european shit. Fuck off

>1cm bellow

thanks mom



5'6 reporting in, ethnicity is half Norwegian then mix of random shit like Russian, Irish, German, Italian, and French. Dunno why I'm so small, I think it's because I ate cereal, toast, and peanut butter and Jelley sandwiches during my teenage years because mom always acted like we were fucking poor and out of food.

177cm. Around average, maybe taller, idk

This is very innacurate. Greek average is 178cm and Turkey is 172cm. Also Serbians are among the tallest in the world.

t. American. Don't get me confused.

I have below average height and still don't have enough space to sit in a bus made by chinks.
>acne so severe that I managed to avoid mandatory conscription with it
>25 and still have acne, despite seriously trying to cure it. At least I don't leave blood stains on anything I touch anymore.
>always had horrible social skills
At least I look ten years younger, r-right?


Bullshit, non-asian russians have the same average height as swedes or danes, i'm legit 185 cm and feel average or even short wherever the fuck i go, muscovites are all lanky bastards.


You don't have oxy pads in Russia? When I used to have acne problems, they'd always work.


Meds are not a problem, I just stopped using them. Normally I don't give a fuck about my appearance, but this thread reminded me that I am probably looking like a fantasy game goblin.

>Average Australian male height
>175.6 cm

I'm 185 cm, so yes

He was like 189cm (king of manlets)

Im 1,90. i love small girl.

So when are we going to show tape measures to Poland/Ukraine?

>179 cm
oilnigger tier in africa
oilsnownigger tier in europe

i am ethnically Irish and 180cm

i'm 1.75m but every korean looks taller than me.


Are you me?

Among ethnic Russians it certainly is.

Impossible for Serbs to be that short, I live beside them and they're on average 180-182, at least the men are.

Portuguese, Italian (southern)

183 cm

Above average yes

Italy, Spain, Germany, Turkey, France, Ireland and United Kingdom taller than Serbia?Factually impossible.

Side note, if you're gonna post height charts, then at least post a relevant source

I'm 180cm, but I could probably pass as an oversized dwarf from Lotr.

I am a man 173 cm, does not fit in some sofas and cramped in some cars and buses. Thank genes that I'm not high.

171 cm

You are always in Cred Forums
Don't you have a job?

155cm here.
everyone laughs at me
even the guy who works t the Chinese restaurant calls me 'pocket panda', and he always gives me free Beansprouts because 'He hopes next time I see him I have beensprouting a few inches'

fuck this shit man, I am 23 years old and a man.

I'm 186.
Average male height here is 170-172

Just gonna post this here

It's an office job so I mostly browse 4ch because I'm an unproductive depressed lazy piece of shit.

170cm. Two of my ex- are significantly taller than me. Still not giving enough fucks.


Enough to don't feel like a manlet (In Spain at least)

I'm a bit tall for here. 169 cm

OP's image is factually incorrect,I wonder who made it.

I am the average.

I'm even above the swedish average.

179 cm

Half of my ancestry is eastern asian so I'm not too banged up about my height, although most of my Dutch friends are above 180 cm.

A-are you a grill? o.o

>Among ethnic Russians it certainly is.
He does mean ethnic Russians as it's absolute majority, idiot. Why the flying fuck could he imply minorities when it's only 15%, moron? Jeez, are all bosniaks this dull or it's just /int?

Wtf Last time i went there most girls were 178+

15% out of 143.5 Million is a substantially large number, even more so given the fact that you're significantly taller than your Asiatic minorities.

Its average for all people, so including old people.
If you look at average height in my cunt for men between 18 and 35 it will probably be around 195cm
I always feel short around men with my 184cm 2bh

It's based on some bullshit like numeo or whatever. In reality the Dutch are still the tallest, but not 184cm, but more like 182cm, followed by Belgians, Estonians and Latvians (followed by Serbs/Montenegrins iirc). The ones you mentioned are all actually manlets in comparison.

t. 195cm

>Estonians and Latvians
Baltoslavs are manlets

Keeeek. This delusion. Binland get back in the bin. You should fit like a charm there little """man""" xDDD

>stocky short baltoslav thinking he isn't a manlet

PS. Don't tell the Swedes (they are gonna cry out loud), but Finnish people are on average taller than them, ranking 13th and 17th accordingly ;)

>the delusions of a binlet
Not even all that milk can fix you xD

At least Sarkozy wanted to fuck up Muslims

Finns have maintained their archaic Paleolithic Cro-Magnon genes, hence our greater height and fairer complexion. Estonians got buttfucked by Baltoslavs, hence their higher prevalence of stockier, short Slavic phenotypes.

Pfffahahahahaha xDDD

Typical buttblasted binposting in process.

dutch-swede masterrace

>tfw OP's image tricked me into thinking that my above average height isn't just a result of living in a country with so many mexicans
I don't know why I expected good news in my shitty life anyway.


Stay in denial Baltoslav

>Stay in denial
Binnish tears are so sweeeeeet. Fact: binshits have been manlets throughout history. It's actually a public amusement to go to the harbor and laugh at the binlets coming off the boozeferry xDDDD


23yo/184cm average Joe here, younger kids seem to be as tall as me on average now.

>Baltoslav meme maps

Historical measurement data spanning 100 years from all over the world and maps and shit...

Assblasted manlet.
Yeah, the average for ethnic Russians is definetely 180 cm.

75% Russian and 192


I'm 190cm and I would consider myself average.
Who the fuck are these 1.79m manlets?
I don't even know a single man who's under 183cm.



Butthurt manlet under 180 detected.

Yes, thanks to my Germanic grandfather

But i meant that i support your post you fucking angry guy.

Serbs Montenegrin and Bosnians are taller than your kind, at least for a centimeter or two.

nah ops pic is correct 195 cm is way above average

By your subjective impression perhaps, but if you refer to actual measured data you will find they are not.

You do realize that the carriers of the R1a haplogroup are mainly responsible for the introduction of the blonde gene in Europe?

Side note, Slavs also possess a certain amount of Neanderthal genes.

>spain taller than uk

mmmmh, I didn't notice any difference with men but I'm 1.87 but british women are by far taller than the spanish women so I asume that their men must be taller as well on average

know sarkozy wanted the french to fuck muslims and blacks to start a new race

Although I support your opinion, those maps are kinda shit.


185 cm Sardinian, we are getting taller

Those maps are THE shit unlike OPs meme map.

I'm 178cm, shorter than most women

Where's somewhere I can move to and be around my fellow dwarfs?

I feel like the guy who wrote all of this is a manlet himself

More like 5'11 1/2.

i'm 186cm and pretty satisfied with it

Is it even solid a bit above average in Finland?

>I'm 178cm, shorter than most women

I'm 175, I feel fine in Texas. IDK, I think there's a lot of short people here.

Above. 195 cm due to Dutch/Swedish heritage and milk.

Of course your fine with it. There are short mexicans everywhere.

>Dutch heritage
Don't post your face pls.

171 cm, your memes for manlets hold no power over me

Where do you live?Amazonville ?

That list is outdated and edited by who knows who.
There you will find links to the study and to the map/data I have posted ITT a couple of times.

What's it like getting bantered by foreigners IRL instead of online?

Are you trying to say Dutch people are ugly?

I'm 186 cm so very above the average, which is 162 cm. Always the tallest guy in the whole campus and shit during high school.
I'm mixed for being half Afro-American and having some Spanish heritage (Spanish grandmother) if that counts.

>Dutch heritage
Post your face pls.

No way am I posting face on Cred Forums

Do you have trouble finding clothes? I have trouble finding clothes that I like and fit in here so I imagine it must be hell over there.

These numbers are near identical with the ones on, one of the rare pages that regularly updates it's data.

An alternative that is updated regularly and for the record, the link I've posted earlier at least has traceable sources in it's reference section, unlike your link.

They are one of the most ugly people i've ever seen in my life, every second guy has a fucking punchable rat face. It's stragnge because belgians and germans are mostly beautiful people.

russia, romania, serbia, bulgaria, turkey, greece, italy have almost same average heights with south koreans

>traceable sources
It's all there. Maybe you missed it. Anyway, if you're really bent on some actual research data follow the studies at:

Yeah I have trouble finding pants at least. They tend to be really short for me.
I don't have much trouble finding tops though, but sometimes an XL would fit like a medium size for me. I'm average in my BMI if that matters.

Above, I'm 1,95m

Why do you care so much?

It's an interesting subject.

No it is not, the article's author only claims to have based it's information on 1500 researches, which haven't been listed.

You are unable to process information independently and be objective. Have a nice day!

Dealing in absolutes now?That's very "Soviet" of you.

I have reached the stage of acceptance, and i have convinced myself that i shouldn't breed
nor should i pass on my genes.

get yourself a nice eastern european trophy wife
you're all oil millionares in the UAE,right?


Can't you just get your parents to arrange a marriage like they're supposed to?

I don't want my kids to be midgets

i think so, average for 18-19 year old men is 178,5cm


Much below i'm a 162 cm dwarf, 99% of men and 95% of women are taller than me.

>tfw 173cm
Kill me

The problem with Sweden.
Is that there are more men who are 6ft+ than there are 5ft10.
But also more men who are 5ft8 than 5ft10.
There're like no guys the same height as me.
Everyone's either shorter or taller than me.

i am exactly 175 cm


178 is the average for 25-74 old men, and considering that the average height has grown 5 cm the past 30 years I'd wager the average height for 18-25 year olds is well over 180 by now.

1,90 cm here


LOL! I'm 184 and men that young are my height on avg.

Spain is correct
I am 172 and I am a manlet here

>average height 1.78

bullshit. I'm 1,80 and I was visibly taller than 95% of the guys there

Spaniards are lying manlets, they are closer to Portugal's which is 172 cm(kek that's below most of our women)



slightly above

>177 cm
Forever a manlet

I might be taller than the undocumented average height

Average height ≠ Median height