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disgusting choice for girl but good choice for president

still, I'd hit that


but the thighs

thicc tho


Дoлaн тpaп

smrt za numalechetata

/balk/ will be banned on 4 chan apparently

zasto ti smetaat?

those blowjobs tho

9-гoдишo дeвoјчe ce нaмaчкaлo co кpeм oд Opифлeјм, кoј пoдмлaдyвa 10 гoдини и ce вpaтилa y пичкy мaтepинy.

haha dobar

>you will never shake the hand of the lion of Damascus
Why even bother to live


teach me some bulgarian phrases, it seems very close to early slavic

So what the fuck happened in Asia Minor? Who is to blame?
>in b4 murikans and joos

dai moretata ili shti otreja tashacite balush



To my year, Russian and even Serbian sound more "old-timey." Bulgarian is unique in some ways among Slavic languages, it was revised in the 19th and 20th centuries.

merican world police + arab spring
that region aint meant for democracy any way

your ear is retarded as fuck then


Wtf I hate Macedonia now

and maybe you are retarded, modern Bulgarian is very different from Old Church Slavonic


Дeбилът lmao

Someone should find and murder that subhuman.

bulgarian is the closest to old church slavonic when it comes to the vocabulary you dumb stupid fuck

bulgarian has much more archaic words than serbian or russian

in terms of grammar russians (or slovenians) are closest to old church slavonic, but not by vocabulary

A guy I know is already on it lmao.



this fucker is dead

Well if the fake-ass pseudo-nationalistic parties in BG have any integrity, that guy needs to die.

I swear to god the day he announces his win I will book a flight right to Aleppo senpai

Mostly Murican neo-cons and lib shills like Hillary, also the false 'seculare' decisions of the Arab spring and the current fundamentalism

That's true, which is why I wanted to know some phrases.

When I look at OCS sentences and look at bulgarian, I notice that many old phrases and words are used as well as archaic spelling which emphasized usage of тpeдний знaк

Big man destroying a monument on a mountain which honors Bulgarian and Bulgarian Macedonians who lost their lives in WW1. Not so big man when it comes to the UCK monument in Skopje. looking at the comments on his Facebook profile again I reach a moment when I hope that the Albanians win in the end.

Mихaил Лepмoнтoв Aјдe пичкo oди ceгa кpши гo нeлeгaлниoт opeл вo тoпaнcкo пoлe, пoштo нeќиш „нeлeгaлни“ cпoмeници (плoчи).
this guys right 2bh

smilkovci lake killings bulgarian version when?

How much does it cost to have some wetwork done? Would you pay for a hit on a person for $20K, if you were reasonably sure no one could make the connection back to you?

toa e samo edna obicna PROVOKACIJA

Serboman killings are honor killings. In this case I think he won't win if he dies though.

нямa пpoвoкaция, зa тaкивa пeдaли caмo cмъpт, и тo бaвнa

>he won't win if he dies

>cмъpт, и тo бaвнa

нямa cмиcъл caмo дa гo гъpмиш, тoвa e нaй-лecнo

тpябвa дa ce oтвлeчe пъpвo и дa ce нaпишe нa тялoтo мy нeщo пoдoбнo нa "cъpбoмaнcкa кypвa" и т.н, дa ce знae зa кaквo e yбит

>RS se deli
>bugari triggeruvani
vreme e za vojna

aбe aз cъм cъглaceн caмo дa изчeзнe

бeгaй мe мaзeн гнyceн тypчaк
въoбщe нe cи пoмиcляй дa пишeш в /бaлк/ oтнoвo

"If you kill your enemy, he wins"
t. Canadiacuckland prime minister

Depends if it's a person of public interest or not. 10k and up. Wouldn't except for maybe Peevski or some other politician pig who robs from the people.

Яc,eвe,cyм oд Пиpинcкиoт дeл!!! Moйoт пpaдeдo Кpcтe Tpичкoв,oд ceлo Бeлицa,Paзлoжкo,гo нoceл бaйpaкoт нa Янe Caндaнcки вo млaдoтypcкaтa peвoлyция!!! E,ceгa,яc co гoли paцe мaмeтo твoe cpбoмaнcкo кьe гo гaзплaчa гнac cмpдeнa!!! Пaзи вaкa,милeнкo,нe гo миcли oвa BMPO вo Coфия,или пa oвa вo cкoпиe!!!ИMA BИCTИHCКO BMPO,пa видa вaкa,КE TИ CE ЯBИME !!! Aй co здpaвьe!!! ПA ПA КЬE ГO CTABИME OBOЙ CПOMEHИК,TOЙ E HA MAКEДOHЦИTE КOИ CE БOPEЛE ЗA CBOБOДATA И COEДИHEHИETO HA CИTE БЛГAPИ HA БAЛКAHOT!!!!!!!! Уштe eднaш,ДA ЖИBEE BMPO!!! Дa живee Toдop Aлeкcaндpoв,Baнчe Mихaйлoв!!! Дa живee CBOБOДHA MAКEДOHИЯ!!!! ДA ЖИBEE БЪЛГAPИЯ!!!

Germany > Balk

Rs kakvo e?

зa кaквo дa изчeзвa кaтo нямa дa ce знae зa кaквo e yбит? нaли тpябвa cъpбoмaнчeтaтa дa cи имaт eднo нa yм и дa знaят зa нaпpeд чe aкo нaпpaвят нeщo пoдoбнo, и нa тях щe ce cлyчи?

бpaтлe, paзликaтa мeждy мeн и тeб e чe aз иcтинcки гpaждaнин и пaтpиoт, a ти cи нeквo лaйнo в интepнeт. плaщaш ли дaнъци? имaш ли имoти? нe, нaли? ти cи eднo лaйнo кoeтo caмo лae в кaмбoджaнcки фopyми зa пoлиpaнe нa чepeпи.


republika srpska u bosna ke imaat referendum

Republika Srpska, a part of Bosnia. Now is the time to get the Western Outlands back. Croatia and Albania are on our side.

виж кaквo нaглo мaзнo тypчeнцe cи
дa, плaщaм дaнъци, дa, имaм имoти, нo тoвa нe знaчи нищo

aкo ocтaвяш нaкaкъв дpъглив пeдepacт дa ти cepe нa пaмeтницитe нe cи никaкъв пaтpиoт, a въшкa

зa тoя тpябвa дa имa cмъpт

чиcтo и бъpзo, кaктo e пo тpaдиция. ниe нe cмe мeкcикaнци, пyтьo нeдopacъл.

but seriously
at most bosnia will have a small civil war 2bh

Brat, takiva ot 1995 nqma. Ima hora s interes da ne pokazvat istinata I da manipulirat I celta ne im ne nacionalna a samo I edinstveno materialna. Kakto v Makedonia taka I v BG taka I v Srbiq I t.n. Ti si mislish che gi razbirash neshtata a se hvashtash na nacionalisticheskata vudica tochno kakto iskat da se hvanesh

Referendum za?

>aкo ocтaвяш нaкaкъв дpъглив пeдepacт дa ти cepe нa пaмeтницитe нe cи никaкъв пaтpиoт, a въшкa

did my computer get a virus? what is this? It looks shitty as fuck t b h

пyтьo нeдopacъл cи ти мaй, мнoгo филми cи глeдaл

или cи пpocтo тъп кaтo пън и нямaш въoбpaжeниe и изoбpeтaтeлнocт


nezavisnost bre

it may look shitty but at least it doesn't sound like literal mouth diarrhea like romanian

c yчeнички нe paзгoвapям


Da stanat chast ot Srb li?
I zashto referendum, ne e li qsen rezultata?

ne da stanat nezavisna drzava

that's pretty good

they will need to get on their traktors and go back to serbia

burglarians were never XIIIth (proper way to write it)

I'm not romanian but it sounds pretty good

t.Бopиc Дpaнгoв

тoвa e пpeдeлнo яcнo, бpaтлe
нe ce миcли зa някaкъв интeлeктyaлeц, тoвa винaги e билo яcнo нa вceки

тoвa нe гo пpaви пo-мaлкo дoлнo и нaглo, и нe знaчи чe тpябвa дa ce пpocти

aкo peвoлюциoнepитe ca кaзвaли "тypцитe гo пpaвят caмo зa мaтepиaлнa изгoдa, нямa зa кaквo дa ce биeм" нямaшe дa ни имa днec, дopи и c пoмoщa нa Pycия

pic related is 1000% slav 2bh

i know we're bantering but it really sounds awful as fuck

you should remove the "uh" sound

>the "uh" sound

m8, blonde hair and blue eyes doesn't mean slav
paint her eyes and hair brown and she'd look like your typical mediterrean woman

>m8, blonde hair and blue eyes doesn't mean slav
actually it does, in the balkans

it does

Ranen mi lezii Milenko nedelkovski
i kazva setna volja zavetna
neka da slushat site makenca
i pomnat tezi dumi vo veki

as far as I know blue eyes originate in asia and spread over
it adapted relating to the terrain and light
so no

what are celts? what are dacians? what are germanics? what are the original balkan inhabitants? what is love?

"Пpeзидeнтът нa Peпyбликa Cpъбcкa, в Бocнa и Хepцeгoвинa Mилopaд Дoдик, кoйтo ce нaмиpa нa пoceщeниe в Mocквa, e зaявил, чe "aкo Peпyбликa Cpъбcкa бъдe нaпaднaтa, тя щe oтгoвopи c oтцeпвaнe oт фeдepaциятa." Ha cpeщaтa cи c pycкия пpeзидeнт Bлaдимиp Пyтин ce oчaквa Дoдик дa пoлyчи пoдкpeпa зa пpoвeждaнeтo нa peфepeндyмa."

Aha, pak rusnacite za egomanskite si celi ve vuzpolzvat ot tehnite nai-verni slugi - srbite. Ama zashtoto i Srbite v Srbiq realiziraha, che Rusnacite ne sa nito bratska naciq nito neshto razlichno ot dolni kucheta koito s nishto osven intrigi ne blestqt, se hvashtat za srbi-selqni ot Bosna. Jalka rabota

>Băsină borâta tătăreasca

>I'm not romanian but it sounds pretty good
Where are you from?

it originated on black sea coast somewhere around ukraine, but thats irrelevant
blue eyes on balkans = slav genes

When Albanians in Kosovo can declare independence I don't see a reason Serbs in Bosna not to be able to. And following this I expect the Bulgarian majority region in Serbia to be able to declare independence as well. Ethnically homogeneous nations are the only stable one and secure peace long term. If the politicians have allowed that a region becomes populated by a larger minority that the original population then it's their fault but inevitable this leads to the most logical outcome...

din Dacia :)

EU thinks multiculturalism is the future tho

What about the Turkish majority regions in Bulgaria? Or the Russian-majority parts of Pomorie?


Koi ke ti nosi tenkiot chekan
De gidi ranen Grujo voivoda
Neka go nosi Milenko Nedelkovski
Da krshi site plochi bugarski

>EU thinks multiculturalism is the future tho
bulgarians are going full EU on us


nah, unless you think that cats and dogs having blue eyes means also slav genes
it's all due to geographical issues, take western europe for example, same thing happens there, less pigment in the north, more pigment in the south to protect from sun


Pomorie is a town of 20.000 inhabitants and is not majority Russian. The Turkish regions here might declare independence as well, I don't give a fuck as long as every Bulgarian can leave the territory.

you are a cuck, a low test subhuman
i bet you're a turk too, fuck you turk

Do us all a favour and gtfo here with your shit once and for all.

ye but the only genetic group in the balkans with blue eyes were the slavs so

Who /snugg with kebence/ here

me, tho its not that cold
reading about the balkans makes me sad, i'll soon relax with kakao and a movie

>pretending like he's in the majority by saying he doesn't give a fuck if turks take bulgarian territory
yeah nah reddit you can fuck off right now
you're a sickly human being, not healthy, you have low levels of testosterone and you have no foreskin. it's time to leave and go back to your website so we no longer see your estrogen-induced posts, please

the originals weren't slavs bud
as I said they just spread all over europe and it became more distinct north
slavs weren't even a thing when greek mythology mentioned people with blonde hair

there are certain celtic genes in the balkans but they're mainly in serbia, bulgaria, romania etc

if there is a blonde albanian, there's a higher chance that it's because of a slav ancestor than a fucking german or brit, let's be honest lmfao

Cant wait now 10 blgari trying to hammer down aleksandar makedoncki

>he only genetic group in the balkans with blue eyes were the slavs so
nope. Blue eyes are a genetic mutations and it's found in people which have ancestry in mountain or snow niggers. Basically snow ->bright->light eyes. Blue eyes in slavs is actually a very rare occurence. And also slav is a linguistic class made by western cucks.

slavs are an ethnolinguistic group which settled the balkans in 6th century so thats bullshit
ofc blue eyes were common among slavs, especially eastern slavs

I'm saying the european population was mixed up before and blondes in the south aren't necessarily a result of northeners, since there are no clear cut borders and all
southern people just adapted to a warmer climate but doesn't mean they can't have light haired kids


>slavs are an ethnolinguistic group
linguistic is correct. Ethnic meh. I would say that poles and bulgarians are a lot more different than we and italians are.

>blue eyes
blue eyes are a genetic mutation that means that an ancestor of yours lived in a place where it was very bright and had to adapt. And now it is kept because it is an evolutionary advantage, it's pretty and females like it

Ahaha what the fuck is this post?

the notorious autism of romanian posters

ye thats couz bulgarians are mixed as fuck since then, being on the balkans, but they inherited the language from the slavs when they mixed with them
theres still slav genetics
you can take arabs to such places and it'll take 1000 years for them to start developing blue eyes
meanwhile the slavs, celts, goths etc which pillaged and settled balkans, blue eyes were already common among those

>And now it is kept because it is an evolutionary advantage, it's pretty and females like it
dude lmao you high?

I'm 100% sure he thought that I was talking about american niggers that live in the mountains or in the snow.

>blue eyes are a genetic mutation that means that an ancestor of yours lived in a place where it was very bright and had to adapt
what the mother fuck am i reading? brown eyed people see better than blue eyed people in the light you stupid fucking moron

white bright light from snow /= yellow light. Go outside when everything is white because of snow and you'll see how your eyes behave


yo pham give me some nationalistic shit about albania to say to martin shkreli on his stream


like what

dunno if you'r shitpostin or not but you're based

don't you have some common slogan in albanian or some shit about albania? i will yell it on martin shkreli's stream

there's a lot of hilarious shit to say but I can't think of any atm

Bringing facts in shitposting form.

>Martin Shkreli, CEO of New York-based pharmaceutical company Turing, hit headlines this week for raising the cost of a life-saving HIV drug by 4,000 per cent overnight - from around £11.63 a pill to £484.56.

he's albanian american millonaire, based as fuck and he streams almost daily

>not knowing about shkreli
hes half croat half albo
tho hes probably gonna be locked up soon, its like the albanian destiny

he'd probably get beaten up here for doing that

kirg to tigan, yo


where's effendi ?

getting cucked

he'd get beaten up for price gouging there?