The American Empire

We're should we locate our new capital?

I would say the Yucatan penensular or Panama canal would be a good location

Our great Empjre will rival any empire in Africa or Eurasia

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We should place it in the Andes. Made a futuristic city on top of it.


Largest city should be capital

Oldest capital city should be the capital.

Panama, maybe. Seems central and irrelevant enough.

but thats in brazil, sao paulo.
then that would be in santo domingo, domincan republic

Keep it in Canada or the US because there is nowhere in South or Central America with the level of infrastructure required to run an American Empire

>panama canal

you wanna make it so there's a minimal thread of immediate attack user

i'm thinking caracas, managua or montevideo

Down here in los Andes

>The city was originally built on an island of Lake Texcoco by the Aztecs in 1325

Damn you, sheep shagger

This; somewhere that's somewhat central in location. Montevideo is far, but it's probably the closest thing to a first world city in South America.

My vote is to build a brand new capital at the Easter Island

In all fairness Americans already consider everything south of the border Mexicoand half their country is de facto ours, so really an American empire is just gretaer Mexico for practical purposes.


I would also recomend Renca

Michigan reminds me of ancient Rome

Yucatan is a good location for a land border, but it's still fairly exposed.
The place below it is has a good water border but the land border isn't so good.

The top part of South America looks like a good spot

Somewhere on the northern Mississippi would be a good spot because it's inland and there's a long distance to protect it on the river (it reminds me of the Starwars trench run though haha).

Every damn ship from Europe going to Japan &viceverse has to go through there or go around South America.

Fuck Jimmy Carter mang.


Oh, and Jimmy Carter basically gave away the canal -- which the US had to takeover in order to finish construction -- btw (incase you didn't know)


hide it in greenland

It's too near the eternal european. It would be easier to mount an invasion in our capital.


Caracas would be nice

If trump win it should be quebec because we got a wall and its pretty nice spot to get drunk
