Why is Chile better than any other cunt in South America?

Why is Chile better than any other cunt in South America?
Is natural resource industry the main reason?

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Better in what? Muh HDI?

It's because they're mainly white and racist as fuck. That combined with right wing policies = a decent country. There's a reason why some nazis moved there

All areas except for São paulo and Buenos aires are shittt.

>mainly white


probably, natural resources + free market economy, we used to have low taxes too but bachelel fucked that up.
we're hardly white, whites make up about 50-60% of the population, and that's counting arabs which are a considerable amount of the population.

50% are spanish descend .... did you visit chile?

arabs which are a considerable amount of the population
I thought Chile was muslim free.

>whites make up about 50-60% of the population

I wonder what is 'white" to you.

I like your flag, Chile. It's like a little america junior

yo he visitado chile subnormal, y la mitad de la población son españoles.

antes de que digas nada,soy español por cierto.

Sudaca, please.

But it's not user. That clearly goes to Argentina.

All of South America is a shithole. Why do you think I'm still in Brazil? If one of these countries would be a bit decent I'm already would go to there.

You are not funny British. Get out of t

Si solo medio pais es blanco el pais no es blanco, lumbreras. Y no es como si los españoles fueran ejemplo de raza aria tampoco, a saber cuantos de esos seran literalmente moros.


ya lo se pero no es lo mismo que congolombia o bolivia donde el 90 % poblaciones son mezcla o indios , tu ya me entiendes

Arab is not synonym of Muslim.

Chilean Arabs are christian. Most of them were originally orthodox from Syria/Palestine who escaped during the times of the Ottoman empire.

Chile is the best because they have a right wing government thanks to the USA. They're also a pretty homogeneous country with relatively few natives.

Pic related

>They're also a pretty homogeneous country with relatively few natives

T.Sudaca in Spain.

Nazis moved to Argentina and Argentina are bad with economy.

are you bastard?

>El profesor mexicano Francisco Lizcano, de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), calculó que el 52,7 % de los chilenos sería «criollo», el 39,3 %, mestizo; y el 8 %, indígena.5
Una estimación publicada por el Journal of Medical Genetics (1994) dispuso que étnicamente la población chilena sería 64 % blanca y 35 % amerindia con vestigios de otra mezcla.6
El profesor español Joaquín Bosque Maurel concluyó una notable mayoría «criolla»,7 citando el estudio Las migraciones en Ibero América (1992),8 del catedrático español Eugenio García Zarza.
El antropólogo y profesor español Claudio Esteva Fabregat, de la Universidad de Barcelona, consideró en 1981 que culturalmente en el norte de Chile predomina un mestizaje equilibrado y que en el resto del país el mestizaje es abrumadoramente hispánico.9
De acuerdo a estudios de opinión, los propios chilenos se ven a sí mismos como mayoritariamente blancos:

En la encuesta Latinobarómetro de 2007, el 53 % declaró que era blanco y el 33 %, mestizo.10 En 2011 se volvió a consultar a los chilenos «¿a qué raza se considera perteneciente usted?», el 59 % dijo ser blanco; el 30 %, mestizo; y el 6 %, indígena.11


L'argentine n'est qu'une nation amerindienne...presque 98% de la population du pays est noire ou native brune.

Is there another São Paulo in South America that isn't that shithole I know in Brazil?

Chile is just as shit.

being better among a massive pile of shit isn't a great achievement

Post pics from Chilean army, I want to comprove you "whiteness".

>Chile is just as shit.
really? chile is first world country.you stupid monkey, check HDI


try Uruguay

A country that can't resist to meme earthquakes.

not all, but 50-60% is spanish descend

don't you have algerian dicks to suck?

Post better quality pics.

HDI isn't what deems a country as first world you retarded mexican

>HDI isn't what deems a country as first world you retarded mexican
hahaha okok monkey if you want to believe that

all the things they got is because they stole them

Because WE WUZ PRUSSIAN IN DA SHIT meme. I suppose


you are the worst son mexico, and chile is the best son.




because they nationalized the copper industry but at the same time liberalized the economy ,becoming an entrepeneural state in a global economy gives good results

is that sing legit? chileans are notorious for picking pockets here

man this sure is a strange Texas thread


I like Argentina more because not as obese as Chile, also much more good looking women. Stronger culture, too.

10% of actual whites

Chile is 50% european and 50% indian according to some genetic admixture test. The poor are more indian and the rich are more european. They had a relatively big native population and being in the Pacific meant that they didn't get many immigrants in the 20th century like the Atlantic nations so it's safe to say that Chile is a mestizo nation.

Chile is very homogeneous but not really white, I mean, If you believe >Argentina >white, then much less Chile.

Strong institutions and a clear macroeconomic plan for decades.

nope, Chile is less white than Colombia, Venezuela or Paraguay.


buenos dias ceron
com o andan las pesas de piedra?

¿quién es cerón?

hace tiempo no entro a /lat/

why does every spaniard on Cred Forums has terrible english? is spanish education that bad?

>thread immediately derailed into YOURE NOT WHITE/YES WERE WHITE

Cred Forumstards have infested every corner of this website

Most big cities in the South are better than São Paulo.
Curitiba is ranked the best city in Brazil for example.

Literally early fascism
Makes you ponder

Ah yes the lovely parisian Buenos Aires, you can smell the Tango in here

Brown reggaeton shithole

That doesn't count
those are Bolivian immigrants

It counts when there are more bolivians than europeans on Buenos aires like nowadays

The paris of south america

>Curitiba and Porto alegre among the most dangerous cities in the world
The south is safe I swear

They dub everything, even fucking porn.

Mostly the scum goes to the army because they couldn't study for shit

Why are congolombians so butthurt about chile?

The vast majority of murders are related to drugs, I think it's 77%. I personally never got robbed or murdered and I don't live in an enclosed community.

>has english

Shut the fuck up, retard.

Maybe because you treat them like shit?

Last time i was there, I got murdered 3 times.

T. Mehmet Ozgurk

I only spoke the truth when I talk about their monkey-tier immigrants
They can't even hold a candle to immigrants from Haiti

cus chileans be racis an shiet trynna keep hard working colombians down n shiet

Why are chileans so right wing, bros?

Only the 28 year old dude tho. We actually don't even think about chile

Good and relevant banter newfag

Overrated shithole with literally 0 culture

Its a good comunity for me


lol, Europeans treat Gypsies like shit. some Chileans here are just butthurt obese indios pretending they can pick on "niggers", when the truth is that most Colombians in Chile are either students or professionals (most student visas in Chile are taken by Colombians, and most professional jobs are taken by Colombians than any other nationality).

Chile is probably the most overrated country on Cred Forums.
People just fell for the memes.

Good and cute neighbors/10 :3
I wish we had more Chiles instead of fucking Bolivia, Paraguay and Peru

I'm sensing jealously in this thread

It doesn't matter if they're mestizo or white, actually the fact that a mestizo country can become an economically successful country is a big hope for the mestizo latinamerica (most of it)

Biologically they're as white as Mexicans

"Despite that extra-official sources estimate the modern white population of Mexico to be only 9-16%, in genetic studies Mexico consistently shows a European admixture comparable to countries that report white populations of 52% - 77% (in the case of Chile and Costa Rica, who average 51%[28] & 60%[29] European admixture respectively, while studies in the general Mexican population have found European ancestry ranging from 56%[30] going to 60%,[31] 64%[32] and up to 78%[33])."


Chile is the scandinavia of SA, it's literally a paradise in the corner of hell

It's the third best country on south hemisphere

Italians,french,spaniards, etc are latinos too

I mean you can post an image with a projector or you can read all the colombian posts in this thread

Being a vassal state doesn't make you economically successful, it's just a playground for foreign business and their only relevant national enterprise is state-owned mining.
It's just a banana republic with no weight of its own.

>Brazil in charge of deciding who's a banana republic and who's not

meme country

we can do better but... mah corruption ein sheeeit

Chile's crowning achievement:
A big, empty building built by a German billionaire.

when was that this thread has become so Cred Forums?

Their murder rate is better than Finland and Estonia, nigga. Meanwhile, we have the highest in the world.

looks good to me

Love you, animentina

> we have the highest in the world
No you don't, Venezuela does. Though I think you win at murders overall right?

Sure, relatively low crime rate is the only thing they can be proud of.

Estonia is a violent shithole.

I agree, here's the thing however, that many, including many Chilean themselves, credit the Pinochet coup/dictatorship with with Chile's relative success is a retarded, dangerous precedent.

Chile is in no real position to become a model for other Latin American reasons given this as well as some rather unique circumstances that are hardly repeated elsewhere, eg it is one of the most sparsely populated countries in the region which makes it relatively resource rich yet at the same time it is at a population range that allows it to become significant, compare to Central American countries.

Why is Cred Forums so obsessed with Chile lately?

Other countries on this continent have thrown a lot of shit at us and they definitely bit the bait. Although it is true that most countries underestimate us mainly due to ignorance about our current situation there are still some people like me who won't get triggered anymore by that. You're completely right, most colombians ITT are butthurt towards Chile

You sound so butthurt for some reason

>there are still some people like me who won't get triggered anymore by that. You're completely right

Except that you could hardly sound more triggered.

Colombians are buthurt towards everybody bro...

Brazil has by far the most complex economy in South America.
Chile is more bananafied than Colombia, Uruguay and Argentina.
One misstep in the Chinese copper market and Chile will be tumbling down.

It's inevitable in SA threads, everyone thinks they know exactly how to make countries succesful.
I blame Tropico, that videogame has no business being that good.

Dude every time I see someone starts posting BS about us out of the blue I stay on the sidelines and ignore it, meanwhile other colombians react badly and start arguing and end up getting nowhere with their arguments

Exporting raw goods doesn't make you a banana republic, if that was true then Norway and Australia should be considered banana republics, corruption and populist governments does.

I'm simply stating facts, I can state facts about other countries too if I bother to do some research about it.
Chile simply interested me since they seem to be doing well, but they have some serious problems.

don't worry about it, it's just ceron being a fucking loser as always, hopefully he gets banned one day and stops giving you guys a bad rep.

Cred Forums is the largest board right now, Cred Forums loves free market + fascism -> Cred Forums discovers SA is not the jungle they tgought it was -> Cred Forums loves chile -> Cred Forums loves chile

In our case it goes way before that tho

Their government is left wing.

>people that heard that someone was robbed in ther neighborhood
I'm sure this is very accurate lol

it's about people that was victim of a crime, or knows about someone who was victim. it's more accurate than crime reports, which have a lot of underreporting.

Banana republic means a country which is "largely dependent on exporting a limited-resource product".

Also it's funny that you mentioned Australia.

>On 14 May 1986 then Australian Treasurer Paul Keating stated that Australia might become a banana republic.

Their economy complexity is just above Chile.

fun fact: when I first started frequenting this board I was probably just as obnoxious as them but I guess you get to a point where you simply don't give a damn anymore hehe

I'm sure it is, we all know how safe el salvador and honduras are after all

>tfw we're not allowed to put more nothingpesonnel mines on our borders
>tfw we're not allowed to put submarine mines on our coastal borders to avoid illegal fishermen and illegal boats full of niggers from Colombia or Haiti


So... you consider Brazilian economy better than Australian because your exports are more diversified? You sound like a kirchnerist and their industrial populism...

we're a fucking hallway how do we not have a wall yet

do colombians arrive in boats? I thought they travelled overland through Ecuador and Peru

Brazil's economy is sturdier, yes.
Australia exports a little bit more than Brazil and has a much lower population so they are obviously better by capita though.

Some illegals travel to Peru and take a small boat there that leaves them on the desert past the border.
Also some idiots think it's a funny idea to leave them close to the mine fields.

well, it's not a bad idea considering they're illegals. Isn't it the purpose of those mines?

all we know about these countries is the homicide rates.

obvio que no.

The purpose of the mines was to keep Peruvians and Bolivians away in general... Still, OCDE and UN want us to remove the mines but not even the army know how many of them or where are all of the minefields so we just expect them to die naturally or go boom on animals or illegals... or stupid tourists.

they're leftover mines from the pacific war and also from the pinochet government.

Not really, it's just better economic policy.

no one cares what you like more

I do.

It's only a shithole if you are poor.

and who the fuck are you? no one

Calm down compare

Colombia at least has good cumbia
We improved it though

I'm your wife's bull.

We basically improve anything that comes to Chile

>tfw chinks keep taking all the fish and destroying the ocean floor with their trawling nets
>tfw the Navy is too pussy to shoot them

Chile, Argentina & Brasil are the best cunts in SA.
The rest are shit jelly violent drug addicts llama-ridders mountain niggers.
you're right. we made it bettter.

Uruguay is ok too, it's just that nothing happens there

fight me cunt

I like it when they get so rude

You like it rude don't you little bitch?

>rejection of Mercosur.
>relative economic conservatism.
>militaristic, but not overly aggressive.

Chile gives me hope for Latinos.

>too much neo-liberalism

Just wait for another Chinese slowdown and you'll see how great it is.

I wished we had stricter immigration politics..

Or any politics at all
Everyone gets in and nobody gets held responsible for them

Just shoot'em.


>all these nationalists chimping out in the comments


It's funny how the "nationalists" are the same ones who self-hate.

more like latinos with their mejorar la raza and blanqueamiento circlejerk

quite sad how obsessed they are with race, i see it more than any other continent

It's an insecurity that Spaniards passed onto us. But I think East-Asians are worse. At least you still don't see skin-bleaching here.

That's because you guys can't say shit abouy races since it's SO RUDE

>talking about other countries being obsessed with race

Brasil exports mostly commodities the same as other South American nations, it's the reason the slow down in China has affected you the same as your neighbours. I'd suggest you read on the economic conditions in Central America and the exploitation model that gave rise to the term "Banana republic" before making broad generalizations based on that.

yeah us latinos and our obsession with race haha, we have a lot to learn from you USA, you handle racial tension like a pro!

You fucking idiot

it started out right wing and laid the foundation for their economy all that matters maybe not in the long term tho.

we're the melting pot familia

no tension here :-)

The reason may be that unlike other regions most people in Latin America do hold some degree of European ancestry and internalize European racism in a different way, you can't very well embrace your Amerindian roots when you're obviously different (and not necessarily accepted by Amerindians as an equal) nor can you fully deny your European roots when your culture is for the larger part Iberian, can you?

We've all found different ways to deal with our identities (eg Mexican cultural mestizaje) but we'll always be stuck with people in the fringes who don't quite feel like they fit anywhere.

don't know why people keep bringing up muh culture

lol but that is a huge deal how do you underplay that.

Yes, I guess BLM is a liberal media conspiracy

that cute little text face he made was him showin he was being cheeky pablo

I thought the fact that it's literally the only south american country that practiced fascism is what led to the sparse population in the first place.

it sounds like this dangerous percentage you're talking about is actually the percentage that's the most intelligent, as well as being the percentage that realizes that the current government is a fucking blight on the country.

That's the last resource of denial

only followed by 'if you are a billionaire you will be fine in here, ergo things are nice in this country'

Most South American countries endured right wing dictators at one point or another of their history. Anyway that part of history is fortunately over, anyone trying those shenanigans now would only be regionally/globally isolated and watch its economy plunge to shit. Chile is changing whether its conservatives acknowledge this or not.

>The guy who literally sells the country to the jewish multinational companies

Wasn't so bad.

That's so cringey even I feel embarrased

They killed commies by thousands here and after the military govt was over, the survivors got into politics. Then when they got the presidency, shit went downhill and it is what it is today here.

Imagine how it would be if the miliary govt was never put in place. It was a necessary evil, either that or become another Cuba.

> mejorar la raza

too much soap operas, no one cares about that.

>sparse population

wat. Half of the population lives in Santiago. Regarding population density, South America has relatively low density on general terms.

Because we own the Moon

Fascism isn't inherently anti-jewish. You're thinking of national socialism desu

los pobres nunca seran blancos
